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Everything posted by TheAud

  1. This is fantastic...thank you for sharing. I hope your avatar namesake lights the lamp a couple of times tonight in your honor!
  2. Zemgus on the board....and I'm done. 5 stinking minutes and I can't stand watching anymore. Reminds me of the tank years.
  3. Just turned the game on before the goal. Then just saw Bogo turn it over. Made me laugh it was so bad.
  4. From the bottom of the Sabres notebook column in BN today: "Defenseman Josh Gorges reached the goal column Friday, leaving Justin Falk and Nicolas Deslauriers as the only Sabres without goals this season. It’s Gorges’ work without the puck that earned Bylsma’s praise. “He’s been the card-carrying member of how we want to play with being tough, aggressive, physical and putting his body on the line for the team,” Bylsma said. “That’s got to be the mantra for our team.” ...as opposed to dudes who can skate and pass really well. I want more of those guys.
  5. I'm not disagreeing, but the people with money to buy season tickets and so forth do not live in Elmira. They live in HH or Corning. So the extra 10-15 minutes drive each way during crappy winter nights makes a difference. This isn't like the NHL where people will drive hours to go see a game. I love hockey and live in Corning but the 30 minute drive each way is enough of a deterrent to keep me from going to weekday games. I mean, it's the ECHL. And downtown Elmira isn't a 'destination' to say the least. But in the big picture, no, it probably doesn't matter. I was just thinking of reasons why the team isn't as successful as it seems like it might otherwise be.
  6. Two underlying issues with Elmira team: 1) The ice plant needs to be replaced and it's a big ticket item (maybe $800k?). Chemung County was willing to go 50/50 with the City of Elmira but the city has no money whatsoever and the council unanimously voted it down. The result is the arena itself isn't necessarily viable for an on-going professional hockey operation until this gets done, despite the overall arena itself being quite nice for ECHL. 2) The team has had trouble making ends meet for years. I am not sure if it's the current owner or the prior one, but he was a local guy who had made a fair amount of money in business and as a sort of charitable thing he basically fronted the operation, made major capital investment in the arena (beautiful indoor and outdoor scoreboard/signage) and created a community board or some such thing to try to figure out how to make it sustainable long term. I know a guy who was on the board and these were smart, dedicated local people but the reality is the Elmira area is too economically depressed to support the team. If the arena were in Horseheads or Big Flats maybe there would be a chance but it's not like Elmira is that far from there.
  7. Root for losses: 1) increased chance DD gets fired in the off-season 2) better draft pick/lottery odds Root for wins: 1) it's fun when your team wins 2) build a culture of winning I don't know....I'm sort of in mini-tank mode because of Bylsma
  8. Oh, that's clearly important. I mean, why would he sign with Florida Panthers, Rangers/Islanders, or Sabres since the NFL team's in those cities have been unable to usurp Belicheck and Brady? Actually, by that logic he wouldn't sign anywhere but Boston or maybe Pittsburgh or Seattle. Oh wait, there is no NHL team in Seattle. What were we talking about again?
  9. After reading your post, I just thought about it, so yes that's possible. It's highly unlikely the Sabres will win 5 or more in a row in the real world however. If not for your post this thought would not have entered my mind since it seems like they haven't won 5 in a row since Donnie Edwards was in net although it probably hasn't been that long.
  10. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLlLtSG7xe4
  11. Lehner is really bad at shootouts. Got it. So without 31 saves against 32 shots, the game doesn't get to a shootout. If the Sabres could score more than 1 goal at home in 65 minutes, it doesn't go to a shootout. If Jack or Samson scores, the shootout continues. But let's just focus on one thing here.
  12. I'm all for upgrading from Rob Ray. He's a meat head with the occasional insight or funny story but generally just throwing out cliches and occasionally utter nonsense. Marty is pretty good but his accent also drives me nuts. However we really should address the bigger travesty: Brad May droning on like a hungover, stammering, nincompoop during intermissions. Actually, intermission might be a good place for Ray who would be an upgrade over May.
  13. You know, we were all hoping for the day to come when the Sabres weren't sellers at the deadline. I didn't see it playing out this way though. :unsure:
  14. Funny story...my wife is Taiwanese and just learning the game after being in the US for 3 1/2 years now. We were walking last night and I was telling her about the expansion draft as she'd heard about the new team in LV and was asking me about that. I mentioned it was my hope that LV takes Moulson or Gorges off the Sabres hands. She said to me, "Now Moulson and Gorges, those are the slow guys, right?" My God I love that woman.
  15. Stafford to the Bruins. That's gonna really help them come playoff time. If so, I respect that.
  16. I believe the Kulikov trade was, quietly, GMTM's worst trade.
  17. Filppula to his agent "Wait, can't we get the Toronto deal back?!?!"
  18. Dammit if GMTM doesn't move Franson or Kulikov soon we're probably not going to see Mat (One T) Brodie in a Sabres uniform. I'll be heartbroken.
  19. http://buffalonews.com/2017/03/01/sabres-sell-need-buy-next-briere/ John Vogl with some helpful advice: Just trade for the next Daniel Briere. I wish I had thought of that.
  20. I don't have a strong opinion on this either way but I'm simply guessing what his valuation would be in the market. I can see the pros and cons of moving him or keeping him. It's not like Kulikov who should be moved for sure.
  21. Dwight King for a 4th in 2018. So based on recent deals Gionta should be worth a 3rd, Kulikov at least a 3rd, and Franson...a 4th or 5th? Obviously could be more involved than that with more assets. I am not all that excited about those valuations but might as well get something....right Tim?!?!?
  22. I was thinking the same thing. I mean, doesn't everybody sell at the deadline? :wallbash:
  23. Why would they have traded him away as a rental when they were always in the playoffs?
  24. Possible. But he may also look at Stamkos, Drouin, Hedman, etc vs. Toronto's crew and figure within the timeframe of his career he'd just as soon take his chances in Tampa and enjoy the weather and no state income tax.
  25. I can't believe they called it
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