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This whole conservation is starting to get a little wonky. Both of the Pegulas have the right to run the Bills and Sabres by mere fact that they had the money to purchase them, the sales were approved by the leagues, and they paid the money. That's all that's required to be an owner and as an owner how they decide to run things is their business. They don't have to earn anything or have any experience or qualifications whatsoever other than paying the funds and getting approval by the leagues (which has already been done). The degree thing is a completely different matter though. Yes a spouse of either gender can be instrumental in helping the other spouse achieve some milestone (earning a degree, passing the bar, passing the CPA exam, becoming a doctor, etc.) but that doesn't make that distinction shared in any way shape or form. It may and probably should be accounted for in the division of property if the relationship ends, but that is purely financial and not actually sharing the achievement. If a guy marries a woman who is pre-med and she becomes a successful surgeon after they get married and then they get divorced he may be entitled to up to half her income/wealth in part because he supported her financially while she was in school or whatever but that doesn't make him a doctor. The degrees won't have his name on them and he sure as hell wouldn't be putting on scrubs and showing up to perform a surgery. If a woman marries a dude who ends up going to law school and he passes the bar her name won't be on the degree, she won't be an esquire, and she won't be qualified to represent people in court.
Also, I remember when Obama first got elected all of the conservative media outlets kept saying he had the most liberal voting record to ever win the White House. As a liberal I was happy about that (even though I voted for George Carlin's corpse for President in 2008) but he's seemed pretty moderate to me while he's been in the oval office. I get that it's easy to vote partisan in Congress in the current climate and as President he's got to focus on compromise to get things done. He seems to pick his spots on occasion though and I was happy to vote for him in 2012. I was happy to stood his ground against the GOP/Tea Party government shut down nonsense that led to raising tax rates and making all those GOP members go back on their Grover Norquist pledge (even though that scumbag gave them permission to do so) but I still think the biggest thing he's done is pushing for the updates to the FLSA and overtime exemptions that will take effect on December 1st. I applaud him big time for that. I've mentioned it a few times in this thread and nobody ever seems to comment on it or discuss it. It's gonna help millions of people in this country who have been getting screwed by their employers for years.
Fair enough. I imagine it's difficult to track given the party swap and I will concede that a good portion of it is probably my perception. My educational background is in finance and economics and I work on a military base and my father is a 26 year veteran of the Marine Corps so I'm probably placing way more weight and focus on economic and military issues where there has definitely been some shift to the center. As for Vietnam I personally blame Texas more than the Democratic Party. Texans are cowboys and they seem to love to start . Just a mindset regardless of party I would speculate, but I digress.
Rangers, top 6, 16-20
I agree too. If most Christians were more like you and Jimmy Carter I don't think I'd have nearly as much problem with religion as I do now.
You may be right, but I'd be interested in knowing what metrics your data is coming from. Democrats seem way more in love with guns then they used to be and seem nearly as chicken hawkish as the GOP. They promote tax cuts over and over (although at least they claim to be for the middle class) and they seem every bit as pro free trade and globalization as their Republican counterparts. They've gotten more progressive when it comes to the LGBT community and they are finally coming around on the concept of a minimum wage that's actually high enough to keep those earning minimum wage out of poverty (thanks to Hillary attempting to steal Bernie's thunder). Outside of that I'm not sure where they've moved further left? Environmental issues maybe? Help me out, sir. What planks of their platform (prior to the current shift thanks to Bernie) are more liberal than they were in say the 80's, 90's, or 00's? Thanks to Bernie shifting the platform they seem to now be in favor of an actual living wage rather than just raising minimum wage the standard 50 cents to a buck fifty they usually do when they first take office. Without Bernie would their platform include reinstating Glass Steagall? How are they more liberal?
