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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. Money and corruption in the worst cases. They don't actually produce anything (product wise), but they keep money flowing through the economy so we can all (collectively) spend money we don't have on we don't need. It's the new Amercian Dream.
  2. I hear you, man. I bet like you said it's just a scam on their part to see if they can split up the work amongst the rest of the department, especially if you are salaried. They don't care that it keeps everyone away from their families, they are thinking about how to spend their bonus for slashing 40-50k from payroll.
  3. You guys don't know how good you have it. Try working for Uncle Sam. Even if we know somebody is leaving on a certain date we are not allowed to even request a replacement until their first day gone. We then have to fill out the paperwork to get the position filled. It has to get approved through our chain and then our department bosses have to forward the request to HR. They have to do their thing and it takes a few days to actually post the position. The position has to be posted for something like 10 days and then it takes another week or so for them to do initial background checks and whittle the applications down to the top 10 or so. We get the packets and then we can call them to schedule interviews and the interviews must be at least a week out from the date we're calling. After interviews we have to fill out selection paperwork that has to get approved through our chain so they can forward it to HR and have them do more extensive background and reference checks and offer the person the job. If they accept we still can't even let them start until a new pay period which can be anywhere from 1-13 days (because of another bs regulation or maybe payroll isn't smart enough to know how to prorate a paycheck, who knows) and when they do finally start all employees are required to first take a 3 day indoctrination training/new employee boot camp conducted by HR. Getting a replacement in within a month would be about as quick as we could possibly hope for, and that's if the stars align and they are able to offer a candidate the job, they accept, and the calendar lines up right.
  4. In their defense, it's not all the kids doing. Times have changed and some of it is institutional in nature. If a parent threw their kids outside and told them not to come home until the streetlights came on today they'd be answering a door knock from DSS/CPS/Whatever they call the group in your town. We walked to school or at least all met at a central bus stop when I was growing up (depending on where I lived at the time) and now the bus picks up every damn kid at the end of their driveway and if a parent isn't there to drop them off and pick them up the bus drivers are required to report them. They pay teachers like crap and cram more and more kids into each class and it's no wonder they are recommending to the parents of all the "problem kids" that they should get tested for ADD/ADHD. I venture the percentage of households where it's a single parent or two parents but both of them work is way higher as well. It's kind of hard to tell the kid to put down the video games and ride your bike when you aren't there to do it because Mom has to put in 40 hours cashiering at the local grocery store because Dad only makes half of what he used to make at the muffler shop but it's still the best job he's had ever since the plant closed down.
  5. It's because Jimmy Vesey won't be playing. Without him why even have a tournament? I guess without him there to dominate though it could be anybody's game.
  6. And my comment in the other thread is officially justified. This is why the world needs bullying. His father was probably too busy touring with Devo to let him know a hat like that is strictly for the 50 plus crowd or for people of any age before 1960 (for those of you with time machines). On a side note I think he's wearing that ridiculous hat to cover up his soulless ginger hair.
  7. I personally don't wear gloves because I live in NC and there's no need. It might snow here in my part of the state 5 times in 10 years. I don't begrudge anyone in colder climates the ability to keep their hands warm. I am staunchly anti-kitten mittens though (sorry Wildcard). Unless of course, your cat is an . In that case I am pro kitten mittens because they should lose their traction and slam into the furniture because of said assholiness. Naw, you're good in my book, sir. Indeed, sir. Hipsters are the worst. They make people from Boston almost seem likeable in comparison. I think I've seen the thread before but I'll look again just to be sure. I was born in 1981 and I despise the whole millennial moniker. I'll take Generation Y all things being equal. In their defense though, they probably lost focused because they can't afford their Adderall and Ritalin prescriptions anymore now that they are too old to stay on their parents health insurance.
  8. No, I'm 35 years old so I haven't been posting in the thread designated for "seasoned" citizens. I'd give the over 50 crowd a pass though on fedoras and whatever they choose to wear because they are from an era that proceeds me and for the most part they don't seem to get sucked into trends and whatever clothing choices because it's cool. Like Eleven, I imagine what they choose to wear has more of a practical purpose than standing out from the crowd or being different (just like everybody else). I've been called an old curmudgeon on plenty of occasions though so I'd probably fit better with the older group than my own generation, so I'll have to check it out. Together we can pine for a day where people wear clothes that actually fit (instead of super baggy pants or skin tight ones), where shoelaces get tied, people take the tags off the clothes they buy, curve the brim of their ball caps to help shield the sun from the side (kind of the purpose of the brim on a ball cap if you ask me) and where white guys who get dread locks or wear corn rows are shunned by society and have their job applications thrown in the trash can right in front of them.
  9. I didn't even notice this trend but from seeing the images it looks like close to half the people shown wearing those hats are already white so it's only a matter of time before the black community picks a new trend because white people have made the current one uncool by association. I wish they'd go with something that's not easy for most white people to replicate like afros. I think more black folks should sport afros. I wish Obama would grow one just to piss off the GOP. You're fine to wear whatever you want, man. In my opinion if you're going to wear a fedora you might as well go for the zoot suit, pocket watch, and bowling shoes (whatever they are called that's what they look like) combo as well. In the end it doesn't matter though. It's just the opinion of one anyway (mine).
