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Everything posted by BuffaloSoldier2010

  1. Now you're just nitpicking... i play the damn thing and i call it a bass guitar :P More of a standard guitar player myself though. I'm have a Gibson 89 Les Paul custom with a red wine finish, and double humbuckers. The things older than i am and has such a great tone to it.
  2. there are other high profile RFA's that havent signed yet either. Its gotta be a cba issue. Anyone knows what happens to a players rights if there is a lockout and they havent signed as an RFA? do contracts just lose a year or do they get pushed back? whats the deal?
  3. Its on the front page of sabrespace, they invited the russian goaltender from the canada russia challenge to Buffalo's training camp.
  4. Bass guitar man, Bass guitar. Cmon ghost, you know better than to make a mistake like that In other news, surprised to see that noone has said anything about the makarov invite to camp yet.
  5. Too patient, if I've interpreted the reports correctly. Hangs on to the puck for almost too long.
  6. Has more to do with being used to those conditions rather than fitness in my opinion.
  7. That's a great question and one that I've wondered myself for quite some time. The best I've been able to come up with is a little bit of roster turnover as well as situational circumstance. In my opinion every team gets physical in the playoffs, and i dont think that can be understated, because there is a clear correlation to that in my mind. Many on this board have expressed disappointment in players who had size but never seemed to use it. Simply put, they used it in the playoffs. We also had guys like Niedermyer and Grier, who despite their age, definitely brought some much needed physical mantra in the locker room. You're also looking at a roster that swapped Montador and Butler for Regher and Ehrhoff. An improvement? yes, but that definitely took some sandpaper out of the equation.
  8. On a message board, yes. If you can be swayed by a faceless name on the internet, then odds are you werent too invested in your beliefs in the first place.
  9. So we can put you in the "follower" catagory i suppose. If you let anyone's posts in a forum influence your political views then i daresay you are not nearly as invested in the fate of this country as you should be. This is the best post in the entire thread. Well done.
  10. Its more private sector jobs than your buddy in the white house has created man. Jobs are jobs, and these ones pay for themselves. Most of the jobs Obama has "created" are paid for by tax dollars.
  11. Ever hear of Staples? a little office supply company? Do some research before you spew man. The mans created jobs, and lots of them. I may not like arguing about this stuff on the internet but I'll call BS when i see it. This is where i bow out gents, see you all in the other threads. Don't want the Hippocracy getting to me more than it already has
  12. Thats fine and dandy, but if you think that anything you spew on the internet of all places has any real traction then your fooling yourself. I definitely skew conservative as well but the internet, especially a sports message board seems like a foolish place to do so. I'm all for talking politics in person if the situation is right, but discussing it on the internet is the definition of wasted time in my opinion.
  13. "Wow, your relentless posts about politics have changed my personal views and made me come around to your way of thinking!" - Nobody Ever I despise every time a thread like this shows up here. I know i don't have to read it, but you're all just rehashing the same stuff every single time. I really don't see the point here.
  14. I think that kind of thinking is exactly the issue this country has. No ones side is ever more radical than the other. Its about even in my opinion.
  15. Nice. I tried Jimmy Z's over the weekend as i was in brockport and i have to say it was the worst plate I've EVER had. worse than Uhots in Buffalo. The homefries were absolutely appalling. I don't know if i went on a bad night or its just not good for people like me who like to get double homefries, but i will certainly never be getting a plate from there ever again.
  16. The problem with todays political landscape: The two party system has been taken to the extreme. Regardless of which one you affiliate yourself with, they've been type cast into good and evil. if your a conservative, the Democrats are the bad guys, if your more liberal, the GOP is the evil group. The opposing side never has any good ideas (that seems to be the new general perception anyway) and as a result, nothing gets done. The problem here is that mudslinging has been taken to such an extreme that its now virtually impossible for the parties to work together now. Instead of coming to comprimises on legislation each side just blocks eachother whenever they get the chance. The system is so far gone that i wonder if it will ever return to any kind of equilibrium. I'm not here to debate, just thought i'd give my 2 cents.
  17. You and the rest of the NHLs fanbase
  18. Looks good on my end, I'm gonna give up my spot in blue so there's more room for whoever else would like to join in the festivities. That'll allow me to pay more attention to defend my title in the gold league. :P
  19. 1
  20. Not too keen on playing both again this year, but im definitely down for gold
  21. Voracek for sekera straight up? Whats the value on these guys and what would it take to make it work?
  22. I mean in their defense, that whole situation pretty much made me ready to ship everyone on the team out. it was straight up horrendous. When you have the optimists up in arms, theres going to be some unavoidable hyperbole. I like the changes we made to get tougher, but bashing the teams leadership for not doing enough at the time is precisely the way i felt as well. It all comes down to the way you rationalize the event in questions and the roster changes since. A desire by the front office to get tougher is obviously there. I have no problem if people want to see results before they pass judgement though.
  23. I'm not so sure what "team stormcloud" does is purely negative bashing. In fact i find a lot of it constructive. I'll always be an optimist with the Sabres. They're my team and I'll stand behind them no matter what. But what they do is the same thing, they're just more "negative" or "realistic" or whatever you want to call it. The Negative is typically the stuff that needs to change so its a logical piece of debate. Theres just more to say about it than good. If Myers underperforms for a stretch, we hear all about it. But thats because there are things to complain about. There are opinions of how to change it. On the flip side, discussions about Marcus Folignos jock strap can only fill so many pages of discussion before every last post is essentially saying the same "i wanna wear it on my head". That just doesnt facitlitate dynamic (yet hilarious) conversation as much as focusing on flaws does.
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