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Everything posted by obstructedorangeseats

  1. I think Ruff putting the lack-of-toughness onus on Kassian is an attempt to try and allay the calls (fair or not) that he hates said toughness.
  2. Maybe I'm more sensitive to what I'm seeing on Twitter then. But this always happens (in any sport) where prospect hugging is part of being an educated fan. Especially in the internet age where more and more is known about these players. Heck, I'd suspect that even fans who casually follow the team are at least peripherally aware of their team's #1 or #2 prospect.
  3. Many thanks!
  4. So in trading Gaustad and a 4th for a 1st, Darcy got a Kelly for a Screech and random nerd?
  5. To be fair though, I'm getting a feeling that the Sabres community has turned a little Boston-ish on Kassian here. That fanbase and even officials in the organization (more than most, it seems) have a tendency to tear down some outgoing players, managers, etc. Look no further than Terry Francona and Johnny Damon. I know Kassian's NHL stint(s) were somewhat underwhelming, but I've been somewhat shocked to see how quickly the Buffalo fanbase has turned on Kassian. Maybe it's because of the high expectations on Vancouver's end, but you'd think he was absolute trash the way some people are depicting him.
  6. IIRC (and please correct me if I'm wrong) but I thought Ennis came into the league with center as his natural position?
  7. To paraphrase Always Sunny...Goddddddddddamnit, Lindy!
  8. It's Drew Stafford. You know, the gift that keeps on giving.
  9. She's pissed because he's the one getting (golden) helmet.
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