  10. Because maybe it will save one kid from walking out the door dressed from the ears up like Dick Tracey or Humphrey Bogart. It's ridiculous just like people who wear cowboy hats, boots, and big belt buckles that don't drive cattle. They look foolish and deserve to be criticized and mocked until hopefully said behavior changes. Or maybe I'm just an . Probably both, but I still enjoy making the statement because it shouldn't go left unsaid.
  11. I live in NC and I've seen plenty of flat brimmed hats down here as well. Another hipster trend stolen from black people because they think it looks cool. Once enough white people take it over though the black community will switch to something else and the hipster community will follow suit and they can all move onto their next abomination like sagging their skinny jeans or some other nonsense like fedoras again. If you are under the age of 50 and wear a fedora you should have said hat stuffed down your throat until you choke on it and die.
  12. I laughed my ass off watching that movie. It's definitely low brow humor but I got a kick out of it. Well, yeah. It's a stoner comedy movie where the items in a grocery store are alive and the only way that humans become aware of this is for them to be on bath salts. It wasn't made to be compared with Shakespeare or Steven Spielberg.
  13. Looks like a typical Boston douche with that flat brimmed hat and the goofy celtic cross but he's our Boston douche so I'll ignore it.
  14. Not to mention that the part of the country that holds most of the Super Patriots (the South) is the region that actually committed treason through secession and they still celebrate it today.
  15. I've changed my vote. I am bailing on my already tepid support of Crooked Hillary and throwing my support behind Ash Williams 4 President because he will make America Groovy Again. Plus he's like Mitt Romney from the waist up and Barack Obama from the waist down, ha ha! http://www.ash4president.com/
  16. My Dad used to bring MREs home sometimes after being in the field in the 80's and 90's. No cigarettes by that point but the food ran the gamut from disgusting to pretty good. My favorites were the spaghetti with meat sauce and the beef stew. The worst were always anything with tuna (and regular can/pouch tuna is usually the only seafood I ever eat).
  17. To each his own. Beast Ice is still my favorite beer. I could win the powerball lottery tomorrow and I'd still buy it over others.
  18. It may not be as good as huffing paint like your namesake but it gets the job done for me. I didn't realize Charlie was a beer snob.
  19. Saw Sausage Party the other day. Highly entertaining although you should probably be inebriated in some way. Can't wait for season 2 of Ash vs Evil Dead to start again this fall.
  20. A frosty cold mug of good old mass produced yellow corn water. I like to imagine it's a Milwaukee's Best Ice but I just typed beer into google image search and used the first one that didn't go over the file size limit.
  21. As well as crappy hockey players like Andrew Peters who never had the talent to actually score a hat trick. For the record I'm pretty damn liberal and I hate political correctness and the whole concept of micro-aggressions. It's one thing to actually discriminate against someone because they are different (age, race, religion, income, etc.). That's wrong and it should be stopped. It's a completely different story when coddled people think they are special little snowflakes that have some sort of naturally born right to never be offended. My 1st amendment right to free speech trumps your tender sensibilities and hurt feelings. Of course there's a bit of a martyr complex on the right with this as well. People aren't going to jail for saying offensive stuff so I never understood the whole "what happened to free speech" strawman argument for the most part. If some knucklehead wants to say racist, sexist, or offensive things nobody is stopping them, arresting them, and hauling them before a judge. However their employer is well within their rights to fire said knucklehead in order to avoid PR problems and public backlash that comes with having a well known knucklehead in their employ. That's their right as a business.
  22. This thread is awesome because it shows just how bi-polar fans are. "Jimmy Vesey is awesome! GMTM is so smart for trading for his rights" "Should I slot him in my mock lineups on the first line or put him on line 2 with Eichel?" "Ugh, he hasn't signed yet, GMTM is a moron for wasting that pick" "We missed out drafting Gord Wilson (or some other Canadian type name) with that pick, I bet he's gonna be a stud" "We're still in the hunt according to whatever twitter handle. I love Jimmy Vesey" "He bought a condo in NYC. that guy!" "Decision is likely on Friday. WTF is this guy waiting for" "Decision may not come until the weekend. F this guy. Who does this prima donna think he is?!" "Some non-Buffalo team reportedly has the inside track. Eh, Vesey sucks anyway. He'll never live up to the hype. He's a locker room cancer!" "Previous report was wrong, everyone is still in. Come on Vesey, we love you!"
  23. I agree with you on the degrees and certification type stuff but not the ownership and running the teams stuff because those are basically just financial requirements other than league approval and since they bought the team together they both got approved when the sales went through. Kim isn't really qualified to run either team but neither is Terry. They both have a right to but luckily they decided to let others with experience (besides maybe Russ Brandon and his supposed marketing genius) to actually steer the ship.
  24. Then the degrees aren't shared only the income derived from them are. I wasn't trying to single anyone out with my post either, just trying to clarify. Marriage may be a 50/50 partnership but personal distinctions are still personal is all I'm stating.
  25. I'd rather see the Sabres win the Super Bowl than the Bills will the Stanley Cup.
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