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Everything posted by Drunkard
Holy crap, I can sympathize with you on this big time. I rarely allow my girlfriend to drag me shopping but I know how you're feeling. My only advice is to find the lawn and garden section (if whatever store you are in has one) and grab a folding lawn chair, carry it around with you, and sit in it whenever your wife hits a stopping point where you're forced to camp out in one spot for a while. Or you can always cry uncle and go wait in the car.
At 1315 and I will put 3 units on Tampa at -140.
I don't remember Flutie playing much for the Patriots after he left the Chargers (just before he came to Buffalo). I remember him doing that stupid drop kick extra point or whatever it was that hadn't been done in 50 years or something. The Seahawks had a good run starting shortly after whenever they got Holmgren and Hasslebeck from Green Bay. I remember they got absolutely hosed by some bad calls from the refs in that Super Bowl against Pittsburgh. They got even better once they got Russell Wilson though and by that point they had already has Carroll as the coach and Holmgren was either gone or moved to GM at that point.
Not Sarah Palin. She's a tea party maverick.
Is there a line out for the Tampa game yet? I'm sitting at 1315 and plan to bet on Tampa but I'd prefer to see the line before deciding how many units.
The sad thing is Trump is progressive compared to the rest of the GOP on some issues. Just look at his VP candidate. A guy that wants mandatory funerals for fetuses. He wants to divert funding for AIDS research and put it towards conversion therapy so people can ostracize their homosexual family members and send them off to Jesus camps where they can pray the gay away. No doubt he'd prefer to eliminate sex ed in favor of abstinence only education. Putting intelligent design on par with evolution will be next, but likely just as a stepping stone before banning the teaching of evolution all together. Trump damn well better stay alive the next 4-8 years. I'd rather him become King for life than to ever let Pence have any sort of actual power other than breaking ties in the Senate. It would be a turn towards fundamentalism that would rival what has gone on in parts of the Muslim world. A return to the dark ages for lack of a better term and clinging to religious texts over actual learning.
Down to 1315 now.
Kennedy is still the swing vote. Right now there are 3 Conservative Justices, 4 liberals, and a Conservative appointee that sometimes swings the other way. Trump replaces Scalia with another uber righty and it goes back to a 4/4 split with Kennedy as the swing vote.
Scared absolutely shitless to be honest. With a nutjob like him in office we're likely to get not only mandatory funerals for fetuses but he'd probably try to outlaw sex ed nation wide while also proposing legislation that requires intelligent design get equal classroom time with evolution in science class. At least until he can get the teaching of evolution banned altogether.
Again, I don't care and I definitely wasn't one of the people complaining about your gloating. The election hasn't upset me. I was for Bernie and only voted for Hillary because I live in NC and I knew the race would be close here. I didn't like her though and I'm definitely not mourning her loss. I'm not crying about Trump whatsoever and other than Rand Paul I was rooting for Trump more than anyone else in the Republican field because the rest of them are a bunch of Evangelical bible thumpers who use an imaginary friend in the sky and the old book of Jewish fairy tales to make their decisions. I'm going in with an open mind on Trump and hoping for the best. That doesn't mean I won't point out the areas where he is weak and when he does something I agree with I'll applaud him. For example I love the fact that he said he won't take the Presidential salary. I don't completely believe it because I don't trust him, but if he truly declines it then he gets a point in my book. He'll get tons of points with me if he closes tax loopholes and puts a penalty on businesses that offshore jobs instead of letting them write off the moving expenses when they shut down a factory in the US and move it to Mexico, India, or China. Until he makes those changes though he's has absolutely no credibility on paying his fair share of anything. He's just an entitled rich kid who milks the system better than any welfare queen I've ever met. We'll have to wait and see what changes.
I remember Flutie (and Christie) going to San Diego and them doing pretty well. Not sure if they made the playoffs for multiple seasons after he got there though. As for Romo, I'd rather keep Tyrod Taylor. He may not be a great quarterback, but he's definitely good enough to get us to the playoffs with a solid supporting cast. I'd like to stick with him rather than trying to patch together Romo for a season or two and then having to go back to the drawing board and find another quarterback once again.
I don't care. You can use the tears of every crying liberal as lube to about the election results because I don't care. Trump is relevant because he's the one calling for everyone to pay their "fair share" and he has zero credibility in this regard, just like W had zero credibility after the lies that got us into Iraq. He's about to be the defacto leader of the free world and that job comes with the scrutiny of billions of people. His character and credibility is completely fair game.
At 1415 and I'll put one unit on the Sabres at +170.
Maybe the countries who haven't contributed are using carryover losses from past recessions though. If they found a way to weasel out of paying Trump should applaud them and then close the loophole. Otherwise he just looks like a hypocrite.
I don't know the ins and outs of who contributes to NATO and how much but I find your vernacular quite interesting. Countries should contribute their fair share, just as citizens and the almighty savior to the world (businesses) should also pay their fair share in taxes. The problem is Trump has zero credibility in this regard because he flaunts the fact that he doesn't pay taxes as being smart. To use his logic doesn't finding a way to get out of contributing while still receiving the benefits of NATO make these countries smart?
