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Everything posted by BuffaloSoldier2010

  1. and..... nevermind :rolleyes:
  2. Bump. Just made one myself so i figured I'd ask. I know there were plans to publish a kind of resource for restraunts and such around the arena, along with Bars outside the area where one could watch games. Is there going to be a twitter archive as well?
  3. The hub is a joke hahaha, i think i heard somewhere that financial aid doesnt get processed until like november, whish is complete BS on all accounts.
  4. Now you get it. UBs always tryin to screw me over.
  5. Been sick the past week. Finally on the upswing but still, not fun. Rabble rabble rabble
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxgeSv88c2w&ob=av2e This would be awesome, especially at the 50 second mark And you could definitely put RJs calls over it
  7. If we're talking about song openings then how bout this lil diddy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-68oA61_yuw
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkhX5W7JoWI We should play this and have pegulas money rain down from the rafters
  9. Like the 2nd sucks option, but might be a lil too heavy for the general populace. How about dis? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hij1b1kG0Mw
  10. good luck to everyone, should be a fun year.
  11. My phone shut down today, ergo my alarm didn't wake me up for class this morning.
  12. Nobody, What are the scoring settings? aka point values for each category?
  13. I'm down for both leagues as long as the draft isn't at the same time edit: answered my own question by looking back. I'm gonna see if there is still an opening, and if so i'll join
  14. when should i expect the invites?
  15. Dibella's is the First'Niagra jam.
  16. Moving back into school tomorrow, looking forward to getting back to Buffalo (though I'm not really that far away) and seeing the crew again. And i pick up my paycheck today :thumbsup: (how's that?)
  17. How are we gonna go about getting the invites? do you want our yahoo accounts?
  18. that sounds exactly how i ran my league last year (24 wait period, locked high caliber players, etc) so I am definitely okay with these rules.
  19. I'm all in for gold if there's room.
  20. I have an 02 lesabre limited. 8 cylinder engine. Does that mean i win? :nana:
  21. Awesome. Thats actually exactly how i had my league set up last year as well. i guess it all comes down to point values for each catagory, but i guess i'll already have a rough idea of who my best bets will be looking forward to it :thumbsup:
  22. I'dlove to jump in. I assume you guys will have the scoring rules established before the draft correct?
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