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Everything posted by hockeyhound

  1. Larry, Nice Job. Keep making them a part of the dasher board advertising. .
  2. Ray: Sabres PK 5th in the league Let's Go Buffalo!
  3. Tim McGraw: Back when a hoe was a hoe Coke was a coke And crack's what you were doing When you were cracking jokes Back when a screw was a screw The wind was all that blew And when you said I'm down with that Well it meant you had the flu Way to go Bunomatic, you summed up a whole generation in one sentence.
  4. ? Duffer: Clutchability. What will they think of next.
  5. He made it look sooo easy. Pilut the Pest. Good job kid.
  6. Slick move at the blue line Dahlin. Good job kid.
  7. Hey, Hey, What Do You Say, Let's Go Buffalo! We want 3!
  8. Happy New Year Everyone.
  9. Very difficult to watch lately. I hope they can turn it around in the new year. Let's Go Buffalo!
  10. Let's Go Buffalo! So good to hear RJ back behind the mic.
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