The superdlegates artifically inflated her vote count though. One can argue that if they didn't exist and the race was that much closer that it could have tolipped the scales. Just like with the Popular vote vs EC thing though, there's no way to really know without redoing everything to control for the different variables and that's not going to happen. Time to get over it. I wish the left would stop crying about the election in general. We lost. Time to get over it and regroup and every one of them who is whining on social media and in the streets better get their butts to the polls in 2018. If not it's nothing more than feigned outrage and will do nothing.
No surprise there. They like the one that helped their candidate and dislike the one that hurt her. Self interests and all that. They are entitled to be wrong, just as much as Republicans are.
I agree that the Democrats are going overboard with the world is gonna burn type rhetoric but politics is cyclical. Obama had 8 years but he lost control of Congress after 2. As close as Congress currently is there's good chance he'll lose the Senate in 2018 because the American public seems to prefer it when power is divided. Also, who called Romney a murderer? I don't remember that at all. I personally remember making fun of the whole magic underwear and baptizing dead people stuff because those beliefs are ridiculous and they should be scrutinized. Who called him a muderer though and who did he supposedly murder? I remember a supposed Clinton death count but nothing on the Mormon guy who looks like Bruce Campbell.
That is crazy how accurate he was. Wonder if he did any day trading in the various world stock markets. Everyone who called it could have made a killing if they timed it right. Was this to my post, Eleven's, or some other post?
Slighty different topic now but in homage to Neo I'd like to make my own wishful thinking type comment that I'd would like to see happen in a Trump administration. I'd love to see him strike a deal that could possibly make both sides happy. What if the Democrats agreed to eliminate corporate taxes completely in exchange for a $15 per hour minimum wage that is adjusted each year for inflation? Businesses would no longer pay taxes on profits which would offset the higher wages they have to workers. Workers benefit by being able to permanently guarantee a living wage as long as they work 40 hours per week and the government would benefit by moving tons of people in poverty from getting government subsidies to paying taxes into it.
I don't blame them for taking advantage of the system. I blame the politicians for allowing the system to be played like a fiddle and I blame the GOP for purposely misleading the public that the progressive tax structure is part of what complicates the system because it doesn't. I also dislike the fact that individuals pay taxes on all income (with limited exceptions) while businesses only pay taxes on profits instead of revenues. Maybe if I could write off expenses like car repairs that I need to make it to work and commuting miles the way businesses do then we'd all be able to game the system equally. Then our national debt can really spiral out of control because what it seems like the Conservative way really boils down to is just looking out for #1 and public good be damned.
I know simplifying the tax code is a stated mantra for the GOP but from my experience it more often than not is just code for either a flat tax or just plain tax cuts. The GOP loves it's write offs and deductions as much as the Democrats do. Never mind the fact that changing rates or making the rates flat really doesn't simplify anything, it just allows the wealthy to pay less into the system. More calling piss rain and platitudes.
Still seems dishonest to me. Pissing on my shoes and telling me it's raining. Makes me wish I could declare myself a business whose only income is the paycheck I get from my job. Then I can get the actual biggest tax break and not just the one he claims is the the biggest, plus get all the creative write offs they pay accountants and attorneys to figure out how to legally scam the system that their lobbyists have gotten them to put into place. Makes me expect the middle class tax breaks won't even be the biggest one on the individual level either. I'll keep an eye out on the other tax cuts, particularly for those at the top of the earnings scale and see him explain that away with more lies when it turns out their rates drop more the middle class rates. We'll see soon enough.
http://www.npr.org/2016/11/10/501597652/fact-check-donald-trumps-first-100-days-action-plan Was just reading up on Trump's 100 days plan. In the first section of what he would instruct Congress to do he spells out some of his tax plan. He flat out states the middle class will get the biggest tax cuts and then explains that a middle class family with 2 kids would get a 35% tax cut. A few sentences later he said businees taxes would drop from 35% to 15%. Call me crazy but that my math that is more than a 35% reduction that the middle class should be expecting. I guess just saying the middle class will get the biggest tax cut somehow makes math wrong now. Anyone care to eplain?
Crazy stuff and I appreciate the legwork your post took. I haven't read the links yet, just the quotes but it seems plausible given the liberal slant of being pro Islam and the Asian part regarding test scores. I lived in Southern California for 3 years back in middle school and all of my honors classes were filled with Asian folks. Highly competitive due to the Tiger Mom influence at home (before that was even a thing) so if you're trying to reach certain thresholds for quota purposes it would make sense (not in a right or wrong sense, but a practicality stance) that if you don't adjust their scores downward you are likely to have an acceptance rate where Asian students are highly disportionate when compared to the actual demographics of the area. For the record the white guy part was just a joke. This probably comes as no big shock to anyone but I'm a white guy so I was just poking fun about innate duty as "the man" to keep everyone else down.