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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. Well we could keep Taylor who produces at a higher level than his pay grade. I'd rather do that than roll the dice and pay through the nose (in contract and trade value) for an unproven guy who may flounder without the great hooded cheater. Our offense is good enough to make the playoffs. They need to bring in an offensive minded coach to keep that momentum and then bring in a Defensive Coordinator that can get that side of the ball back on track.
  2. Garrappalo won't be anything without Belichick cheating on his behalf.
  3. Yep. The organization is a total shitshow from top to bottom. They need a Bill Parcells type to come in and be named Grand Pubah so he can fire absolutely everyone (Brandon, Whaley, etc.) and then hire absolutely all new people that he hand picks. Nobody who ranks hire than the midget trainer should be kept. That is the only way things don't continue to remain a tire fire.
  4. That's the complete and total ass backwards way to do it, so you are probably right. One of the most important decisions that a football guru has is to set the tone/culture/plan for the organization followed by who to bring in as GM and Head Coach so it makes perfect sense for Pegula/Brandon to choose the coach with their collective genius and then bring in a football ops guy after the most important decisions (GM, Head Coach) are already made for him. Ready, fire, aim.
  5. 15 goals is a lot for a DB coached team. I lost my conversion charts but I think that's roughly the equivalent of 25 goals for a player with a competent NHL coach.
  6. He wouldn't even be in the NHL yet. He'd still be in juniors followed by a year in Rochester where he'd be ready to learn the fine art of grinding them down.
  7. I can't stand the 1-2-2 defensive alignment. If you're not going to fore-check with at least 2 guys you are just wasting your time because it's easy to avoid a single fore-checker. They'd be better off cramming all 3 guys into the neutral zone and play that disgusting Jersey trap nonsense when DB wants to go into his shell game of prevention.
  8. Taking a step back would be great until you realize the void left by Pegula would just get filled in by hockey/football guru Russ Brandon.
  9. You shut your mouth. Sabres suck, Bills suck. New people suck. Old people suck. Satan Death Sex Drugs Rape. , piss, , , , , tits. You all suck and should all die in fires. Now that I've proven your assumptions wrong can we bring back the politics thread?
  10. I'm usually beer only once I enter the arena but I went with nachos. Second choice would probably be one of those cafeteria style cheeseburgers wrapped in aluminum foil but it's not a regular thing.
  11. I've only actively rooted against the Bills once in my life (the season they sent Flutie packing to San Diego in favor of Rob Johnson). If the Bills send Taylor packing without a legitimate upgrade I will be forced to actively root against them again. On the plus side it would also mean I'd be able to use my annual threatening to cancel my directv to get free Center Ice instead of Sunday ticket.
  12. I think the coffee shops employ prostitutes who also serve the coffee but I could be wrong on that. I'd google it but I'm at work and I work for the gubment so I'm not about to raise any red flags with IT. If you punch in oral sex coffee shop Switzerland I'm sure you can find whatever article I saw though.
  13. Are you saying Chicago with ROR instead of Toews still wins 3 cups or putting ROR on that team that still has Toews would win? The first is an interesting argument but there's no way to prove it either way. The second is a duh statement of epic proportions so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you meant the former. I'm not holding O'Reilly responsible for this sorry team, but it's not like he was busy winning cups in Colorado either. He's Toews Light because he gets the same compliments. High character, defensively responsible, strong play along the boards, leadership, responsible on the back check, and the always critical intangibles. All good qualities for sure but after tanking for Reinhart and Eichel it wasn't necessary to go after him after the fact. Whatever. I'm not a scout and I don't get paid to evaluate players. I used the words I did because that's what I liked about him while he was here and I'm somewhat of a knuckle dragger who appreciates the violent part of the game so that's what I posted about. You're acting like Zadorov looks like Cody Franson out there though and that's not how I remember it at all. I haven't watched him in Colorado but when he played here he seems to be a decent skater and he certainly had the potential to improve further. Maybe so, but even without the benefit of hindsight I could see that shipping of Zadorov left us with a giant hole on the left side of our blue line. All to get a #1 center to shelter the young blue chippers we threw away 2 seasons for because people were scared we'd become Edmonton. Now it takes multiple injuries in order for Reinhart to even get a chance at center.
