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Everything posted by Koomkie

  1. i'm sure we will have to give up some, but i really am curious to see if darcy can get this done and if he can, what he gives up. maybe he can get creative with buyout and such. either way having one of those two around for a few years is great for our future IMO
  2. suter this year. weber next year? myers, suter, weber, ehrhoff, sekera, mcnabb.
  3. although th =e sooner the better, i dont mind if it happens before or after just as long as we do end up with either nash or ryan and of course a foligno throw in would really spice it up. adding one of those players without giving up the future would be unbelievable.
  4. another comment on the RDS guy " I like them both, they are professionnal and don't throw around false rumors. Renaud Lavoie even got some pretty reliable source, can't say I heard him being wrong ever." so it sounds as though sabres may really be in on nash! what are the rules on buying out a contract? or burying a contract? just curious if instead of sending over half our team, if we could offer to take on steve mason in the trade and just buy him out? and then send them enroth, adam, and brennan or something?
  5. don't know how much stock this holds but i read this on the HFboards about the guy that reported sabres in on NASH: Renaud Lavoie and Luc Gelinas Anyone like these guys ? I always liked them because they brings in most of the times facts that aren't known to other persons. obviously french...but maybe this guys does know something most peeps dont know?? fingers crossed. i want nash here more and more....and i think darcy can swindle the CBJs
  6. wow...i like it!!!
  7. our RW depth would be stocked if we grabbed ryan. especially with armia hopefully making the jump soon. i like the idea of ryan being ahead of armia.
  8. FWIW Yesterday on GR hamilton said that there are only two players that are untouchable on the sabres roster...Myers and McNabb. i hope they dont trade ennis OR mcnabb.
  9. of course, what was i thinking? i live in portland! i should be out riding my short handle bar hipster bike! geez. :thumbdown:
  10. sabres always come first in my book unfortunately.
  11. figured. i'm just bored
  12. been listening to WGR all day...anyone think darcy is going to release any statement today? are we going to hear even at least a little news?
  13. if we do nothing...and the rest of the east keeps getting better? i expect a high draft pick
  14. Thats a good point. I guess ideally there should be that balance where you want to play and risk it all for your team which I feel is encouraged through having respect for your teammates/ coach. I hope that TP can encourage ruff to create that respectful environment if it is not already present. TP seems to have that mindset. Although it was hard to read about how they never even gave hetch a thank you after ten years. His agent seemed very disappointed in our org for that. Doesn't seem like a hockey heaven way to operate. Anyways. Let's go Sabres!! Sign parise!!!!
  15. i disagree with all the comments about boyes. i don't think he is asking to be coddled or that he should man up. he stated that he has played for hard coaches and he has had plenty of success. hockey is a TEAM game. it sounds to me as though ruff is not good at gelling the players together, putting guys in a role where they can succeed, or communicating how a player needs to improve, or what they are doing well. Roy's comments at the end of the year criticized ruff for the same thing...never letting them know what they are doing well. i just read an article today that has shown vanek being critical of ruffs coaching. explaining how his production was great with pommer and then he had new line mate after new line mate and it was really difficult to get some sort of flow going. and now this boyes articles that makes it obvious to me that ruff is lacking essential skills to make a cohesive unit. reading this actually kind of scares me going into this season. i hope that i am wrong, but if ruff really does not come out with a winning record in the first half of the season he better be shipped out. i am fine with keeping darcy for now...he seems to be growing and adapting and seems to have the correct direction the team needs to go in. i almost hope the players tank in the very beginning just to get ruff sent out. i would really like a team with consistent lines that is exciting to watch. i hope that i am wrong and that boyes is just a baby. otherwise, get rid of ruff already, this is starting to get ridiculous.
  16. Very true. they are at least attempting to rebuild and move in a direction. so i guess at least there is that. they really can't go wrong with the #2 pick right? can they?!?
  17. i wonder if philly was the team that asked darcy to move down in the draft as well.
  18. it's just odd when you compare to what they are asking for with Nash. flags go up that they have no clue what they are doing. it almost makes me happy to have darcy because at least he is consistent.
  19. it must be really difficult to be a CBJs fan.
  20. that's a ton of picks.
  21. I live out in Portland and have a lot of friends that are vancouver fans...real hockey fans too. they are furious right now. my one friend says Hodgson is clutch and most likely will be our captain some day. he has no clue how they could have moved him. i personally think that kassian and mag will do really well in vancouver and that they really are not getting shafted, and it is great that we are getting what we need. a real center. then reading on the comments that someone had posted earlier...he was compared to RNH. i am all about kassian, but this kid sounds legit. congrats darcy on doing an excellent job today ( including the goose trade ). this makes going into the FA and the draft very exciting. we really have options. now imagine we get parise!!!! very happy sabres fan. go sabres! now fail for nail!
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