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Everything posted by hockeyhound

  1. Is your life really fine? Life is bigger than sports. Look up brother he is coming in the clouds.
  2. Then you won't go far in life.
  3. Is it just me, or are we talking about a 80 game season. give these guys a chance. Trying to get to the playoffs is a goal worth pursuing. They're building on something and it's a much better foundation then years past. Let's Go Buffalo!
  4. He played well along the wall, and I like the fact that they're using him in front of the net on the PP.
  5. Risto earned his money tonight, Great Job!
  6. The Struggle Is Real. Let's Go Buffalo!
  7. They're on the right track. They played well. Much better team.
  8. This an honest effort, good, bad, or ugly, they're doing it. Com'n Let's Go Buffalo!
  9. They're going to have to dig in and take that extra stride, make that extra move, and challenge their defense. If they're afraid to get hit then,.... sometimes you gotta fight for it. The margin of error is thin
  10. They're really playing well. This has been a great game. The passing, shooting, diving for pucks, breaking up plays, hard checking, ... That's Hockey! Let's Go Buffalo!
  11. They're Playin Hockey! Let's Go Buffalo!
  12. Com'n one more before the period ends. Let's Go Buffalo!
  13. Sheary kept that series alive that led to the goal. Battle Won! Nice Job! Let's Go Buffalo!
  14. The Zen Master has his work cut out for him. This will either add to who they are as a team or they will shrivel and choke. I'll bet that this team is sick of getting their azzes kicked and they're going to come out on fire. I hope we get to see a great come back.
  15. This is where we find out what kind of a coach we have. They're backed into a corner, and it will be interesting to see how they respond to this adversity.
  16. Will the real Sabres please stand up.
  17. Marty, "A Little Rust"? It's more than a little rust Marty.
  18. Class is in session. You've been schooled.
  19. Rob Ray still sounds positive. Let's Go Buffalo!
  20. The coach has been even tempered and zen like up til now; however, this certainly is the kind of game that will test that. I wonder what kind of coach they will see in the intermission.
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