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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. Your phone needs to up its compete level then.
  2. We need to bring back Mr. Teds Nolans. He oozes compete and will be able to motivate the young Eichel to rediscover his. Always a fine quality in a woman. Who is she though and who did she blow?
  3. I didn't see the game but I'd wager to say that Eichel's monumental struggles can be laid at the feet of Jimmy Vesey. He hath stolen Eichel's compete I say!
  4. I see a big uptick in goals for this team. I picked Eichel, Reinhart, and Okposo as getting 30. They might not all get there, but I'm hoping. I picked Kane and O'Reilly for 20+ along with any of the 3 listed above who don't quite get to 30. I think Ristolainen scores 10-15 and I think Ennis and Girgensons score 15-19.
  5. Can you blame them? Sweden is full of tall, slender, blonde hair, blue eyed, Viking people with a strong history of seafaring and Finland is full of seafaring, slender, tall, blue eyed, blonde haired, Viking people. With differences like that I'm surprised they aren't still constantly at war with each other (and Norway and Iceland).
  6. After googling it, yeah those are the wrestler guys. I think Trump will definitely be graded on the Palin scale. Expectations for him are low so the fact that he doesn't literally into his own hand and throw it across the stage at Hillary will be seen as a victory. People will marvel at how Presidential he is just for using a base level of couth kind of like how they said he can't be that bad because he raised his kids to not be as psychopathic as Uday and Qusay Hussein. Those nannies who actually raised his kids should be proud.
  7. Yeah, that'll be interesting to see. I'm sure she'll act like the adult in the room but it would be way more fun to see her muck it up with him, call him on his b.s., and try to get him to throw a Trump-esque tantrum.
  8. I think it will be interesting and entertaining. The rest of the world can suck it, which is something I fully expect Trump to say. Even odds on whether he does that x thing with his arms like those WWF guys from however many years ago.
  9. Pleasant, yes, but not nearly as entertaining. The upcoming debates will be much more interesting with Trump flinging turds around.
  10. I wouldn't mind returning to royal blue at all but way more important is getting rid of all the gray from the logo, the piping, and especially the pit stains.
  11. Yep. Kind of tough to support a guy who thinks corporate taxes should be eliminated. Especially when those companies employee people at such low wages that even many of their full time employees qualify for government assistance due to their income levels.
  12. No real surprise there. There's a reason so many people on the left supported Bernie Sanders even though he's a grumpy old curmudgeon who looks like he combs his hair with a balloon. Fortunately for the Corporate Centrist though, her opponent is a crass blowhard who was born on 3rd base with a silver spoon in his mouth that was made infamous by firing people and accusing the President of being born in Kenya. I'm going for a real blowhard, with a chainsaw for a hand instead. http://www.ash4president.com/
  13. I side with nfreeman on this. Regardless of whether it was doctor prescribed or not if it's on the NFL's list of banned substances, he shouldn't be taking it as a condition of his employment and he should have either told his doctor to find an alternative medication not on the banned substance list or he should be ready to accept the consequences for violating the rules or quit football a la Ricky Williams. That being said, it's a stupid rule and I hope it goes to court and they rule against the league. The way the government treats marijuana is ridiculous and I'm glad the tide is starting to turn due to public pressure.
  14. Good for him. I didn't know the players received any proceeds from sales of their jerseys. I figured the team and league split it up and the individual players got squat. I wonder how the percentages break up.
  15. My house is fairly connected but all things being equal I'd prefer Center Ice through Directv. They always offers the games in HD, they offer home and road feeds, plus I can record it to my DVR and wait 30 or 45 minutes to start watching, then fast forward through intermissions and commercials. I have a Chromecast in my bedroom that I can stream to from my desktop or my girlfriend's laptop to the tv and in the living room we have her old laptop with the busted screen that we have hooked directly into the tv via vga cable. The downside with streaming for me is usually occasional buffering to go along with lesser picture quality and the inability to rewind and fast forward. Plus if I'm willing to go through that hassle just to save $40 I might as well stream it illegally and save the other $100 as well.
  16. Oh ok. Good to know. The only time they gave me a deal on Center Ice was when they had their pissing contest a few years ago with Versus/NBC Sports and they gave me a deal because I complained that without that channel my Center Ice didn't include all the games. Even then I'm not sure if they gave me a credit for center ice specifically or on some other part of my service, probably the latter.
  17. I think I'll be illegally streaming games this year. I had to threaten to cancel Directv again as I do every Aug/Sep to get free Sunday Ticket and I doubt they'll be willing to work with me on a deal for Center Ice now that I'm under contract again for 12 months. This year I only got $54 off Sunday ticket ($9 x 6 payments) but they also gave me $50 off per month for 12 months. I could get Center Ice and consider it as free but I think I'd rather save that money with a lower monthly bill, especially since the payments for football and hockey over lap through Oct, Nov, Dec, and Jan.
  18. Jimmy Vesey takes the league by storm and breaks the NHL scoring record. He kicks so much ass that the league un-retires #99 and gives it to him. Pi's head explodes.
  19. Was Romney's magic underwear going to somehow make supply side economics work? Outsde of that I don't how we would be in such great shape as you put it.
  20. Ok, so they are exempted to a degree because the normal floor is closer to 75% of the upper limit (floor of $54 million vs a upper limit of $73 million) and it looks like they'll only have to get up to $43.8 million to hit 60%. They shouldn't have much trouble reaching that figure. It's nice to imagine them taking somebody like Moulson but I don't see it happening. If we leave Kane exposed though, I think he's gone.
  21. I though Vegas was going to be excluded from the cap floor initially but I could be wrong. Plus don't rule out free agency. I highly doubt they pass on a better cheaper player exposed to the expansion draft just to take someone more pricey to get to the floor. They can always pass out big money one year deals to the Matt Ellis's, Patrick Kaletas, and John Scotts of the hockey world.
  22. I always liked Gaustad but him and Myers will always be tainted for not tearing into Lucic after he creamed Miller. Even Kessel was willing to swing his purse at a bully.
  23. I hear ya, man, but if you really want to tell them to go themselves don't pay it at all and take the credit hit. Sometimes it's worth it ou of principle.
  24. Vegas can still grab him because he'd be an RFA and they'd control his rights. That's not the same boat as a pending UFA like Kulikov who can walk a week after getting snatched by Vegas.
  25. Just call the number on the bill and tell them you can't pay it and say all you can afford is 20 bucks per month. After a few months they may even get sick of processing such a small payment and may even forgive the bill. I've seen it happen to people I know. They eventually get replaced but I never said they were qualified, ha ha!
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