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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. At 1160 now.
  2. At 960 and I'll put 2 units on the Capitals at -140.
  3. Fargo is on my list of shows to watch but haven't gotten around to yet. I loved the movie and I'll watch absolutely anything with Bruce Campbell and since he plays Reagan I've got to get around to it one of these days. Speaking of Bruce Campbell the season 2 finale of the Greatest Show ever (Ash vs Evil Dead) based on the best trilogy ever (Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness) is coming on Sunday at 8 pm on Starz. And for the record, yes I said GREATEST TRILOGY ever. Anyone who thinks Star Wars or Lord of the Rings of any of that other nonsense beats the great Ash Williams can eat my butt, ha ha!
  4. I'm a huge stand up comedy fan as well. From the classics like George Carlin, Richard Pryor, and Bill Hicks to the stuff coming out today. My current favorites are Dave Attell, Louis CK, Bill Burr, Patton Oswalt, Bill Maher, and Jim Norton although I like a ton of other ones as well (Doug Stanhope, Jim Gaffigan, Kathleen Madigan, Louis Black, Brian Posehn, Maria Bamford, Joe Rogan, Sarah Silverman, Eugene Merman and Greg Giraldo despite him being 10 toes up or cremated or whatever). Jim Gaffigan is great. Kind of a clean act but it's usually very funny. He has 3 or 4 specials on Netflix and a new show on TV land that's been going on for a couple seasons. Mostly food jokes and his main schtick is raising his voice and talking like a condescending woman from the audience. Good stuff for sure.
  5. Makes no sense. Aren't there multiple teams that use the Eagles and the Bulls?
  6. Up to 960. Good job, Sabres.
  7. At 855 and I'll go ahead and put one unit on the Sabres at +105. Don't let me down, .
  8. Up to 855. At least Lehner avoided another shootout disaster.
  9. At 655 and I'll put 2 units on Washington at -215.
  10. Down to 655. Thanks Eichel. He was supposed to single handedly fix everything. Time to disassemble the shrine and set the sacrificial goats free.
  11. At 855 and I'll put 2 units on Buffalo.
  12. Actually a trade war is more harmful to countries that export more than they import which was US until the overall loss of manufacturing in whatever decade it officially happened. We've been net importers as a nation for years now so even though it would hurt us it should still cause more harm to them.
  13. Wonder if we could send them Kane and Bogosian for Hamilton or is that bordering on the HF boards level of larceny when it comes to trade proposals?
  14. Good stuff man. Pound a few on my behalf and cheers to you, Odin, Thor, Modo Hockey, the Buffalo Sabres, and Ragnar Lothbrok (although I think he was from Norway but I'm not sure).
  15. Up to 855. Should have bet more
  16. http://www.cnbc.com/2016/11/29/trump-to-reveal-deal-to-keep-nearly-1000-carrier-corp-jobs-in-indiana-sources.html Read the title and was optimistic. Then I read further and it looks like they are still shipping 400 jobs to Mexico and keeping 1000 in Indiana. Carrier does a lot of government contracting for the Defense Department so I'm thinking they got some sort of contracting guarantee in exchange for saving most of the jobs while still costing 400 people their jobs. If this is an example of the great deals in store for us I am not impressed. He could have probably saved every job if he threatened to block any contract renewals for any company who outsources American jobs. If not it would have risked every job but it also would have meant a nice government contract for an American company that employs American workers to pick up which could lead to that Patriotic company to create more jobs. Somehow the biased liberal media that is CNBC still painted it with such a positive title though.
  17. Stop the evil fornicators!
  18. Have a good time, man, but protect your corn hole and be careful. You seem to have some super enthusiastic fans on here. I'd hate to find out one of them slipped something in your drink and they have you chained naked to a radiator in their basement with nothing but an oven and the ingredients to make pannies.
  19. I heard they are going to pass out a single aspirin to each female of child bearing age instead (the older folks will get this).
  20. Rape and ###### are just the tip of the iceberg though. There are other issues that lead to way more unwanted pregnancies and in many cases lead to more abortions. Abstinence only sex education probably leads to more abortions than anything, yet many people on the right still favor it. Things like contraception and the morning after pill probably prevent more unwanted pregnancies than anything year after year but the party that is adamantly against abortion is also ironically also against these items which help their supposed agenda of stopping abortions. I think the real problem with the right is that what they are really against is sex for fun while they seem to only be in favor of married people having sex when they are trying to procreate. The problem with that approach is that it doesn't work. In response to that they seem to support policies to punish young women who have sex for fun.
  21. If Eichel doesn't score a hat trick on his first night back I'm going to demand he be traded.
  22. There's a difference between being theoretically in favor of something and voting for people who are directly trying to undermine the programs that are put in place to help those people though. I can be "for" world peace but if I vote for a chicken hawk that promises to "bomb the ###### out of them" then I've done more to hurt the cause than to help it. You can be "for" social justice but if you vote for candidates that would rather overturn gay marriage and support conversion therapy than I would question how much you really are in favor of social justice. I want abortions to be safe, legal, and rare, and I want all the women who choose to have children to be able to provide the basic necessities to their children. Too many people talk a good game though and then vote for people who outright support the policies they claim to be against. Part of that problem has always been baked in though and will always be because there will never be a candidate that aligns with 100% of my views, your views, or whomevers views. All we can do is rank whichever issues are most important to us and vote accordingly.
  23. If more believers were like you, I wouldn't have such an issue with evangelicals. When people claim to follow Jesus while also being chicken hawks and gun nuts though, I just can't square that circle. The other part that really bugs me is the way they want to ban abortions while also cutting welfare funding to the mothers who did the "right" thing in having a baby they couldn't afford. Stuff like that ensures I'll vote for the Democratic candidate regardless even if they are crooked, used a private server, were born in Kenya, follow the teachings of Saul Alinsky, or whatever other nonsense gets thrown their way.
  24. Just watch the finally minute of every period. He was always good for giving up goals with a minute left or less in the period. I'd love to have him back between the pipes on shoot outs though.
  25. Maybe so, but at least Trump lets his crazy hang out for the world to see where everybody can get a big whiff of his b.s. (even if many of his followers choose to ignore it). Pence is more stealthy about his desire to turn the US into the evangelical version of Sharia Law and while it's probably my pro atheist bias, I'm an anti-evangelical voter first and foremost when I rank issues on how to base my vote. Trump is pandering to evangelicals in many ways but I'll take that over a true believer of the nonsense every time.
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