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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. BufffaninAtl said it was the worst massacre in US history which is why I made my post. He conveniently left out one that occurred during a right wing Presidency that was 100 times worse by body count. Sort of like how Jeb Bush argued that his brother kept us safe, if you wait until after his colossal up to start counting I guess it's sort of true.
  2. That Ville Leino signing sure was a great decision.
  3. My mistake, sir. One of these days I'm sure he'll get there. He married a librarian after all. I hear once he can master the Dr. Seuss collection they'll eventually get him up to newspapers.
  4. How is it the worst attack in US History? I'm pretty sure that happened on Dubya's watch while he was pissing his pants and reading to kids. You know when all those Saudi nationals attacked us and Lord dumbass Von Birthright lifted the bans on flying just for his oil buddies so they could leave the country and escape retaliation.
  5. Not necessarily all his economic policies but they are a big part of his overall political agenda. From preferring judges who want to overturn Roe v Wade to raping the landscape and polluting on catastrophic levels, to doing everything he can to suppress wages in favor of profits for large corporation. Republicans craft their social agenda to pander to Evangelicals and in return the religious right gives them a pass to be corporatist cronies in their economic policies.
  6. That's funny. I don't recall Bill Clinton pandering to Evangelicals for voting support like Gingrich or Rush Limbaugh or panhandling to them for money the way guys like Jim Baker and Ted Haggard have done. There's the difference. There's a level of hypocrisy that you are ignoring due to your poltical leanings.
  7. Normally I don't care about their personal lives either except when they try to claim the moral highground in their professional lives and end up being hypocrites like Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, Jim Baker, or Ted Haggard. If you want to be a scumbag, be a scumbag. Just don't make morality a political issue or you deserve to have the skeletons in your closet thrown in your face at every turn.
  8. Yeah we need to vote for endless war, torture, and corporate welfare. That will get the country back on track. I for one welcome our corporate overlords.
  9. I wish Pegula was more involved with hockey related decisions.
  10. 8th and Bogosian or Psysk for 4th and Davidson. Edmonton throws in an extra sweetener if they prefer Bogosian.
  11. Go Sharks. Pittsburgh.
  12. I miss Darcy Regier and Larry Quinn.
  13. Nobody should wear a mustache without a beard. He's not a hipster or a cop on a 70's tv show.
  14. Oh, I'm completely against it too. I just agree that it's inevitable. As for buying future jerseys after the switch I'll either go with ebay ones that don't have them or some other online retailer that doesn't have them or not buying them at all. All we can really do is vote with our wallets and I for one won't support this atrocity.
  15. What a shock that the guy who works for a large corporation is ok with advertising on jerseys. I agree with Eleven that it's basically inevitable. I'm just glad I already own all the Sabres jerseys I ever plan on buying so I won't ever have the need to pay money to buy a jersey with adds on it for Coca-Cola, Verizon, or whatever companies pay for ads on jerseys. I've got a throwback blue, throwback white, black goathead, and a white goathead. No ads, no slugs, no gray armpits, no capes, or any of that nonsense.
  16. Sweet. I hope they bring back Eric Staal too and give them matching contracts for long term and big money.
  17. With the exception of Ash vs the Evil Dead I agree.
  18. The playoff drought will be old enough to drink finally.
  19. I really don't know, nor do I care to, but I was joking around anyway so it doesn't matter. I would assume it's more complicated than scanning a document into a pdf and saving it to a hard drive though.
  20. Same here, just the opposite end of the spectrum. Copyright, scmopyright. They don't need no stinking copyrights. Put them old blue haired librarians with their glasses and their condescending looks on salary and make them work overtime scanning each book by hand into pdf files until every server is full. If they don't play ball threaten to take their cats (they all have cats) to a farm upstate. Then they can have a bonfire with all the old hard backs and paperbacks, periodicals, and all those SHHHH quiet please signs. It'll be glorious and it'll help keep the homeless warm.
  21. Ok. So digitalize the bulk of it (besides maybe the children's sections) and make them public computer labs so they can pump more of the money into the technology end, digital content, and training and eliminate the walls and walls of book shelves that have to be reshelved, dusted, vacuumed, and mopped rather than spending the money to keep up fancy old relics, newspapers that feed into those giant bamboo flagpole type things, and copies of Ernest Saves Christmas, Ernest Goes to Jail, and the animated version of the Hobbit (half of this is kind of tongue in cheek since I haven't been in a library in forever so I'm going off memory). I'm definitely not passing around a collection plate for the poor billionaire owners of major sports franchises either but having a team also puts dozens of millionaires into the area who buy houses, cars, frequent stores and restaurants, employ landscapers, chefs, lawyers, and accountants, and pay high levels of income and property tax, not to mention the charity work many of them do. I don't like the idea of John Q. Taxpayer having to foot the bill for these over extravagant coliseums either but they do provide some economic benefit, even if the money would be better spent elsewhere. Maybe they should spend the money just fixing the entire internet infrastructure so everyone could have a lightning fast fiber optic connection at dirt cheap prices. I'm sure the people at Comcast, Fios, Time Warner, Charter, and whomever would still find a way to either screw it up or price gouge the public anyway though.
  22. I get the point of your argument but public libraries are probably not the best example. Thanks to the internet libraries are quickly becoming less and less important. Who needs a giant building full of books when you have access to basically all the information you need in a device that fits in your pocket and now technology is moving towards things like e-readers, nooks, or whatever they call them? About the only thing libraries are really needed for now is for providing computers for people who can't afford them to access the internet. That and renting old movies for free to the same people who can't afford internet access or Netflix. I haven't set foot in a library in over 10 years. I think the last time I was in a library was during my undergrad studies and I believe I went there twice to meet a study group and I never checked out a single book. I think the last book I checked out was in high school and it was required because I was taking an elective called Library Science.
  23. What teams would Girgensons be a second line center for? I like him as much as the next guy and I wouldn't look to trade him anyway at this point due to his value being depressed after a disappointing season but I don't see many teams (if any) where he'd make the cut as a 2nd line center at this point. He'd be a 3rd line center at best that can fill in temporarily in case of injury or he'd have to shift to the wing like we did with him.
  24. That's the rub. It's easy to say the taxpayer shouldn't be funding these big stadiums when the NFL makes money hand over fist the way it does but as long as there are cities that don't have teams who are willing to dangle that carrot of a free or nearly free stadium the NFL will always have the leverage of relocation. It would take every state, county, and city that's big enough to support a team to all stand up in solidarity. I don't see that happening.
  25. Even more ridiculous then. Give 10's of millions of dollars to own a majority of the team and let the guy who owns less than you do make all the decisions. This guys has some balls. No wonder nobody is interested.
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