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Everything posted by CallawaySabres

  1. I just don’t understand why we look like such an ordinary team. It reminds me of all the BILLS teams during the 17 year drought. OT equals season over. They will have to pull the goalie if this game is tied late.
  2. Just too many shots into the center of the goalie. Either keep it low and get a rebound or go for the corners.
  3. Yup, a loss and playoffs are ZERO chance. A win still gives them a reason to keep playing for something....and a reason for me to watch. I don't want this to be my last game of the year.
  4. Yay, is this is 10th year we have topped that list? Nothing ever changes...
  5. Even though the season is over, I am actually really excited to watch this game tonight. I want to see what they are actually capable of, and anything less than a 60 minute effort will be a disgrace. Unfortunately, I am fully prepared for this to be my last game of the year.
  6. Players and coaches alike must know that it is absolutely do or die tonight. If this team looks even remotely flat in the first period, it will tell us everything that most of us already know about the coaching.
  7. Whether you have any hope left or not, the season officially ends tonight with a loss and hangs by a thread with the win.
  8. This is total BS, Skinner is one of the few guys on the team that actually shows heart and feistiness. He can't help it if a bunch of his teammates are floaters. The first half of the season, it looked like he was the only one that freaking cared about winning. Someone can only take so much losing. Go F yourself Roenick and watch the games.
  9. He should have done it on 2 of the first 3 BS calls in that game. He's an idiot and has no feel for the game. He waits until the most crucial part of a massive game and then explodes on a call that was obvious. If you cannot tell, I can't stand the look of that guy on the bench for 1 second longer...
  10. There can't be many teams that have prospects and picks like Buffalo, but if a player has any say in where he is going to be traded, zero chance Buffalo is on that list. I would imagine that Buffalo is near dead last as a destination for anyone in their prime.
  11. The tiniest hope of saving the season will be determined tomorrow night. If they win, they will hold on to me for a bit longer. If they lose, the season is 1,000% over and that will be the last Sabres game I watch. The next hockey game I will most likely see will be the final night of the regular season (if there is a team that is win and in) or the first round of the playoffs.
  12. Obviously, this will never happen, but if I am Pegula, I tell Don that you beat Tampa or your job is on the line. Let’s see how the team reacts when the season is on the line tomorrow night.
  13. I can’t believe anyone in their right freaking mind can possibly say this coach deserves to stay one more day. How stupid can one person be at the end of the game?
  14. Oh my God, could that have been any worse of an ending. What a goddamn waste.
  15. I assume Benson will not see the ice for the last five minutes, correct?
  16. It really blows my mind, too, obviously, those people don’t pay a goddamn dollar for a Sabres game in their entire lives.
  17. It was a penalty clear as day. That’s the call He actually chooses to get fired up on. What a joke.
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