  14. I agree. Good thing we grabbed that silky smooth Josh Gorges to replace him. That guy must do wonders for our possession metrics. I used to mistake him for Bobby Orr but then I had to stop dropping acid.
  15. I liked the way he played in his short time here. He has size, toughness, a hard shot, and a touch of nasty to his game. That and I really liked the fact that we drafted a RHD and a LHD in the first round of the same draft and I thought it would be great for them to play and develop together. That went out the door in order to get Mr. Toews light without the wins which was desperately needed for years, but not so critical once we had Reinhart and Eichel in the pipeline.
  16. This opinion will probably get me digitally tarred and feathered, but that seems to be the point of this thread so bring it on. I still think the Ryan O'Reilly trade was a bad move. Sure the team has been painfully devoid of center talent since 7/1/07 but the time to fix it was back then and not after we had finally restocked the cupboards through tanking for Reinhart and Eichel. I know he's everyone's hero and he has all the intangibles/compete of Jonathan Toews (without the winning of course) and he's been able to help shelter our young centers but our defense has been a show since Zadorov left and we're still reeling in that department. Imagine a defensive lineup of: Zadorov Ristolainen McCabe Bogosian Kulikov Gorges/Franson How awesome would it be to have a top pairing of these stud bookends for the next decade? How about only having a single slow moving defenseman in the lineup and they also happen to get sheltered 3rd pairing minutes. No more shackling Ristolainen with Gorges. Hell, we'd have 3 better lefties on the roster so Gorges could be send packing for a 2nd round pick or be used as a #7 guy/injury fill in. We probably wouldn't have traded for Gorges to begin with in all likelihood but I'd rather not get into the whole butterfly wing flapping causing a hurricane on the other side of the world type nonsense because that could send us down a rabbit hole of endless possibilities.
  17. Der Freezin yer heinie off cold I imagine. Cold region already coupled with mountains. I bet it's awesome though. I remember reading an article that popped up on my phone where you can legally get oral sex at some coffee shop in that area as well. That'll wake you up in the morning, ha ha!
  18. Lehner is an average goaltender who happens to also be the worst shootout goalie in the league at this moment. Very few goalies are difference makers but with the way the league is, even average goalies can put up pretty good numbers and he's good enough to help us win (sans shootouts) if the team knew how to score at even strength. The 1st round pick is overblown. Yes, we could've picked up another average goalie in Free Agency but Murray wanted a young but also experienced goalie with size that was cost controlled and it's hard to check that many boxes without ponying up some value.
  19. He gets a ton of undeserved hero worship but we've had way bigger frauds over the years. The current President over both of these shows is a good example (Russ Brandon). How that snake oil salesman keeps getting promotion after promotion while both teams perpetually spin their wheels without getting anywhere is a true travesty.
  20. Youtube is blocked on my work computer, but is it a clip of Benny Hill? Please tell me it's just a clip of Benny Hill.
  21. Because Rex was coaching for his job and was still delusional enough to think this team had a chance at the playoffs.
  22. The sad thing is you guys will probably both be collecting Social Security before either of you wins the bet.
  23. Well put. The best coaches are able to alter their systems and game plans to suit the rosters they have at any given moment. They also tend to handle in game adjustments as circumstances change. Overhauling a roster takes multiples seasons. Changing out coaches can be quick. I'd much rather have an adaptable coach.
  24. I doubt the call even goes to Murray anymore. This organization now has the snake oil salesman's stink on it. Russ Brandon will keep DB just to keep satisfying the Pegula fetish with Pittsburgh (except for the winning part of course).
  25. Short of us making the playoffs this season and not getting swept, he better be gone. I'm sick of him.
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