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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. Msg on fubo is more 720p instead of 1080 but that's more on MSG I believe. I Switched to fubo Last month and I've enjoyed it. Tons of dvr, can use on 10 devices. When driving to work in Potsdam the other night, I was streaming the Bama/Michigan game on my phone on the dash using fubo 😂 No TNT games is the major downfall. Also be warned of the 10$ a month local carrier fee for sports that they squeeze in.
  2. DG has reached *almost* Krueger levels to me. His recent lack of answers and bumbling is par for the course for Sabres management. Produce on the ice, I don't care what crap you say anymore. Good coaches get results.
  3. I have a gum wall pic too, I found this alley on complete accident 😂😂
  4. We made the playoffs. Baby steps
  5. Yay Pegula. Hell, I'll take an owner that gets a rub and tug or is a straight up sociopath if it ensures they put a winning team on the ice. All these billionaire owners are all $hit heads in their own way, some just get caught. Enough is enough, commit to the team and the fans or move along.
  6. 😂😂😂😭😭😭😭 Maybe in 2024 Sabres. Or 2025 Maybe 2026.
  7. Started putting together the Lego Colleseum after the bills game. Just remembered they played tonight. *checks score* debating if I should turn it on
  8. Missed tripping Then 5 sabres on the perimeter, they don't even try to penetrate the middle, it's actually amazing this is a common theme
  9. I just got my theater sound hooked up in the basement, an MTX sub with surround speakers in the ceiling with a Yamaha rx-vr receiver...great sound. I haven't tried it on television setting yet, so I get the TV turned on, get the sound up and pop on fubo. Sabres game comes on and within 8 seconds... CbJ scores... The first sound I hear is the sound of pure suckitude.
  10. Soooo basically.... Everything
  11. He collects checks well, or at least he will.
  12. The planet is dying
  13. Matt Irwin Nuff said
  14. I wanted Beneirs, but alas, we went with a Dman on a team that doesn't play defense. Better coaching may get these guys there, at this moment in time, I don't think they'll hit their potential under this regime.
  15. I think this is 100% it. And they are allowed to do it. We have the least ruthless Billionaire owner as well. Which you would think would be a good thing. But has not been.
  16. Maybe the arena needs to be empty, straight up 500 fans or less. As long as the building is making money, they don't have to change anything.
  17. Welp. I tried to stream on fubo, but they don't have Turner networks. So I couldn't watch. Then I forgot about the game. Just checked the score... And I'm glad I forgot. I used to have their schedule memorized, I never missed a game if I could help it. The fact that I simply forgot about the game is not good at all. If it's affecting us die hards this way, we're losing a whole city and generation of fans with this "plan" sad sad state we are in. Fire KA, keep shooting your shot with these wanna be's until you hit. Biron, Puppa?
  18. I don't love driving in snow, but overall, I enjoy winter, it's pretty. This Is crap, no sun, cold rain, dingy and no pretty leaves to make it feel OK.
  19. Stuck up in a Potsdam for this one. I switched to Fubo a couple of weeks ago and have been happy with the availability of streaming options, so I'll have this one in the background on the phone, fingers crossed the ER allows me to watch a little of it.
  20. I'm not 100% sure, I know he's been busy away from this place
  21. This global warming $hit is ruining my ski season again. I've been out a few times, but it's been pretty crappy conditions. I have a night booked at Hotel du Glace in Quebec in a few weeks and I'm hoping it's cold enough to keep my room from melting.
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