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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. And Adams wins in a landslide!!!
  2. I went to Scotland a few years back around the holidays, I had a really nice royal blue winter sabres hat.... I somehow lost it, believe I left it on a train there. Looked everywhere the next day but no dice. This season I got a new one at the sabres store that was similar to that one; the team instantly started losing and hasn't won yet. Moral of the story... I need to fly somehwere cool and toss my hat off a train to break the curse!
  3. Since we're so F*king terrible again, and we can't ask/get a competent hockey team; I figure I'd change it up a little and change gears. Is there anything you're expecting from Christmas, or anything you've been eyeing up this year? If you could receive 1 thing, what would it be? Happy Holidays Go Bills!
  4. It's sad because that was the first game they showed even the slightest bit of "grit" maybe "poise" idk, maybe it was 26 back. But ultimately just more of the same. There was little of that play in the last 11 games before last night also..... We're on to next season before Christmas again
  5. Everyone gets mad at me when I say I want snow.... If it's gonna be dark and crappy out, let it fly. This is The earliest I've been out skiing in a while and I'd like to keep that going.
  6. I mean Josh had a shovel taken away recently... I think the special teams may pick up on 17 back there to punt though ๐Ÿค“
  7. Can't argue here. Those asteroids hit every 100 million years or so.... I think we'll see one hit before the Sabres make the playoffs
  8. Sad thing is that it ISN'T over, the east is SOOO BAD that even an 11 game losing streak hasn't ended our season at all like it would have in years past. Now, this team absolutley will miss... Again. But man, what could've been.
  9. Shopping around holidays. I always forget until that time of year rolls around. Then I have to go into public and am sad that Mt Vesevius isn't around to go off and bury humanity in ash again. Carry on (carrion?!) ๐Ÿ˜†
  10. I'm at the point where I'll be upset the next time they win. I'm not one for tanking typically... But let's break that losing streak record... It'll be the knly thing we have a chance of winning.
  11. This is IMPOSSIBLE!! teams aren't ALlOwEd to makes moves in season. Whattt?!?
  12. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Such a great hockey market ruined by the worst owner in the sport
  13. ๐Ÿ˜‚ I won 500$ on a lucky bet once. My student loans alone are 2800$ a month still. Pretty sure there is no bulging anywhere ๐Ÿ˜‰
  14. ๐Ÿ˜” One BS holding call on an epic Kincaid TD away from being in the dance, and one Cardiac arrest from setting my lineup on a Thursday causing a loss by 0.4 points. I feel like the Sabres of 2 years ago. Alas, good luck you Scrounges. I'll be down here getting tanked in the consolation division.
  15. Lol that money will pay my electric bill maybe ๐Ÿ˜‚ This is the coveted SS fantasy league... It's a free league, but with plenty of bragging rights. It's also my only FF league, so now I can't come here and smack talk....I mean I can, but now I can't back it up ๐Ÿ˜œ
  16. Thst BS holding call took back my Kincaid TD, my improbable fantasy win and most likely dropped me out of the playoffs ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
  17. This seems.... Odd? Fishy? Maybe it's happened before, but to have news break that the owner that has been super silent; is now flying to Montreal on a whim to "talk to the team".... Then to find out it was just a "good vibes" speech. Idk man, it just doesn't add up at all to me.
  18. Looked at the score... 2-0 Looked at the score 4-3 6 page GDT for a leafs game! Wow
  19. That podcast with the guys talking about what needs to be done, accountability and going to the AHL and saying the doors open, that needs to happen. They alluded to a "country club" style and basically called out the sabres, Sens and Detroit but the emphasis on Buffalo. The bring it 110% every night or else we will make sure you don't wear an NHL jersey.... That is lacking, idk if it's coddling, or what is at play in the clubhouse, but this team had zero natural drive, zero killer instinct. Who admits That they get scared of a team coming hard when up 4.... I mean, these aren't men at all. Heads need to roll; bottom line; this is the only way at this time to make changes.... But our Owner is too Chicken $hit to even speak in public, his GM may actually be on some sort of Spectrum (and not the cool kind that let's you play piano well, or pick out nhl talent) and our retread coach has been saddled with Matt Freaking Ellis and probbaly the worst PP I've ever seen in the NHL. So yeah, we'll just sit here and give cocky press conferences like we're doing media and fans a favor, while bumbling every single step of the way and giving that stupid chipmunk grin. Hey Buffalo, thanks for supporting us... Now kindly Sod off. Yours truly TP and KA
  20. It's called Mesamerica, yes it's at Strasenburgh. They also play in buffalo at the Gerguseom planetarium I believe, but that was sold out. Ah, I'll keep that in mind, it was a Bday gift from my friends. Not sure what to expect honestly.
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