I don't like Hillary Clinton but I will likely vote for her in November. To me, she's a pro wall street, chicken hawk, centrist and she's symptomatic of what's been happening to the Democratic party over recent decades. I get that in order to get anything done in Washington without supermajorities you basically have to compromise but while the right wing has gone further and further to the right over my lifetime (born in 81) the Democratic party has been shifting to the center. That's all fine and dandy when it comes to trying to appeal to the largest demographics in this country but it has also pushed the point of compromise further and further to the ideological right as well which I find discouraging. I'm a big Bernie Sanders supporter because his Democratic Socialist platform falls more in line with traditional left leaning liberal values rather than the newer centrist ones. My hope is/was that this would help lead the left to slide back down the liberal scale to counter how far to the right the conservative platform has shifted and would also in turn move the theoretical compromise point back to the center rather than the center-right where I feel it is now. Being a Sanders supporter doesn't mean I fully support his platform either. I'm not in favor of free college tuition. I think it should be cheaper than it is now for public universities but I believe college students should have some skin in the game and have to contribute some portion. The idea of Medicare for all intrigues me and I dislike that our healthcare system in general in operated by businesses with a motive of profit over caring for sick and injured people. It concerns me when a pharmaceutical company can jack up the prices of medications for the sole purpose of increasing profits and I'm concerned with our status of perpetual war. World War 2, Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War, the War on Drugs, the Persian Gulf War, the Bosnian War, the War on Terror, Iraq again, ISIS, and the list will surely go on. I support a progressive tax structure where those who have benefitted the most from the existing infrastructure contribute to supporting it at a higher rate than those who are benefitting less or are falling through the cracks and struggling to make ends meet. I hate that huge companies like Walmart, McDonalds, and countless others can get away with paying their employees so little that even when they work 40 hours a week (whether its one crappy full time job or two crappy part time ones) they still don't earn enough to be above the poverty threshold. I get that you shouldn't be able to live high on the hog if you sweep floors or stock shelves for a living but you should at least earn enough that working 40 hours a week earns you enough money to eek out a living without perpetual government assistance for basics like food, housing, and heating oil. I don't have the level of vitriol for Hillary Clinton that many seem to, but I imagine much of it stems from being in the public eye for so long and some of it stems from the perception that she hasn't fully earned her place. Being married to a President doesn't make her qualified to be President and her reverse carpet bagging way of running for the Senate in New York along with basically being handed the election when Giuliani got his cancer diagnosis and decided to drop out of the race leaving Rick Lazio as the only person standing in her path. It then seemed like she was gifted the Secretary of State job because she was edged out by Obama and now she's suddenly the most qualified candidate to run for President since George Washington or some such nonsense.
Neo, So you think the Democrats set it up this way in order to have no choice but to provide a public option once all the insurance companies eventually drop out? I'm not arguing for or against just trying to make sure I'm understanding what you're implying. On a somewhat related but different note I've always wondered why pro-business conservatives are so against a public option. I get that it's more "big inefficient government" but when you look at it from the business perspective you'd really think all of these companies would absolutely love to not have to worry about contributing to the health insurance of their employees. If I owned a business that employed a bunch of people I would love for the government to take that problem off my plate.
Yep. If they're going to waste time praying, might as well allow equal time so that all nonsensical supreme beings get a chance to be honored. I just wish she was wearing a spaghetti strainer for a hat so that the flying spaghetti monster got his due praise as well.
I copied my post from the awesome thread here since this story belongs in both.
https://www.rt.com/usa/355799-satanic-temple-alaska-assembly/ This atheist lady led a satanic prayer before some city council or county assembly meeting in Alaska. I love it! I think it belongs in this thread but I can put it in the politics thread as well since any debate about it will likely steer into political discourse.
He's just showing that he has what it takes to be named Captain after Gionta leaves next season. So it has been written by themustacheofgod. I can't wait for Jimmy Vesey to get here and show Ryan O'Reilly what real work ethic is all about.
As a fellow non cash user you can pay and tip by credit card at most places these days, even through delivery. On a side note I'll take Tombstone over Diogiorno anytime as well. Sometimes when I really feel like giving my heart a work out I'll even salt it after I take it out of the oven. Makes it taste even better, even if there's a chance it'll take a few years off the end of my life.
That little fact destroys the narrative though so it will be ignored. Apparently being a Socialist means swearing to a vow of poverty. I bet he even owns 2 cars. What a hypocrite.
Performance bonuses don't count against the cap until after they've been earned though and even then teams are allowed to exceed the cap by 7.5% for any performance bonuses they pay out. If Vesey wants t9 ply in Pittsburgh, they'll have little trouble freeing up the space.
