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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. This is Buffalo, we are rough and hearty, we shave our pubes and walk around with pants off just to get frostbite on our members.... Cmon NHL man up
  2. Turnpike!!!! What is this, joisey Get outta here you bum ;)
  3. I watched the whole game.... I can't believe it, that was one of the most amazing games I have ever seen.... Luck is unflappable even after turnovers.... This one tastes bitter for KC
  4. Damn I've been had ;)
  5. If johnny football is there at 9.....should we take him? This is tough, because the kid is small and may have some immaturity issues, however he can be a real game changer..... I just don't know if his speed translates to the NFL
  6. Alrighty This thread has been fun to read for me... All too enjoyable.... What bothers me is when "txt talk" enters the workplace, especially when it is documented in say a medical chart, or even a personal professional email. There are a few choice residents that have typed/written things such as "r" instead of "are"..." 2" instead of "to" and just the term "k" instead of "ok" which is dangerous because K in medicine could be mistaken for potassium and cause all kinds of issues. That stuff is acceptable when casual texting or SS posting, or any other non formal activity is involved, but it makes me "wanna" go all hulk on people. Hell 98%of the time when I email/post here/etc... I'm doing it from my phone, but even I recognize the matter of whet I'm writing and at least attempt to use correct Grammer.
  7. Technically I have 25 bucks from when I went all in on buffalo when I had 125, unless my partial bet was accounted for...if so I'll put it on minny
  8. Haha I like that term.... But hey if you want a jar of colostrum, I'm your guy....
  9. I think the U. S will medal, but I'm thinking a bronze, maybe silver, but Canada looks like a clear favorite and with the games in Russia, who know what hijinks may occur.... The D is fairly weak and the forwards are just slightly above average. I still take the stance that nhl players should not be in the Olympics., but those days are long gone.
  10. http://prohockeytalk.nbcsports.com/2014/01/01/here-is-your-2014-united-states-mens-olympic-roster/ I'm on my phone so I don't know if this transferred right.... But here is the roster for the men's hockey team
  11. Let me pull some strings and see if we can't get you into the labor and delivery wing :)
  12. Looks like I'm done... Happy new year
  13. Well I know EJ is a rookie and has a higher "ceiling" I'm not ready to pass judgement yet... Idk if he's being coached to be conservative or if he just isn't going deep on his own decision.... He will learn over the offseason I hope and come back looking better next year.... I don't think thad is starter material by any means, but if EJ can't stay healthy, then he isn't either. Bills need more help than just a QB still, our D is better but still can improve a ton and our offense is very old school... Maybe some intuitive thinking for a game plan next season and a better O line will help that.. And the special teams absolutely has to be revamped, it's the worst I've seen on a bills team in a loooooong time.
  14. I cannot catch a break after the sabres go to extra time.... I'm pretty much done after this one @125
  15. 13 years of losing in new england.... Thad looks better than EJ, regardless of why or how, just watching the 2 it's obvious
  16. Wow nice grab TJ I really think he is terrible
  17. I think they can be improved, I just think a franchise qb has at least the accuracy.... The getting injured is a learning experience (albeit 3 times is too much for a 1st year player)
  18. Thad can really hit a decent percentage of mid/deep balls.... EJ can not
  19. Its hilarious the dolphins choked away their playoff chances, losing to buffalo and then NY.... I'm more interested in the GB/Chicago and philly/Dallas games today. I don't think the bills have the horses to take this one tho
  20. You one upper you.... Why I oughta... ;)
  21. Capitals - 130 Sabres + 110 Have at it boys
  22. 435 on the coyotes Are you f# king kidding me, I can't catch a break after it goes to extra time @1425
  23. 11/5/2000 A 16-13 OT victory In new england..... