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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. I'd like to see them become a strong passing and possession team that's well rounded with skill, speed, grit, and defensive awareness. It's gonna be rough going to start with all the injuries but I think we'll still have a decent shot at the playoffs by the turn of the calendar. If they can weather the storm we could be primed for a decent run once the rest of the cavalry returns.
  2. Another example of victim culture (I guess it's not just the whiny liberals after all). I put Christophobia about on par with reverse racism and voter fraud. They actually exist in small levels (unlike actual deities) but they are so minor in nature that the great boogeyman some people make them out to be is nothing short of comical.
  3. I should have bet on the Habs. I now have a balance of $1,895 if I'm doing it right.
  4. Did Tortorella die or something? Because The US won't win anything until he does (or they can him).
  5. Nostrovia, man!
  6. You realize my screen name says Drunkard, right? Not sure I've ever patted myself on the back for being caring and inclusive as you state. Just because I don't let an invisible man living in the sky tell me to hate gay people because it's written in the old book of bad ideas doesn't mean I think I'm some kind of philanthropist by any stretch. I will fully admit to being a scumbag while also being a contributing member of society.
  7. Put me down for one unit on the Sabres.
  8. Awfully quiet from the conservative side of the forum here lately. Have any of you finally abandoned ship or is the desire for a Supreme Court Justice who wants the 10 Commandments displayed still more important than supporting this yahoo?
  9. Feels like my aids is acting up again. Time to put some robitussin on it.
  10. Cool. Hopefully for someone familiar with the area I did the description justice. When I was in my teens my buddies and I used to talk about how much we hated this town and how we couldn't wait to leave. I moved away to Wilmington for a few years but came back here for a job and have been here ever since. It's funny how a place can grow on you over time.
  11. Why do you think this? He gets up on his knees after the injury. If it was a knee injury the last thing he would do would put extra strain on it by kneeling.
  12. I can't wait to see him out there skating in a #99 Jersey. Jimmy "Top Line" Vesey can do whatever he wants.
  13. I'd rather see Reinhart at center but other than that I like it.
  14. The emo vibe is growing ever stronger in this thread. Maybe I should sell razor blades instead.
  15. Time for me to open up a barrel shop in NF. Or are you guys depressed enough that you'll probably forego the barrel?
  16. It's even funnier living down south when half the people who will piss and moan about disrespecting the flag in any way, shape, or form will proudly support the treason flag of the confederacy.
  17. They changed the rule recently to allow for some practice squad spots to be filled with players who have regular season experience. I know this because I just looked it up after having the same reaction you did. http://www.sbnation.com/2016/9/3/12773904/nfl-practice-squad-players-roster-rules-eligibility-primer
  18. I was definitely one of those people. I wasn't predicting it though, I was saying I'd prefer an 8 year deal or a bridge and didn't care for something in between. He'll now reach UFA status at 27. Still in his prime for a defenseman but old enough that his next long term deal at that point will likely include some overpayment towards the end of his career. With an 8 year deal we could've had him locked up for his entire 20's.
  19. You really don't think Jeb would have gone for the Bush hat trick in Iraq. I would've put my entire life savings on it (and just bought a bunch of Haliburton stock). Luckily Trump cooked his goose pretty early.
  20. You don't like Hillary because you're afraid she'd start a war but you'd take 4 more years of Bush? Alrighty then.
  21. The risk isn't necessarily losing him but turning into the Blackhawks without the Cups. Say Ristolainen becomes a bonafide #1 after a bridge deal and we pay him the going rate for a top guy and that's fine, but we can't really count on Eichel or Reinhart signing sweetheart deals either and we end up spending close to half our salary cap on 4 players (Eichel, Reinhart, O'Reilly, and Ristolainen). At that point you have another few guys signed up to moderate deals (Okposo, maybe Kulikov, and Bogosian) and you're left having to fill out the rest of the roster with ELC's and guys playing for near the veteran minimum. That gets harder and harder to do as you deplete your cupboard or prospects and picks at the deadline in order to ramp up for a playoff push every year. It may not happen that way, but that's certainly the fear, at least for me. Especially when you consider most of the cup winners are still relying on super long or back diving contracts that aren't even allowed today.
  22. If it wasn't Trump it would have been some Evangelical blowhard that wants the 10 commandments up at Courthouses and wants us to teach school kids that the earth is 6,000 years old and was created in 6 days. The rest of the GOP field was chock full of bible thumpers. I hoped Trump winning would put an end to the Evangelical pandering but him choosing Pence signifies more of the same.
  23. I'm in again this year as well.
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