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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. I watched at vinny's mostly just for the cheap drafts and awesome wings... But I basically second this sentiment
  2. Actually I think you only need to put 300 on the winner ;)
  3. Thanks, I'm sure we'll all be underwhelmed by it tho
  4. Any news on the Thornton hearing... I known it was today?
  5. Down to 1850 Only friggin losses for me this year have come in a SO
  6. For as up and down EJ has played..... Geno looks much worse overall
  7. You think he'll last that long?? I don't think he's gonna be 1st round material but I could see a team taking him in the 2nd maybe early/mid 3rd..... I do think we should take another QB, but at this point tho we seem to have many needs to fill.... It will be interesting to see how this plays out
  8. Got a chance to watch.... Neal cranking Marchand is just a really stupid play, although it was Marchand on the receiving end so meh.... Hell get 5 for sure.... That's probably a little less than adequate As for the Thornton incident, you have to be as blind as Helen frickin Keller to compare that sh!t to anything near john Scott level... Slew foot, punching a defenseless unsuspecting man, a man who is down on the ice, and to keep the gloves on to top it all off.... Then to act like he did in his interview, Aw I'm so sorry, I feel sick, I know brooksie... Yadi yadi yadi.... Whatever That should be 25 games minimum, no point in bitching about it tho because the league will do just enough to the players to be able to say, hey look we did something.... That is thuggery at its finest hour
  9. 2 words for today's game We Suck That is all, carry on
  10. I thought it was bud light
  11. That Pass interference call really was crap and a sure sign that the league wanted new England to win that game... Close FG at the end would have been glorious, but 58 yards was just too much
  12. Glennon has looked bad today.... But this game looks like a game between 2 amateurs.... Not blown away with EJ, his decision making looks poor and he has no deep ball yet.... At least some of the snow games are fun, and new England is losing to Cleveland
  13. Good start by the bills D.... Good thing I no longer have hope for the season.... I'm in the camp for a higher pick at this point I fell asleep last night, but woke up to the good news of the OSU loss.... Makes for a much more interesting NC game and I'm torn on who to root for
  14. Up to 2130 after the loss in the great white north eh.
  15. Lol every time I've bet big it has been a bad thing for me, ie kings and sharks games.... but I gotta take a shot here to get back into the race.
  16. At 1530.........1500 on les habs
  17. I was just starting to get over it and BAM.... PTSD all over again..... God I hate Ohio state..... Thanks blue ;)
  18. 100 on Buffalo, because im insane
  19. Plenty of different avenues to go to from here, although I think a few here have probably nailed some of the scenarios on the head. Im curious to see what the next "camp" will look like, just sucks we gotta wait two months to find out.
  20. Or beth coulda took it
  21. Finally was able to see the episode... Unfortunately I saw on fb about Herschel beforehand as well.... But still, what a great episode.... So many avenues to go to from here.... I don't think Judith is dead like they portray. I'm glad michone sliced the governor up, I kinda thought that would happen, I wonder where they all go next, and who the next foe will be.
  22. Yes that was a bad pick, but it seems like he is never on the same page with the qb when route running, he is small, but doesn't use his speed like Goodwin. Granted they are not in the same class... I like Evans a lot, but idk where we need to start with the draft this year
  23. Stevie chokes in the clutch, but graham has been a much bigger disappointment, he is like a less talented roscoe Parrish.... I don't want him, and I still think we need a very tall WR target like a lot of other teams have.. A guy that can go up and get a floater and be physical, we don't really have a go to guy other than stevie and he is a #2 at best
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