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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. No prolouge from @Eleven Christmas just isn't the same.
  2. Happy Holidays, get your pet Spayed or Neutered
  3. That Pats/Broncos game was insane
  4. I'll be at work, so when the Bills play, I turn the patient tracker into the football game for the whole Dept to enjoy
  5. Wasn't he also removed from the hockey team or something like that, if so then that fits
  6. I'm even more sad, dealing with straight up $hit bags of society instead of enjoy this whomping in a nice suite. Had it streaming on fubo, but was busy, so only caught glimpses.
  7. It's very pretty up here and I do sneak over to Quebec a lot, it is cold lol, 7 degree wind chill right now. Now if only I could drink on the job, we'd be on to something
  8. I initially had a suite ticket for tonight, I was more excited about the booze and food and company than the game. I was called to work and now I'm stuck up in the middle of nowhere NY, near the Quebec border. I'm not so upset anymore
  9. Putting sugar on a rectal prolapse and watching it migrate back to it's proper place. *seriously though, it is kinda cool.
  10. Maybe some outside picketing of the area that makes national news, if the fans even care enough anymore... Short of that, I don't see these marshmallows doing anything of any real consequence. They are spitting in the face of all the Buffalonians that have paid their time and money over the last decades. They have no interest in getting this city abuzz like it used to be, there is a huge problem having nothing but kids on the team. We may never see that greatness again. At this point, move the team, I'd rather have no team than this constant dissapointment. FU pegula
  11. I just turned it on, forgot they played tonight 😂😂😂😂 Any team worth anything would fire their coach tonight.
  12. This year? The year they were supposed to take an actual jump. This year is a big regression for all intents and purposes.
  13. Another bad loss, to a team that can't even secure an NHL arena.
  14. Thompson saying they outplayed them.... Not sure I'd go there bud Loser mentality.
  15. And just like that, this game means next to nothing.
  16. Give Benson the C, idk, maybe that will wake someone up. We're down 2 goals and I see Okposo and Oloffson out there, hanging out on the wall... Basically just a waste of time
  17. I'm still seeing no one in front, we need to muck it up and slam a goal in, and we are incapable of it
  18. Just updated my Modem and then added the Eero 6+ Mesh system to my house. Seems so far to be a very nice upgrade, I even get wifi in the garage now.
  19. Tonight there is a stark difference, they are staying on the perimeter, they aren't physical at all, and they are completely missing the net on all chances. How is it so hard to realize that when you go this route, you usually lose.....I still think Granato isn't the guy.
  20. That play started with a terrible terrible. Sequence in the O zone with a gassed team and a man missing a stick. Go to the net... But no, back to the point consistently. And bam, UPL with the brain fart.
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