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Everything posted by Drunkard
Yay 3rd team!
I wouldn't say almost. Murray has a good portion of Sabres fans thinking he walks on water. Do you really think he signed Moulson to a 5 year deal 2 seasons ago because he was somehow hoping Okposo would reach free agency and that would tip the scales in signing him? He gave Moulson that contract because the guy consistently potted 20-30 goals a season and even though he was getting long in the tooth his game has never been predicated on speed so nobody expected his production to fall off a cliff. I don't think he brought Vesey in to placate Eichel either. He wanted Vesey for the same reason all those other GMs wanted him, because he's a good player who is guaranteed to be dirt cheap for at least 2 seasons. We traded for his rights because we have a stockpile of picks and a 3rd rounder isn't a high price to pay when you believe having one of his buddies on your team gives you an inside track. Using Eichel to try to win him over would be an obvious move to try to tip the scales but it wasn't just a dog and pony show to make Eichel like the organization. If it was, I'd want him fired yesterday.
I think one of the local funeral homes should buy the stadium rights so everyone can say they're going to the morgue. Right? Right?! #dumpandchase #don'tdisturbchetandmuffy #hashtagsarestupid
How do you have an unisulated bedroom in Buffalo, NY?
They are good in their own right and they cheat on top of that whether it's spying, deflating footballs, messing with the other teams headsets or any other number of things these could possibly be doing but haven't gotten caught for it yet. I can't wait for Belichick to just die so they can return to mediocrity. And yes I mean die. Cancer, aids, hit by a truck, heart attack, or whatever. It doesn't even matter that the Bills will still suck, it will still be nice to see Boston lose on a much more frequent basis.
Matt Moulson of course. Guy is gonna find the fountain of youth and score 50 goals this year (just kidding I voted for Reinhart).
I love the part about how a big percentage of his supporters think he will do many of these crazy things (use a nuke, default on our debt, create a muslim database, make internment camps for illegal aliens, etc.) and still plan on voting for him. It's like the doomsday preppers who root for the apocalypse to come because they can't wait to move into their bunkers and use that sweet machete they've been sharpening on the zombies or werewolves or whatever bogeyman is the new flavor of the day.
I'm in for this. No preference on the lines.
Of course they are. They think garages are porches.
Because they are pampered now. Bunch of coddled millennials with their fancy locker room. They should be training in a cabin in the woods in the frozen wilderness like Sylvester Stallone in Rocky IV. That's the way to beat those Russians err Maple Leafs.
Yep. I was clued into the show by a Brit back in like 2009 or 2010 and watched the first couple of seasons of the UK version on Netflix before the US version came out and I've been watching the US version religiously ever since (I stopped watching the UK version). He's done deplorable stuff from the start but he's completely unapologetic about it which is what makes him such a lovable scumbag. I just hope the US version outlasts the UK one which I think went 9 seasons. The plot was pretty much identical early to the original but like I said I stopped watching the UK version when the US one came out because I didn't want to spoil it because of how much I enjoy it.
Now that Greg Roman isn't busy running our crappy offense they should make him sell those door to door until his contract ends. Rex can start helping him when we hit 0-4 or 1-6 or come December if they really want to be patient.
My favorite is still Frank. Lovable scumbag and always entertaining.
You must be a big fan of A.N.A.L.
I'm ok with showing Whaley the door is it's part of a total front office cleansing (including tell Russ Brandon to pack his stuff) but if the Pegula's did push for Rex it would be completely unfair to hold it against Whaley.
I thought the Pegula's were the ones who decided on Rex. I remember reading that Whaley actually preferred Hue Jackson (formerly of Oakland, now HC in Cleveland but at the time was an assistant in Cincinatti) in part because he was an offensive coach that planned on keeping Schwartz as our DC. A quick google search on my end didn't turn anything up and where ever I read it may have been inaccurate but if it's the case then Whaley shouldn't be responsible for Rex.
I'm glad they finally started offering the US version through their streaming services. Shameless is definitely one of the best shows on tv today.
Never bought a single slug item. The minute they switched I started buying all my Sabres gear from ebay until they started selling stuff again with the original logo.
It was also the unveiling of those sweet gray pit stains wasn't it?
In his defense he probably needs to reallocation all his regulatory assets towards abortion clinics and wall inspectors.
The one thing that always seems comical to me is the standard Democrat X doesn't understand business or the private sector. Yet the numbers seem to back up the fact that businesses and the stock market tend to perform better under Democratic Presidents. I remember the same nonsense in 08 when Obama ran. He's anti business rabble rabble. Seems like it took a while but they were able to mop up the mess old Dubya left us in. The same with Bill Clinton, although I was a lot younger. I remember them saying he was just a lawyer and he couldn't provide an encouraging environment for business. That one turned out to be the biggest crock of ###### as the business environment seemed perfectly suitable for the new dot com age that led to the best economic boom we had since the baby boom after World War II. The government was running a surplus and there was even talk about us paying off the debt entirely. Then old Dubya took a huge surplus and turned it into a massive deficit with massive tax cuts and two wars (even though he tried to keep them off the books). Cheney declared that budget deficits don't matter, at least when the GOP controls the White House.
True but you're trying to use rationality and logic and get at the root of the problem. They aren't really interested in solving the problem. That's why they have no desire to encourage or even teach people about birth control in any form. They just want to force all women who get pregnant to have the kid while removing public assistance for it. It's a brilliant scheme. Almost as brilliant as convincing people that you have to do what they say or be punished in a lake of fire for all eternity. Sure you have to live your entire life by these rules and you won't even find out if they are lying until after you die, but better safe than sorry so just do what they say anyway. Now please pass the collection plate because that same all powerful being that created this universe also always needs your money as well.
I don't see that at all and while I can't speak for him I would venture to take him at his word that he just wants less (ideally none) abortions, even if that's accomplished the way they did in Texas by circumventing the Constitution /Supreme Court and encouraging new regulations (funny how they aren't a dirty word when it's a convenient method to pushing an agenda) that cause abortion clinics to shut down. They are succeeding along vast stretches of red territory. In many 9f the states across the so called heartland in this country it's virtually impossible for a woman to get an abortion. And in some of the places where it is legal they throw all sort of extra regulations in like looking at the ultrasound, parental consent forms for minors, waiting periods, and so on.
I thought it was funny. My wording in that post did come off as a little bleeding heartish, but I didn't intend to frame it like women had no responsibility for getting pregnant in the first place.
I never said anything about immaculate conception. They did the deed to get pregnant and in most scenarios I expect it was willingly, but that doesn't change the rest of the facts. Most women who have abortions are single and poor. The majority of people who recieve public assistance/welfare are single mothers. Therefore creating legislation that forces women to remain pregnant is logically going to cause there to be more single mothers on public assistance but the GOP wants to have its cake and eat it too. I don't know why but I suspect its some form of slut shaming where they see themselves as punishing these women for having sex before marriage or (heaven forbid) having sex for recreation rather than for the sheer purpose of adding to the overpopulation of this planet. That's also why they favor such nonsense as abstinence only sex ed.