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Everything posted by CallawaySabres

  1. Serious question, is Power the worst defenseman on this team?
  2. Just go on a win streak of at least 8 you mthrfcknlazyheartlsscrmpuff bastards! ps, I love you
  3. Unfortunately, it does not look like this team is actually going to stay afloat long enough to even see if January can save them. Is there any other team in the entire league that has only won two games in a row once?
  4. They never will, though, they are just not built that way and that is what sucks.
  5. God bless you all who sit through this one. You are a better fan than I. My breaking point has passed and I truly hope they turn this thing around some day. Go Sabes.
  6. I remember when I actually cared about a top player being injured...not so much anymore.
  7. As down as I have been about this team, I was still following and watching and going to the games. It’s funny that this topic came up today because today’s the first time I have officially conceded that they will not be making the playoffs this year. I concede and the thing that sucks is that I’m already over it, again….i guess my daughter can fly back from college to see her first playoff game if they make in the next 4 years.
  8. It’s all Bills for me. I’ll check back if they ever make it to 8th, but that’s not happening this season.
  9. That actually looks like a playoff team if you insert Quinn and Greenway at some point...
  10. Absolutely have to get minimum of 4 out of 6 points on this trip to stay afloat.
  11. Brainwash the whole team to think they lost, it’s our only chance at a win streak πŸ™ƒ
  12. I love how Arizona plays, nonstop hustle the whole time.
  13. I predict January 2025 is the next time these guys will win two games in a row.
  14. If Levi is starting, I will probably go to the game. If it is Comrie, no chance in hell.
  15. I agree they need to start winning some games now but the reason I picked January is that it's a HUGE opportunity to play almost the whole month vs lesser teams. They will need 75% of the points that month...minimum.
  16. I keep writing these guys off and won't really believe anything has changed until they start winning 3 out of 4 a few times. They need to stay afloat until Tuch and Quinn are back and then January looks like the easiest schedule of the entire year. Put together a few wins here in December and then make the charge in January. I know this is all wishful thinking but it's all I got right now. Hopefully UPL and Levi can right the ship while this group can figure out how to win 2 games in a row. It's now or never with these clowns. Go Sabes https://www.nhl.com/sabres/schedule/2024-01-02
  17. I would trade half of our team for one person who knows how to win a face off
  18. I am REALLY fired up tonight. Don’t let me down, I can’t take it tonight, not tonight
  19. Best decision you will ever make in Sports. I told my kids I would never ever ever ever bring them to another Bruins game for the rest of their lives after last year.
  20. I don't think that thread regarding lowest point in Sabres history is going to be going anywhere anytime soon...πŸ˜†
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