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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. I'd give him $6 million if we could lock him up for 8 years. At this point I think they should just go for the bridge deal though and make sure it ends while he's still an RFA.
  2. Not sure but I think he's somewhere in the area. I was actually a day off on my power outage stuff. We lost power Saturday night and got it back Sunday morning.
  3. The storm wasn't too bad near my part of the coast either. We lost power from about 10 pm on Friday until may 10 am or so on Saturday morning (not sure since I wasn't home when it came back on). Apparently parts of Greenville and Washington, NC are flooded though and it's going to get worse once the rivers peak/crest/whatever the hell they call it due to all the rain dumped in the region.
  4. I've heard it said multiple times over the years that Pennsylvania isn't much different than Alabama other than having Philadlphia and Pittsburgh on the ends so I'm not really surprised to hear that.
  5. Being a Slayer fan redeems him of where he's from, unless he's also a dolphins fan or something.
  6. I wish I had your confidence about the election. I don't have that much faith in our voting population though.
  7. Winning for Amurrica! http://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2016/10/08/Florida-man-head-bangs-to-Slayers-Raining-Blood-during-Hurricane-Matthew/6421475933871/?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=im&utm_tracker=1736664x84899
  8. Old testament God is a Republican. He hates women and gays, supports stripping the environment of all resources, and he was all about towing the line or he'd smoke you. Jesus and the new Testament is filled with all that helping the poor and loving your neighbor hippy stuff. What gets me is most of the Evangelical nuts should really just convert to Judaism because they seems to focus on the old Testament and ignore the New one.
  9. Sure they can. Emails, Benghazi, Monica Lewinsky. Rinse, wash, repeat. Trump will still get the votes from the people who want to nuke Muslims, the people who want a wall, the pro life crowd, and the gun nuts and the race will still be relatively close.
  10. Ash vs Evil Dead just got picked up for a 3rd season. That means another guaranteed 5 hours of El Jefe battling the deadites and saving humanity with his boomstick and chainsaw hand. I got 3 months of Starz for free from Directv too so it doesn't even cost me anything. Check it out if you haven't already. Great 70's rock sountrack to the series as well.
  11. Did you really expect anything different? The same people who defended Romney's taker comment by saying everyone should be pitching in and helping to pull the wagon are now defending Trump riding for free because it's the smart and legal thing to do.
  12. I live in Jacksonville, NC. It's a great town if you want a tattoo, need a haircut, or you enjoy chain restaurants. It's also very pro Trump. On the plus side it's close to the beach, the weather is great out side of it being too damn hot and muggy from May through September and it's the home of Camp Lejeune so there are some decent jobs sprinkled in amongst all the low paying ones, crime is relatively low, and with the bases here you may be able to spring a tank or a helicopter if the zombies invade.
  13. What would be funny would be seeing Hillary win the election in November and see Obama withdraw Garland's nomination so Hillary can nominate somebody to the left of Karl Marx.
  14. I tend to agree with this viewpoint, which is why I think Claude and I end up talking past each other. I see it as ideologically driven rather than just defending their party. Gerrymandering and the general shifting of liberals into cities and conservatives into suburbs and rural areas has played a huge part as well. You're way less likely to cooperate with the other side if you're afraid your next primary opponent is going to use it against you.
  15. Yeah, if a true stud develops in your system you should definitely keep them but I would never sell the farm for one and would prefer to build up the defensive and forward ranks instead. 10 guys put up Hasek like numbers every year but it's usually different guys, outside of the few elite ones. Hell, even during the tank we were getting solid goaltending from seemingly everyone and I was half expecting Irbe to get the key to the city. When all your coach teaches is "compete" and Alamo mode and collapsing in front of the net though, your goalie is bound to put up a decent save percentage when facing 40 shots a night.
  16. I think goaltending just isn't as critical as it used to be due to the improvement in team defense and the way the game is called by the zebras. Every year there seem to be 10 guys putting up Hasek like numbers and it feels like the majority of goals come from crashing the net and getting rebounds and deflections that the goalie loses in traffic anyway. There are a few stud goalies (Lundqvist, Price, etc.) but the top tier guys earn a fortune so you're usually better off getting an average/decent keeper and spending the cap space elsewhere.
  17. No, I don't miss your pot meet kettle nonsense. I get that his statement came off as uber partisan but you're the same way he is. A true non-partisan would vote for whomever they feel is the best candidate, whether they're an R, a D, or an I. You've admitted the guy you're voting for isn't qualified and you're basically taking the lesser of evils approach with your vote, yet you snark at people who defend their candidate or their party. There's nothing inherently wrong with any approach but it is wrong to look down your nose at people for doing the same thing you're doing.
  18. Yeah, what blatant partisanship. He should show how unbiased he is by supporting a guy who can't name a single foreign leader that he likes or respects. That would show everyone that he's not beholden to any team.
  19. Imagine him in a pissing contest with the leader of the Philippines. The only positive to him being elected would be the entertaining Rob Ford type coverage in the media. I'll gladly pass on that to have an actual grown up in the White House though.
  20. If Mike Pence had run he would've just been another Bible Thumper on top of the scrap heap with the rest of them. The only GOP candidate that I liked more than Trump was Rand Paul and the main reason is religion. Other than Rand Paul and Trump can you name another GOP candidate that wasn't slobbering up to the evangelical vote? Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, Carly Fiorina, Rick Santorum, Ted Cruz, and the list goes on. You knows there's something wrong in the party when Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Chris Christie, and Marco Rubio look relatively moderate in terms of religion by comparison. Not many states are as evangelically driven as Iowa though and we're living in a country that is getting less religious by the decade. The GOP continues to cater to the demographics in this country that are in decline.
  21. http://www.workingimmigrants.com/2006/04/the_tyson_foods_illegal_immigr.html The top executives were acquitted. 3 managers plead guilty and one killed himself. Tyson executives said the managers were "rogue". Eerily similar to the Wells Fargo fiasco. Nothing like corporate throwing lower level maagers under the bus. Gotta protect the business afterall. It affects all of us both through lower prices and through wage suppression.
  22. That was just the first article that popped up when I googled Tyson chicken hiring illegal immigrants. I can search for a better article when I have some time, although I don't they got charged for doing it.
  23. Says a guy living in upstate NY. Believe me, if immigration wasn't an issue it wouldn't strike such a cord with so many of the Trump supporters. I live in NC which isn't even close to a border state and I hear the yokels around here piss and moan about illegals constantly. It's a shame that the people themselves are the ones who get demonized because they are hard working people (working long brutal hours in the agriculture and construction industries mostly in my area) escaping ###### situations and trying to provide for their families. The scumbags who hire them just to exploit their cheap labor are the real problem and they hardly ever see justice. So was OJ.
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