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Peace Frog

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Everything posted by Peace Frog

  1. I'm at work. Shootout updates......PLEASE!!!!!
  2. Well, ain't that just a penis in the punchbowl! :censored:
  3. That wouldn't be as bad as obstruction holding with his ass. :bag:
  4. Not me.
  5. I like the original better. Powerplay has shown great improvement on the powerplay. :thumbsup:
  6. Gaustad gets Buffalo on the board, finally! Buffalo: :ph34r: Ottawa: :death: :death: :death: :death: :death: Oops, make that 5-1. :censored:
  7. I think my signature at the bottom so applies to tonight's game. The Sabres are the Charlestown Chiefs and the Sens are the Petersborough Patriots. Click on the link and reminisce.
  8. Although the Sabres' PP has been slowly crawling back to life, a big improvement has been overlooked; the PK. Opponents have been 0-13 in the last 4 games since Tallinder has returned. Great win, Good Guys! :thumbsup:
  9. 1-0 Ottawa. Damn.
  10. What?!? Roy was whining because of the 7" height and 40 lb weight advantage to Souray? :blink: What a crybaby! ***sarcasm off*** It was nice to see Ghostdad clean Souray's clock. The Slugs need more of this, especially against teams that try to intimidate them physically. Great win, guys.
  11. Shootout updates? Thanks!
  12. 7 goals? That's more like it!
  13. C'mon, Slugs........this is Cry-o-lina we're playing. I want MORE goals. I want 10-3!
  14. waiting on the Bar tab, I see..... :beer:
  15. As much as this embarrassing display sucks for us, I feel it's a healthy thing to have your ass handed to you once in a while, especially by a division rival, to help keep the team's skates on the ground. I was hoping for a 5-0 victory for the Slugs tonight but if they're gonna have slow feet tonight, then they deserve to get pummeled. Lindy, who had nothing to really complain about last week, can tear them a new one next practice and get them back to playing Sabres hockey instead of this drunken-slug crap.
  16. I believe they meant 1883. ;)
  17. I'll make a prediction of Buffalo 5, New York 2.
  18. Maybe they think their team is a bunch of roadrunners. Or, they're just kinda gay.
  19. I almost feel sorry for them but then I remember that this is the Flyers. Let's have 10 goals, Slugs!!!! :lol:
  20. Peace out, Swede. Maybe our teams will meet in the Cup finals and have a Battle of Lake Erie.
  21. F*cking sweet!!!!!!! Slugs win!!! Slugs win!!!!
  22. Keep me updated on the SO round results. I'm at work and can't hear it. What happened, what happened????
  23. I'd like to see this game go to a shootout. Let's see Miller and Hasek duel it out.
  24. Scoooooooooorrrrrreeees! 1-0, Buffalo!
  25. I'm living down here in Dallas (man, I miss Louie's Red Hots) and I heard a funny phrase from Bill Parcells on the radio once. He said "I don't wanna hear all about how tough the labor and all that stuff was. I wanna see the baby." I guess as a longtime Sabres fan, I can attest to that statement. I don't wanna hear about how this player is hurt and this one is in a slump. I wanna see the Sabres win a freakin' STANLEY CUP! :angry:
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