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Everything posted by BuffaloSoldier2010

  1. Meh the 28 is my birthday and i will be home in Rochester as oppossed to at school in buffalo... it's like the teams trying to avoid me :wallbash:
  2. I dont personally remember, but if what i've heard about the last lockout is true, wasn't there actually a legitimate problem that needed fixing? I hope a moderator can sort this out seeing as how the only issue at this point seems to be that of a money grab I agree. Not sure if that makes me happy or not though
  3. http://www.fmcs.gov/internet/itemDetail.asp?categoryID=39&itemID=23887 Announcement Says the feds are going to remain mute on the topic till further notice. Does that mean the NHL and PA will be advised to go mute as well?
  4. Nice read, Garth mentions Grigs isn't playing in the Russia OHL tilt tonight, anyone know or have an idea as to why that may be?
  5. Are they at blue cross or FNC?
  6. This. I agree with this. Especially the bolded part.
  7. So apparrantly Yahoo locked my account due to inactivity, gonna wait 24 hours per their request before i try logging in again, but i may need a new invite sent at that time. Apparrantly some of my emails were just tossed when they locked the account.
  8. I say wear it. We're gonna need a big game from him anyway.
  9. Sandiagoans... sadiago-ons? Sandiagons
  10. No idea. Not sure if they know either, were there online fantasy leagues last time around?
  11. gimme summa dat TYLER ENNIS
  12. First thing i thought as well. Only solidifies my opinion that ESPN is simply a bunch of hacks when it comes to hockey, but its starting to spread to other sports as well. I've never been a big fan of their coverage, and i really am glad that NBC decided to buy versus and is trying to actually make something out of it.
  13. Funny story about that... If I'm not mistaken the Americans are called the Americans because when they were formed they were Montreals affiliate.
  14. We're only keeping the cardboard on the wall, we're keeping individual bottles of craft beers and such in another spot in the living room along with our fancy looking liquor bottles on the fireplace. Every bottle we have has been thoroughly rinsed and has a cap
  15. Figured this would be a good place to put this. So its the start of my Junior year at UB and a few friends and i are renting a house, all in all there are 5 of us here and every weekend we go through a substantial amount of beer. There was a very empty looking wall in the living room that led one of my roomates to inspiration. The Beerlin Wall. Thats right, the Beerlin Wall. We are now forcing ourselves to never buy repeats of anything that come in quantities of 18, 24, 28, or 30 and are putting the faces of each brand on the wall. It's turning into quite the collage and I'm looking forward to its completion.
  16. If that's the case, then how did we get away with using royal blue in the 40th anniversary thirds?
  17. I've always wanted to see a red and black rendition of the current logo with the B's that have the swords running through them on the shoulders.
  18. It's not so much a new system as it is changes in what the players do. Turns are much wider than they have been in the past, and there used to be a button you would press to push the puck ahead of you so you could skate faster, that has been removed and now players do it automatically. Acceleration and stopping also look and feel a lot more realistic. Players even throw snow from their skates when making a quick stop or turn.
  19. If that's true then that's a little insane... not that i wont enjoy playing with him in my net! I played the demo a touch, i'm hoping the graphics are a bit more polished in the final release as the image doesn't seem as sharp as in 12, but perhaps I'm just seeing things. Regarding the actual gameplay though, the biggest difference i've noticed that effects gameplay are the wider turns and more accurate slap shots. Should take some getting used to, but I'm looking forward to buying a copy when its released.
  20. My heart dropped when i heard the news today. I've always loved everything space and the man was a personal hero of mine. By a strange twist of fate he was actually my uncles god father. I never met the man, but i got to hear some really great stories about him from my uncle and his father.
  21. I know what the damn names mean, but democrats arent going to switch us to a traditional democracy because theyre in power, youve missed my point completely. Its an asinine complaint to say it irks you whem someone says democrat party versus democratic party. Im not following, im assuming it was a jab, whatever, but how did I misuse nouns and adjectives here? There was no use of adjectives in my post at all. The democratic party would be a proper noun. This argument is also asinine. Is there any way I can block myself from posting in this topic? I dont want to be tempted to read any more back and forth internet dick measuring.
  22. Im sorry but this is just a stupid complaint. your a democrat or a republican. Its the republican party and the democrat party. The name has nothing to do with the corresponding system or governance anymore, its just a damn name. Complaining about things like that seems petty too. Its bitching for the sake of bitching. Its the bitch party, not the bitching party.
  23. Im loving everything weave has said so far. I grew up on classic rock as well, but in my case it was already called classic rock. I was born in 91 so the grunge movement was in full swing and I really gravitated towards that stuff once I started listening to music on my own terms and not just what the rents would play (it was fantastic stuff though). Ill listen to almost anything that could be loosely defined as rock, and as I mentioned in a previous thread, ive been playing guitar for close to 10 years now. Absolutely love it.
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