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Everything posted by CallawaySabres

  1. win them all, so start with tonight...
  2. Florida will be a better first round opponent than Pitt vs Boston. They made the run when they had to …
  3. Florida is getting a point, let’s just make sure we get 1 too.
  4. They ain’t winning in regulation. 1 point still keeps us alive with Pitt falling apart
  5. I guess the last question is if I can get it on ESPN plus if I am signed up in Buffalo, but outside the country for this game...
  6. I hate, and love that this game is actually do or die. Anyone know about something called Express VPN to watch?
  7. No Tage, Levi. With Tage, Levi.
  8. Any updates on Tage?
  9. Still in the Bahamas, cannot watch again. Quick summary, who are the best players on the ice? Thanks.
  10. Come on Sabes!!!!! Take this!!!!
  11. Let’s get Sid into the playoffs at all costs…no way this goes our way today…
  12. Yay a Bruins, just scored. This is a big one folks!
  13. Just 1 more reason to despise Boston when they blow our season today. Literally the only time I pull for them all season and they’ll Fck it up
  14. If someone brings their kid to the next home game, and they want that child to be on television, this is the sign that needs to be made!
  15. At least if it goes to OT, there are fewer defensemen on the ice...
  16. At least we don't have to dread OT and shootouts anymore....I think
  17. Just to be 100% positive. If I am out of town, there is no way that I can watch this game on my laptop correct?
  18. On way to 🇧🇸 Will I be able to watch on espnplus from there?
  19. I did not, but I also had pretty much inked in a win versus Montreal
  20. If you want to hold on to any hope, do NOT look at the Penguins remaininng schedule.
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