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Fire Lindy Ruff NOW

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    Buffalo, NY
  • Interests
    lots of things.

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Fire Lindy Ruff NOW's Achievements

Top Prospect

Top Prospect (2/8)



  1. shucks...i bet teeth of the dog and zetterholm...they finished 4th and 5th! haha figures!
  2. i got 5 bucks on teeth of the dog and 5 on zetterholm! lets go boys!
  3. what agent? howd you talk to an agent?
  4. haha good luck buddy...
  5. shay-din-frood? haha
  6. finally got all that water drained from under the house!
  7. AHAHAHAHAHAH! what happened to this korab guy?
  8. thats why their great. haha
  9. i agree and i like gunslinger fitzy too. its honestly a very likeable team even if they do fail.
  10. always has a ridcolous yards per carry average too...
  11. tech nine nice and RUSH BABY
  12. thats how it should be though. quarterbacks are not weak, but they arent grinders either. quarterbacks are the most important thing in football, so of course they some extra protection. we all know wed be pissed if we saw fitz get lit up on a pick. if fitz wasnt tryin to defend the play. you know what i mean.
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