Well then maybe we should just spend every single draft pick on QB from now on since no other position will change anything. I fully get that the QB position trumps all others in football but Tyrod Taylor is good enough to get us into the playoffs if he can stay healthy and he has a solid supporting cast. I'm not ready for them to throw in the towel just yet.
Given the drought this franchise has been through though we shouldn't turn up our noses at a glass of tap water just to hold out for a pristine mountain stream. I'm 35 and the Bills haven't made the playoffs since the season after I graduated high school. Not to say I want to tank before the season starts by any stretch, but once the playoffs are out of reach I'm all in favor of throwing in the towel to draft higher. I'll gladly take another Marcel Darius, Sammy Watkins, or a shutdown corner that will earn peanuts for the next 4 seasons.
1. Grocery bagger at a Commissary (military grocery store on base) started at 16. 2. Vendor stocker at the same commissary at same time I was a bagger (once I turned 18) 3. Express department for a Budweisier wholesaler in college (wrapped the carts and loaded the trucks that went to gas stations and convenience stores) 4. Insurance agent for two companies and I also had my series 6 and 63 to sell mutual funds. 5. Sheet rock sander 6. Cigar salesman 7. IT and Accounting Manager for a sheet metal manufacturer for 4 years or so 8. Accountant for 2 years and now the admin for the Sexual Assault program on base (same company) for the last 3 years or so.
Weave (We've) has it, exactly. The percentage of labor that goes into products differs depending on the product. I used to work for a company that manufactures parts out of sheet metal and the amount of labor that went into each part depended on whether the part was punch pressed or laser cut, whether it was a flat part or had to be bent with press brakes, whether they were plain metal or needed to be silk screened, powder coated, etc., along with whether the parts were shipped off idividually or welded together, and so on. Just over the 4 years that I worked there we lost lots of business to China and Mexico but gained some business back when some of our customers realized that lead times and quality assurance made certain parts poor candidates for offshoring. For some customers we kept or regained their manufacturing business and for others we mainly did protoypes and the actual production ended up being outsourced. Sometimes it was a mixture of the two where instead of manufacturing parts from raw material sheet metal they sent us the cut parts and sent them to us to bend them, insert pems and whatever hardware, weld them together, and send them off to be painted, powder coated, or whatever. It's been 5 or so years since I've worked there but I imagine their business is still a mix of protyping, partial manufacturing, and full scale manufacturing from raw materials to finished product.
Then you can pee where you want to, just not in North Carolina.
Or get run over by a wild buffalo while hunting. Some people have no work ethic. Probably a bunch of kale eating Bernie Sanders supporters waiting for a whole foods to be built rather than pulling themselves up by their boot straps and working for a living.
I'm on the liberal end of most things but I side with the right on stuff like this. If the US is gonna be the big brother, world police they need to be more consistent on their attitudes for what they consider acceptable or what they project to the rest of the world as acceptable. The one universal theme to the major old religious texts seems to me that the men who wrote these books filled them with misogyny and promote the agenda to treat women like . In fairness to the Jewish and Christian faiths they've come a long way (although certainly not far enough) but it seems like many of the muslim sects still think it's the dark ages with the way they treat women and our leadership needs to take a stronger stance against this kind of crap. We scold China about human rights violations yet buy their crap by the boatload. We've had a trade embargo against Communist Cuba but we do trillions of dollars in business with communist china. The Saudis and Pakistanis are among a host of others countries we consider allies and yet we turn a blind eye to their treatment of women. It is every bit the human rights injustice that sweat shops are.
Yeah, I don't see any special insight with that kid. I'm pretty progressive in my politics and I just see liberal white guilt in his poem and ass kissing (making women nod) although you can't really expect much out of a 14 year old. Maybe he'll be in a position of power someday though thanks to his white privilege and be able to use his power to hire and promote women and minorities. That would mean a lot more than words. Of course if he's really sorry he'll turn down the job to begin with and recommended one of his minority friends for the gig.
Maybe the extra month of not playing will allow him to get back in shape.
Never take the breathalyzer unless you are 100% sure you will pass it.