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Everything posted by TheAud

  1. Stick to the face isn't a penalty anymore apparently
  2. Trade him now!
  3. Fixed it for you
  4. You're right! I don't recall 1970 myself as I was born in January that year and had other things on mind I guess. :-)
  5. College basketball time. Bona, Niagara, Canisius, and UB having maybe their best combined season forever.
  6. I wasn’t inferring they do. However Patrick Kane would be welcome.
  7. Lee Stempniak. Never understood how a Buffalo guy who has played for 73% of the teams in the NHL hasn't ended up with the Sabres yet. (Note: I don't actually know what Lee Stempniak is up to.)
  8. I was in Tokyo for the March 2011 earthquake. Then we went to the Tsunami devastated region (City of Ishinomaki, to be specific) for relief work in Oct '11 and March '12. After spending time up there I got a better sense of what it must have been like post-WW II Dresden or Tokyo where the neighborhoods were just wiped out entirely except for a random structure here or there. I'll never forget it.
  9. Yes, then the chips fall as they may. I like that plan. Simplifies my fandom, too.
  10. Lehner sucks (Just getting that out there preemptively)
  11. What the hell is going on?
  12. Why is a Fred Jackson roast advertised by the Sabres? One Buffalo?
  13. I'd prefer it in R
  14. Roger that! Actually, Susan Tedeschi kills it too when the TTB plays it, which they occasionally do. I need to explore their music some more. I am not overly familiar. I see that TTB is in a general admission venue as opposed to the arena w/lawn seats. Although I am 6'5" and hence fare quite well in GA venues I can't bring myself to drive the 3 hours from Corning for it. Looking for a place to sit with good sightlines. That said, if I lived nearby I'd be there in a heartbeat for the price (I believe it was $40?).
  15. Restarting this thread in case anyone is interested as summer concert announcement season is finally upon us. July is really shaping up for me! Acquired tix to James Taylor/Bonnie Raitt in Buffalo on 7/1 and Tedeschi Trucks Band 7/10 in Canandaigua. I'm pretty pumped, actually. Who else is lining up their summer concert schedule now?
  16. There is always the chance I fold some laundry in front of the game on TV. Otherwise, no chance I'll tune in to this sh*t show.
  17. Maybe next year. He’s on an entry level contract this year scoring a point per game, so you’re wrong.
  18. No one taking a man in front
  19. That's De Niro level acting. I mean, to me it looked like he just got his head crushed into the boards.
  20. If that girl is so damn precocious taking her iPad all over the place, how the hell does she not know what a computer is?
  21. Sunk costs should be irrelevant to the discussion. I.e. doesn't matter what round he was drafted in, that's over with. All that matters is what the Sabres think he's worth relative to what they could get in a trade. Here's a guy who is a different sort of player but a cautionary tale: http://forecaster.thehockeynews.com/player/10251 Picked 17th overall he was traded at age 22 for a mid-2nd round pick and an exchange of fringe players going each way. If the Sabres are not bullish on Nylander but he can still fetch 1st round value in the trade market, now is absolutely the time to trade him before his value deteriorates. That said, he's still two years younger than Lazar was when he was traded, so perhaps he develops. It's just my personal opinion he is not going to become a contributing NHL player but I am not claiming to know more than the Sabres (or anyone else) on that topic.
  22. If some other team still thinks he is a 1st round talent, trade him for something of tangible value. He's showing us nothing and his game doesn't translate to the NHL.
  23. I have to admit on first glance I thought this post involved trading the starting goalie to an aquarium for six aquatic mammals. Obviously not the case, but that might be an interesting topic too. What level of sea life would be required to unload Lehner? A crate of lobsters and a Narwhal would do it for me.
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