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Everything posted by Koomkie

  1. Pysyk is such a smooth operator. I hope we hold on to him and he makes the jump next year. I really love his game
  2. Could Derek Roy become the MVP this season?
  3. we are rebuilding. What do people not understand about this? None of our Ufas were going to stay, so get whatever assets you can for them. We tried to build a solid team through FA by signing the Hoff and leino, it didn't work, why is selling off these players that are of no value to your future lineup bad? This is so dumb. Tank on. Tank until the sun don't shine. Do people not remember that we sucked? We couldn't make the playoffs and when we did we lost in the first round? Jesus It's more disgraceful to act like nothing is wrong and continue on being a mediocre team and making mediocre moves
  4. I thought risto tried to create a lot as well
  5. Can't believe they disn't take enroth out Didn't
  6. I love ray just before the goal "now we get a chance to see myers in front of the net on the powerplay" everyone is so excited about, it is going to save the season!
  7. Dang Rasmus has a fast wrister
  8. I have been wondering this as well and I feel the reason may be because of zemgus. Moulsons bread and butter is in front of the net. And since zemgus has been on his line, zemgus has been storming the front before matt has a chance to get there. Watch moulson, he is floating out around the dots trying to find open space because the crease is occupied. Just one idea/opinion
  9. I also really want reinhart. Fingers crossed.
  10. Sutchy. Man I cannot stand hockey nicknames
  11. Does anyone else find it hard to believe that halal is interested in signing with the islanders? He seemed disgusted to be a sabre, as though he wanted nothing to do with them.that could if course have been from shock of being traded from a contending team. I can't imagine why he would be excited to join the train wreck islanders
  12. Right on. The iss rankings are very different from that. I think we will end up picking 2nd anyways. Just interesting thinking of all the options they have
  13. fair enough, although I thought the consensus is there are four top players then it drops to a second tier?
  14. But do you guys think it is worth it to drop down to calgarys place( assuming the want to move up and give up a prospect) for an extra player? I'm not familiar with their prospects. Who would you want to get? Oooo Sven baertschi?!?!
  15. i feel like Murray should go for a prospect instead if more picks. Even if that means throwing in a few picks or prospects of our own. Get a guy that has a year or two further in the process
  16. Regardless we are getting a potential top line player. So how about this one. If Tim Murray does want drisaitl ( think I kissed an "a" in there or something) and Sam reinhart falls to us at second. Do you think we should trade with calgary? (Assuming they want the bros together). What if they offered their pick and a good prospect? Or what if we offered a swap of firsts and one of our seconds and a prospect for Sean monohan. Is there a deal you think we could/should make ? ###### autocorrect. Kissed an = misspelled
  17. very interesting spin on it. Drafting the largest player with skill. That makes me hopeful at least! i agreed. Just curious why people seemed so confident we were going to have our choice of the sams
  18. he is also who I prefer.
  19. But Seth was higher rated than barkov. Is ekblad much higher rated than Seth jones? Or I guess the question is, is he really higher rated than either sam? Enough that they really feel the need to choose him? I'm just not buying it. I think we want them to choose ekblad but I think he falls to third at the earliest. I hope I am wrong
  20. So my question is this. Why does everyone think fla will take ekblad? Last year Seth jones fell to them with the second pick and they chose barkov.
  21. the room could be filled with stripper poles. Instead it is a place for friends to crash instead of crashing their car into someone.
  22. I thought his house showed maturity. He gave his parents their own master bedroom and had the basement for friend to crash in instead of driving home and hurting themselves or someone. A little odd but very cool. He can down to a corn roast in east Otto a few years ago and was not drinking or crazy at all. Very quiet and humble. My parents who are quite the opposite talked to him at length. Very impressed.
  23. In the die by the blade article they say that Garth said he is not willing to pay the price tag for moulson. So the only fa that they have a good chance of recruiting, that can make an impact, they are not willing to pay. Yeah, I'm am betting we get a top five pick next year.
  24. very true. I feel they will keep the pick this year and trade it for a player available now. Someone like Kesler. Vancouver maybe a team that pushes for a mini rebuild
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