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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. Thanks for the info. Googled it after I read your response. I'm calling that Trump will be the first to self pardon if he wins and he'll do it to get out of the Trump University stuff. If he wins he'll get the case continued until after the election and once he's sworn in. Conservatives will applaud him for getting things done and freeing up his time to make America great again, because Haidt and stuff.
  2. I'm a little rusty on my civics but can a President pardon themselves? I don't think it's ever happened before but if it's allowed I imagine he'll be the first and then tell everyone how smart he is for doing it. Hell, he'd probably make it a blanket pardon so he can really run amok with no consequences. Then an hour later he'll cry about how the system is rigged against him for some unrelated matter.
  3. Up to 1815 now. Go Sabres!
  4. We could be twins. Same situation here in Jacksonville, NC. It will take me 15 minutes to vote if I count the extra 5 minutes added to both ends of my drive and the time to park. It's a shame that people in heavy Democratic areas get shafted by the GOP.
  5. There were no WMD's and there should have been no time constraint. I'm no expert in military contracts so I can't say who would have been better. Maybe it would have been better to use actual government employees and military rather than subcontracting out military/government work. Given where I live I've met a number of people who have done government contract work overseas though and the amount they are paid compared to the amount soldiers are paid is a travesty. I still would have made every interested contractor put in a bid though and would have given other companies the chance to put in bids as well. Much easier to make an informed decision when you have all the information in front of you. The fact that it wasn't put up for bid is the samller issue though. We should've never been there in Iraq in the first place.
  6. Thank you. Not that it matters anyway. Government contracts are one of his major issues with Hillary but the fact that Bush and Cheney did the same thing doesn't matter. Even if Cheney had sold off his Halliburton shares he was still making his former coworkers and golf buddies rich so not fattening his own 401k would only move the needle from disgraceful to dispicable. Not to mention the quid pro quo of them then using some of those additional profits to contribute back to the GOP campaigns.
  7. At 1685 and 1 unit on the Sabres at +130.
  8. What about all the no contracts bids that went to Halliburton and their subsidiary companies? You specifically mentioned government contracts as a point against Hillary but W and Cheney did that more than anybody.
  9. Yep, I still don't care for him and I believe we'll have a different coach when we finally win a cup, regardless of their improved play as of late. For now, I'm just enjoying the extra elbow room.
  10. Were you hoping for Paul Ryan or some other GOP leader?
  11. What are the odds Obama pardons Hillary before he leaves office just to save us from the never ending witch hunt and the chance to symbolically waive a giant middle finger to the GOP on his way out the door?
  12. Up to 1685 now. Stupid Leafs.
  13. At 1475 and two units on the Leafs. Prove me wrong Sabres!
  14. Up to 1475 now. Go Sabres!
  15. Definitely, but every player is going to have different amounts of each of those traits. It's up to the GM to figure out the winning combination. When Murray is on the clock at the draft and he's choosing between two guys of equal rating, do you want him to go for the faster guy or the bigger one? If prospect A is bigger and faster but prospect B has better hands and better vision or passing skills which one should he take? I imagine most GM's try to balance the various traits throughout their lineup but most probably half some kind of defector tiebreaker when everything else looks even.
  16. Just curious. Last I looked Trump was barely holding Georgia within the margin of error. I've never seen Georgia this close in my lifetime. I'm ready for election day already. I'm tired of the junk mail filling my mailbox on a daily basis, although I do enjoy having fun with the campaigns when they call my phone.
  17. You're in Georgia, right?
  18. Sweet! I thought he did well at the beginning of last season until he got hurt. Taylor needs some deep threats with Watkins and Goodwin being made of glass and Woods being more of a possession receiver.
  19. I love the show too. It's probably 2nd for me behind Ash vs Evil Dead for best shows that are still putting out new episodes and it's probably in the top 5 or 10 for me all time. The entire catalog is on Netflix. All the seasons of the show, a half dozen movies, as well as a couple of live shows. You should definitely check it out sometime when you get a chance (home sick from work, snow day when everything is closed, long weekend when you have nothing else going on, etc.).
  20. Ha ha! I think Eleven likes that show as much as I do. You should become their accountant. Someones gotta keep the books from all their change stealing scams, Bubble's shopping cart business, Julian's Casino, and Ricky's Drugstore.
  21. Probably once our drought is old enough to drink. Lucky for us, that's coming up in just a few short years. And people wonder why the fans drink like a sailor on shore leave and bring dildos to the game. Gotta get your kicks somewhere.
  22. Do you ever watch the show Trailer Park Boys? I think they film their show in your neck of the woods. Awesome show and solid movies if you don't mind idiot humor (which is usually the best kind).
  23. At $1135 and I'll put 2 units on the Sabres to win.
  24. Yep. Unplug the power, count to 10, and plug it back in.
  25. After watching Kulikov (while still probably not even 100% due to injury) so far this season I think I'm starting to change my opinion. If he is willing to sign an extension for fair money before the deadline I wouldn't be opposed to extending him and then either exposing Bogosian or going the 8 plus a goalie route. The fact that we can only lose one player plus the fact that Eichel and Reinhart are exempt lessens my worries about losing a forward. I'd prefer keeping our top 4 D. Kulikov Ristolainen McCabe Bogosian That looks like a pretty solid top 4 with youth on their side. I'd be happy with that top 4 to start next season provided we find a suitable partner to pair with Gorges on the 3rd pair (assuming Vegas takes a forward) and we focus on building the pipeline for defensemen to develop and fill in when injures occur.
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