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Everything posted by CallawaySabres

  1. Just think about some of the Sabres from the past that came back and got booed (that did not deserve it). When Leino makes it back for his first game as a visitor.....yikes. Worst signing in Buffalo Sports history......
  2. I would be lying if I said I wasn't jumping up and down on that goal!
  3. Are these players the biggest pansies on the planet? I refuse to watch this sport for the sole reason that it's embarrassing to watch them writhe in pain every time they get a scratch. Figure skaters could kick the crap out of half these guys....
  4. I think Chicago will do absolutely everything possible to keep Toews and Kane together for the next 7 years but if there was ever that .0001 chance of Kane moving on, Buffalo would have the best shot.
  5. 7 points in the last 2 must win games?! How can he NOT be in the discussion - love it...
  6. I caught a glimpse of Carrie Underwood's legs on some award show last night - Good Lord is that perfection!
  7. So much for my Montreal Cup appearance prediction from September.......
  8. They were his, the name was faded out on the side but I could just make it out.
  9. Well, I went to a garage sale this morning and paid 1 dollar for 2 hockey sticks so my son and I could play a little street hockey in the driveway. when I got home, I noticed that they had both belonged to Dave Andreychuk. I even looked on google images to try and match the sticks and sure enough, jackpot. I even made a comment to my son that I could not believe how long these sticks for and I was going to have to cut them - that is when I found out through Google that he had one of the longest sticks in the league, pretty cool.
  10. In person, I would have to say Drury's goal against the Rangers and Stanley Cup game 3 against the Stars - walking into the building.
  11. Right now and I have no doubt about it. With devastating losses come emotion and I would take that any day of the week. It doesn't even seem as though Buffalo is in the NHL right now and the thought of our arena jumping like crowds have been in this year's playoffs? I can't even comprehend it.....
  12. I feel bad for Chara ya right!
  13. Officiating should be VEEEEERY interesting tonight in Boston. I am willing to bet that it will be ONE of the story lines when all is said and done....
  14. And as Crosby does nothing for his team to advance, Kane simply does it again in THE most critical of moments. Now there are certainly some arguments to be made for other players, but as far as Crosby goes, what have you done for me lately? Sid was virtually invisible for the entire playoff run (which was once again cut short) while the cream of the crop rises on the other teams (Kane, Getzlaf, Toews.)
  15. It almost seems impossible to imagine the Buffalo arena ever being this loud again.... Fck u Boston you ######
  16. If EJ proves he is legit, brilliant trade. If EJ bombs, Bills suck for a minimum of another 4 years - end of story.
  17. tip or not, Lundqist has got to pay better attention to make that save.
  18. This series is going 7 no matter what and it looks like I may be going to game 5 now.
  19. Good Lord, my 10 year is coming up next year....oh how the time flies. So where can I put the shameless plug for my company? Incentive trips and client entertaining anyone?!
  20. Kane leads Hawks to 3rd Stanley Cup with a game 7 OT goal over Montreal and thoughts of taking Buffalo to their first Cup win start to creep in.........
  21. Hard to picture him in a Sabres uni after this level of excitement - yeesh. I think it would be best for both parties involved. http://prohockeytalk.nbcsports.com/2014/04/30/ehrhoff-if-sabres-want-to-move-me-they-can-move-me/
  22. I want Philly - hate them but want the match-up with Pens I want CO - Fun to watch MaKinnon and Roy I want LA - If San Jose falls apart, there could be players Buffalo can get...MAJOR shake-up will take place
  23. 1. Boston 2. Boston 3. Boston 4. Philly, Toronto, Montreal
  24. impressive amount of hats thrown onto the ice after that one
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