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Everything posted by BuffaloSoldier2010

  1. true, although Chara wasn't much of anything other than a project at the point of the isles ottowa trade mentioned above either. I think they're of similar ilk.
  2. 1992 - Hasek to Buffalo for Stephane Beauregard and a conditional pick (Eric Daze)
  3. A nice little factoid to keep in mind: The USHL route means we have the flexibility to put him in Rochester if necessary. If the kid is as good as people seem to think he will be, then we won't need to worry about it. But if quality of competition for his development is a concern, I'd say the A would be better than sticking in juniors. It'd be nice to not have the same issues we had with grigorenko if he ends up needing more time.
  4. Found this on stumbleupon, had a ton of information that i wasn't aware of / totally clear on. Solid resource for beginners and fitness freaks alike! If you have the time this baby covers everything from body types, diet, nutrition, anaerobic and aerobic exercises! It's a great read, and I figured this would be a good place to share it. http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/31JdSm/6qAO_jLZ:PcSND00a/simplesciencefitness.com
  5. Nathan Gerbe is a natural center.
  6. posts like these make me really miss the +1's
  7. I've got a perfect fitness multi-gym pro. Nice little doodad that has a few different grips so you can focus on different muscles,. I got mine as a gift, but Amazon is always a good bet.
  8. Been thinking about that #2 a lot lately. If Ekblad is gone, i gotta go Reinhart. Kids vision and sense is supposedly phenominal. With CoHos recent move to wing i really wanna see what those two could do together. Both great passers with great sense. Could probably pull some defenders groins if they got some pretty passing going.
  9. In my opinion protein is protein, i very recently got into using whey isolate (protein powder) about a month ago, and i find that its tremendously helpful when trying to hit your body weight equivalent in protein, one shake for me is about 2 cups of skim milk which ends up at about 12-16g in protein from the milk alone, then two scoops of protein isolate, that totals to about 76g of protein per shake. I'll have one a day usually to supplement my normal diet which is pretty reliant on eggs, chicken and red meat. I should note that the whole body weight equivalent is what many weightlifting pros recommend for maximizing gains, and that you wouldn't necessarily need that much just to ensure your muscles heal properly. It'll just give you the most bang for your buck if you will. The way my friend put it, If you are going to spend an hour and a half in the gym everyday, you might as well make the most out of it. its far from necessary, but its certainly very beneficial. I've been a runner / cardio freak most of my life, so i got into the habit of really eating whatever, because i would be able to burn it off in no time. Protein was never a "goal" in my diet per-say because i rarely lifted weights. But now that I'm into it more than i was its definitely helped me out in the gym. A great tool that can help you track your food intake can be found here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/ There's a food log diary that has an unbelievably extensive database of foods and nutrition facts. I'm talking as specific as "Wegmans white american cheese slice". It's a great way to really get an idea of what you're eating. I use it to track protein intake more than anything, but it's a pretty solid tool for that and much more! So as a very extensive answer to your question, as long as your protein sources aren't consistently saturated with other things that could be perceived as "bad for you" then protein is protein! This is absolutely true, I didn't mean for it to come off as it did. I suppose the better phrasing would have been that it's hard not to see gains as long as you are eating a "traditional" diet without focusing too much on specific intakes of nutrients. Gotta put in what you take out at a minimum! Just saw the emphasis on the 20-60 minute window you mentioned and I'm curious, I've actually heard a lot of differing opinions on this subject and I'm not sure where i stand on the subject. I've heard similar things from many friends who have started working out in the last 3 years or so, and have heard that it's not necessarily true from friends who have been around it for periods of time longer than that. The main argument i hear against it is essentially that your body absorbs different types of proteins at different rates and as a result as long as you get it into your body and get a decent rest period before your next workout, you will be okay. For example, i did legs today. Leg press, extensions, curls, calf raises and then finished with a hard 6 miles on a bike inside 20 minutes. i think i was done with the whole shebang by 11:54 then i had to run to Wegmans to snag some milk for my protein shake. I'm just drinking it now. That fits inside the hour, but do you think that would have been detrimental if i didn't have it until say around 2?
  10. LGR, As someone who just started a relatively intensive workout program put together by a very good friend who weight trains regularly, i would advise you to just watch what you eat! A lot of muscle growth really comes down to what you put into your body. As you lift weights you're breaking down muscle fibers, when they heal they get bigger. That's the dumbed down science of it anyway. Now, I'm not advising weight watchers here or anything, just making sure you are getting enough protein in your diet so that your muscles can repair themselves is essential. So if you're going for numbers (40lb curls is solid) then go for it! It's impossible to not see gains regardless of diet but if you really want to maximize gains, the most often recommended daily amount of protein i see is your body weight (in grams). so if you weight 175-180lbs, then anything around 175-180 grams would be about what you're looking at. Love to see people get active, the feeling after a nice run, bike ride, or lift is the best!
  11. Personally, I'd rather keep the 2015 first. You either walk away with three first rounders in a deep draft, or you could package it with either our pick or the isles pick (whichever is farther from that top pick) to move into a better position to hit elite talent. Might even get a second or two out of that deal.
  12. Good post. I agree. Another point i would add is: Who can we expect to sign with the Islanders this offseason? They will almost certainly get some free agents, but anyone worth noting is probably going to have an offer that is comparable or better in another city, even if its only better because of the condition of the team.
  13. Is that some league requirement? Seems a bit odd.
  14. Assuming it doesn't continue on to "The Phantom Goal Scorer" (Leino, *cough cough*) Then I'd be okay with this.
  15. Just saw this reply, and hey, It's wishful thinking! that Jersey seemed to be an absolute flop from a marketing and sales standpoint. Went to a couple games where the sabres wore them in the game and i think there were more of em on the ice than in the crowd itself. That being said i think my prediction is looking pretty good right now on all other fronts
  16. I don't know if it has been discussed yet, but i figured this would be a good spot to ask: How important could it be for this franchise to just bring back Ott first thing July 1? If Steve is willing to come back does that make other vet FA's listen and see what we have here? If we have a great draft does that help at all? I would think with Terrys bargaining power and the way this organization treats its players, some bigger names might be willing to listen if a guy like Ott is willing to come back.
  17. The game in lumbus is cray
  18. these playoffs have been great for the infamous #bucciovertimechallenge on twitter. Anybody got picks? I'm taking Steen and Sharp on this game.
  19. - Leino is bought out - Return of the Otter - Girgensons earns a letter, full time - The Turd Burger Jersey is laid to rest - With the 2nd overall pick in the NHL Draft, the Buffalo Sabres select, Sam Reinhart - Isles retain their pick, we get theirs next year. - Sabres make a run at callahan, but he does not end up here
  20. Detroit beats Beantown Pitt comes out over the Jackets, But it will be close (my dark horse for most entertaining first round series in the east) Montreal and Tampa go to 7, and Bishop steals the show I think Philly takes it to the Rangers. Im gonna take Minny over Colorado Anaheim over Dallas Miller stuns the Hawks LA over the sharks. Final St Louis over Detroit
  21. It's gotta be said, Stafford has been replaced by an android. It's the only logical explanation.
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