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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. Exactly. In that scenario I'd stay at 4 then and take Tkachuk.
  2. Here's the link for anyone interested. https://www.dol.gov/whd/overtime/final2016/
  3. Reading up on the updates to the FLSA that are coming up in December. Looks like it's gonna help a ton of low wage managers get paid for overtime, get their salaries increased above the new higher exemption threshold, or get the amount of overtime they work reduced with no reduction in pay. Great win for workers. I figured we would need somebody like Bernie in office to get this accomplished. Kudos to Obama.
  4. Go Sharks. Pittsburgh.
  5. I'll answer for Liger until he answers for himself but I favor the Kenyan library. Then again I'm probably just partisan though because I also think Obama should grow an afro out and leave a pick in it just to see all the tea party people lose their mind. I'd have to dvr Fox News while I'm away at work just so I wouldn't miss any of the hilarity.
  6. Well, in a race so close that a completely random event like a coin toss could determine it, it should be something minor and that was just two random minor things that popped into my head. If it takes a major change in stance or significant legislation to tip the scales, then it's not really a coin toss to begin with. Should I change solar panels to some other non-sense like HB-2 and change the color of his tie to something else ridiculous like putting his Presidential library in Hawaii (or Kenya) instead of Chicago?
  7. I think Bush Sr will be viewed much better and W will be viewed worse.
  8. We just see it differently. You think my opinion on the matter smacks of partisanship and I don't because it has nothing to do with the Republican party or any other person but him (like I said earlier, everyone else would have gotten up but he froze). I think the people who went on tv and defended his inaction by saying nonsense like he was right to stay put in order to not scare the children is what reeks of partisanship. There's plenty of partisan reasons to hate him such as his tax policy, the Iraq war, how he cowers to the god of Saudi Oil, and how he dealt with Katrina but I don't consider my reaction to his inaction on that day partisan whatsoever. In the end I guess it doesn't matter though. Neither of us will change the opinions of the other but I enjoy the banter and find it interesting to see what others find important. You are the one who called it a coin toss between who was worse. So how is it a straw man to think a coin toss could mean that any minor thing could then tilt the scales?
  9. No, Eleven,apparently it's a toss up. All Obama has to do is wear the wrong color tie or put solar panels on the Whitehouse or something like that and he'll be on par with a man who thinks reading to school kids is just as important as defending the nation during a deadly attack.
  10. Facts are facts. We live in a nuclear age and he sat there pissing himself for 7 minutes. To equate that with Obamacare, bailing out the auto industry, or whatever reasons you dislike Obama is making a mountain out of a mole hill, plain and simple. Reagan would have gotten up immediately, Nixon would have gotten up immediately, Ford would have gotten up immediately, and Bush Sr. would have gotten up immediately. W froze and put lives in jeopardy. 7 minutes in this day and age inexcusable. The fallout afterwards with taking us to war with Iraq and the slight of hand with trying to tie Saddam Hussein in with 9/11 is the part that gets politicized to death but there is no excuse for what he did that day. To highlight the biggest blunder in recent times isn't politicizing anything. It's criticizing one person (not his ideology or political party) for a colossal up and putting the blame squarely where it lies, on him.
  11. Equally disastrous is stretching it big time and you know it. Dropping the ball pre 9/11 while 3,000+ lives were lost and then sitting there for 7 minutes while his piss dried while using the excuse that you can't tell school kids sorry but the President has pressing matters to attend to is inexcusable. Any other President (Republican or Democrat) would have gotten the ###### up and went to work. There's no way anything Obama has done even comes close to dropping the ball as bad a W did on that day or the time preceding it.
  12. Nashville kept nickel and diming Shea Weber until he signed the offer sheet from Philly. They matched it and that was that. The last big FA defenseman to actually move was Sutter I believe.
  13. Griffin Reinhart can develop in the AHL and take Gorges place (which would eventually be 3rd pairing within 2 seasons if we can land a guy like Fowler or Goligoski and McCabe develops) once he comes off the books.
