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Everything posted by CallawaySabres

  1. If Buffalo gets the next goal, it's over. This is a game that they will not lose.........
  2. please, that's all I got..just please. Sports around here suck right now
  3. Having the top six actually play worse this year than last was not even in the cards for me and now that it is a reality, troubles are ahead. Add to that the incompetence of Gaustad and Rivet and it looks like this team could be in for a world of hurt just within the division...
  4. All you need to know is this was their best played game and they still don't win. Obviously this means the team is not good... Besides Miller and Roy, any player on this team could have a season ending injury and it would not make a damn difference...
  5. I swear to GOD I hate Rivet more and more every game. If they can't bench him, rip that freakin' C off his heartless chest and give it to someone else...
  6. Nothing is going to happen tonight and I guarantee this team is told by Lindy to stay out of the box. It will be another 3-1 or 4-2 loss and things turn ugly tomorrow. Is it too late to get MAC and MAX back? This team is VERY unlikeable
  7. Lincoln Station is the best place hands down. My roommate from College owns it and they also have great wings to boot. Tell them the Baumer sent ya! Delilahs is fun as well so it would be worth it to stop in and say hello to Mike (more old school atmosphere)
  8. First time in Bills and Sabres history of the draft that they pick the guy that I want - thank you thank you thank you
  9. 6 minutes 6 minutes 6 minutes Dougie Fresh yer on..o o onnn!!
  10. I saw one once (the exact one) on ebay but I lost it. If anyone has this, I would be willing to pay good price. I had one way back when but have no idea where it is - thanks
  11. Is there any chance Tallinder will be back by the end of the year? Is he at least skating since it was his arm that was hurt. I would not think it would take too long to get to game speed since he should be conditioning lower body this whole time - right??
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