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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. Ok then. White men I can see because I know when I get up every morning and look in the mirror as I brush my teeth that it's my gender and racial duty to keep everyone else down who isn't exactly like me. About the only thing I could think of with Asians was not counting them as minorities when it came to quota type things with affirmative action because they were already doing well as a group with regards with stuff like college acceptance and landing decent jobs and the whole point of affirmative action is to even the playing field and increase diversity over time. Asians have kind of graduated into the white category (for lack of a better term) of not needing outside assistance so I wouldn't say removing them would be due to bigoted influences but I may be completely off and you have a different reason in mind. You may have to help me out with the Jews things though. Is it because the Republican answer to the Middle East is always support Israel and as for the rest, nuke'em till they glow while the Democrats try to pump the breaks on that momentum? Is it something else? Can't be the media thing because Jews supposedly run the media and according to the new President elect Trump the media is corrupt/rigged so why would the Jews running the liberal media want to help the group that is supposedly so bigoted towards them?
  2. Only if you count nonsense like reverse racism and the war on Christmas. Outside of that, I don't really see how the left is bigoted against any groups other than Republicans in general, but that's not really bigotry it's just regular partisan politics.
  3. Not really. One is pure obstructionism and the other is rallying the troops for the next election cycle in 2 years. I don't recall Pelosi vowing to act like a giant road block indefinitely.
  4. I think most if not all the bigots voted for Trump even if most of the people who voted for him aren't bigots. It's the old adage that not all Republicans are racist but all racists are pretty much Republican. Not sure about Illinois but I'm pretty sure California now has a budget surplus thanks to raising taxes on the wealthy and doing some of the income redistribution that the Republicans consider communist. Let's hope these whiny crybabies are still traumatized enough in 2 years to vote in the next mid term elections.
  5. At 1415. Stupid Senators.
  6. Awesome. Science is hard. We should encourage children to go with the magic man in the sky theory as a default because it's easier than learning. If Trump doesn't stand up to the religious zealotry of his own party then I guess my open mindedness about his term will be over before it even begins.
  7. How am I creating a hyperbolic strawman? You're the one who said that your precious Haidt would agree with everything I said in my post in one sentence and then you said that I have zero understanding in the next one. Seems to me like you're just getting your panties in a twist over anyone who chooses to take a swipe at your favorite person on the planet. At least try to have some sort of consistency in your argument. Otherwise you come across as a petty in addition to the self righteous tone you always carry.
  8. Funny how I can have zero understanding as a layman with no background in this stuff yet the Yoda Zen master that is Haidt would supposedly agree with everything I said. I guess even a broken clock is right twice a day, huh?
  9. Man, there's a bit of a meltdown going on here from the left. Trump won by appealing to the largest demographic in this country and convincing enough of them to get off their butts and vote. The fact that the Democrats nominated a candidate that so many people, including left leaning ones had big reservations about is their own fault and contributed to the problem. In the end this could help liberals in the long game though. If Trump reverts back to the standard GOP platform he'll likely lose control of part of Congress in the next midterms elections and essentially end up toothless to continue the Evangelical/Supply side economics agenda. Then in 2020 hopefully the Democrats will elect a nominee that doesn't have all the baggage that provides too much fodder for the ongoing witch hunts from the right allowing them to control things during the realignment after the next census and redraw the maps so they aren't checkered with deep reds spots and deep blue ones. The D's should be happy to do this since there are currently way more red districts than blue ones. Ungerrymandering the districts would have the added benefit of helpig force the politicians to become more moderate in order to appeal to people in the increased number of purple districts and then we can finally get down to solving problems instead of each side just trying to get their way. I'm still convinced that gerrymandering has been the single biggest reason for the polarization of our political parties. Fixing that would probably do more to encouraging cooperation than even the all knowing Haidt could accomplish.
  10. At 1615 and I will put 2 units on the Sabres at +110.
  11. Since when does a plurality not equal victory? She got more votes than anyone else did. Should we count the people that didn't vote at all as being against her too?
  12. Fell asleep shortly after they awarded California to Hillary and woke up a little before 4am to Trump's victory speech and saw he was over 270. Crazy. I'm further to the left than most people but I'm not jumping off a bridge like some others on the left seem to be doing, although I'm a straight white male so I don't have the reason to worry that Hispanics, Muslims, and women do. Trump killed it with rural voters and did well enough in the suburbs to absorb the results in the cities. He did a way better job of energizing his base and garnering support from people who probably don't vote regularly. Congrats to him. I'm going to give him a chance and hope he's sincere with the populist parts of his message. I just hope like hell he doesn't mess with the new FLSA overtime regulations that will be going into effect on Dec 1st. I also hope he doesn't cater to the Evangelicals with respect to his Supreme Court nominee but I have significant concerns about that.
  13. At 1615 now. Boston!
  14. I was number 453 at my polling place at 4 pm here in the southwest area of Jacksonville, NC.
  15. Oh ok. I was confused for a second. Believe me though if Ash Williams actually had a shot to win I definitely vote to make American groovy again.
  16. Not sure what you mean by convictions. Ash Williams is a fictional tv and movie character that was used to advertise a tv show. He's not an actual candidate and in North Carolina this cycle the only write in candidates that will officially get counted are for Jill Stein. Despite that I still normally did right in candidates because my vote never mattered as a blue voter in a red state. Now NC is a swing state though and I'd rather have a tax and spend "liberal" (I wish she was genuinely liberal like Bernie but she's a centrist) than have the party that bends over backward for the rich on fiscal policy and to the Evangelicals on social policy.
  17. I null voted too but will delete it once I actually vote tomorrow. I was hoping Hillary would have a big enough lead that I could vote for Ash Williams as a write in candidate but given how close it is I'm going to hold my nose and vote for Hillary.
  18. Salty snacks go best with beer though. On the plus side though I'm down to probably a 12 pack a week compared to the good old days of putting down a 12 pack or more each night.
  19. If the guy (Hansen?) would have blindsided him the way he did Sedin there would have been a much better chance to do it. I wish he had.
  20. My core is filled with cheap beer and usually pretzels or potato chips.
  21. Does his have Buffalo's D or Seattle's? If it's Seattle then him and if it's Buffalo then you, ha ha!
  22. Good stuff. That would have been my choice as well. I didn't mean that in a derogatory way towards Scott at all, more towards Bettman and the pukes who tried to deny Scott and the fans what so many of us voted for. I love the grinder type players. Ray, May, Mair, Kaleta, and Scott have been some of my favorite past Sabres just like Deslauriers is now.
  23. At 1815 and I will put 2 units on the Sabres. Boston.
  24. Awesome movie. Most people like the movie but hate the ending. I thought the ending was awesome! If you're a Walking Dead fan there's at least 3 cast members (Carol, Dale, and Andrea) who have major parts as well. Could be more but I'm going off memory.
  25. I wish Lucic had the stones to fight him. Seeing him whip up on Shawn Thornton was probably my favorite memory of him until the whole All Star fiasco.
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