  14. Agreed. I think if we did a trade like that we pick for value at 4 and that's likely a forward. The good thing though is we also manage to swap a RHD with a big contract for a LHD who makes peanuts. Plus we still have the ammo to trade for a LHD like Fowler or whomever along with extra cap space if we need to overpay for someone in FA like Goligoski.
  15. I'm not nearly as anti-Bogosian as many here but I like the general idea of 8 + Bogosian for 4 + Reinhart or one of Edmonton's other young LHD guys. It allows us to fill a need from a position of strength and gives Murray the chance of pick of the litter outside of the big 3. We'd still need a true top defender to pair with Ristolainen but our defense would be more balanced, our forward ranks would improve significantly once Tkachuk or whomever we draft at 4 makes the jump to the NHL (likely just an extra year) and we'd have some extra cap space to go after a top pairing LHD.
  16. I like open primaries. When I went to vote in my primary (NC) they told me that since I was registered as unaffiliated/independent that I got to choose whether I wanted a Republican Primary ballot or a Democratic one. I opted for the Democratic one but I definitely like having the option to choose.
  17. No, I want her to stay her centrist chicken hawk self and throw the base a bone by picking a VP that's an actual liberal. If the election boils down to turnout then centrist Hillary with centrist running mate will not maximize turnout on the left regardless of the chicken hawk running on the other side.
  18. I hope she sees this. I despise chicken hawks and she's no different from everyone on the right who ran for President that wants to ramp up the war machine as long as someone else is doing the fighting (Lindsay Graham being the lone exception). I think we need to get the hell out of the middle east and break our dependence on fossil fuels. You can't fight Assad without helping ISIS. You can't fight ISIS without helping Assad. Helping the Kurds in Northern Iraq pisses off Turkey. Helping Turkey pisses off the Kurds. It's a giant cluster out there so it's a complete waste of time, money, and lives to try to sort out the mess and install a puppet government that will just crumble within a month of us leaving. that . And that's what I think a bunch of the Sanders supporters will do if Hillary doesn't throw them a bone. It probably won't be a majority of Democrats by any stretch but it may be just enough of them/us to cost her the White House. She better tread carefully.
  19. Based on what? You really think all those college kids and young lefties are going to be motivated to show up for Hillary just because Trump is the alternative? I don't. There's a reason the majority of young people don't show up to the polls and only seem to do so when a candidate (Bill Clinton, Obama are two examples) actually appeals to them. I'm not exactly young (35) and my college days are behind me but Hillary still has to earn my vote. If she picks a chicken hawk centrist like herself that just happens to be from Ohio or Florida or whichever battleground purple state is determined to be the most important I very well may vote 3rd party or stay home. Based on her likability ratings she shouldn't have the gall to assume anyone is with her by default.
  20. Winning over Independents will be a zero sum game at best if she can't compel progressives to show up and vote for her. Hillary is already a centrist chicken hawk. If she picks another one to run with her she'll lose more support from the left than she stands to gain from the center.
  21. It's crazy how the joke that was/is Donald Trump has a legitimate shot at the White House. Hillary better not just brush this off and she really needs to throw the left a bone if she wants them to show up to the polls in November. I know she's supposed to pick someone from a battleground state and all that but if she picks a fellow centrist chicken hawk type she is going to lose a good portion of her base. I think she should tab Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders for the VP job or somebody else with legitimate left leanings.
  22. Not yet because we still have to allow old ladies to marry their cats to make the slippery slope argument viable about gay marriage first.
  23. There's nothing wrong with asking for it though if the number is not officially retired.
  24. Well the whole point of the Charlotte Ordinance was to make it so they wouldn't have to commit civil disobedience just to use the bathroom they feel comfortable using. I don't care who uses what bathroom but it's not my place to decide for others what issues should be a priority to which people, and I pretty much take the opposite side of whatever stance the religious right finds themselves on. Over time they turn out to be wrong on just about every issue.
  25. The problem is HB-2 does just the opposite of what you're saying. Women who dress and look like men now have to use the bathroom that will draw more attention (the women's room) and men who look and dress like women will have to use the bathroom that draws more attention (the men's room).
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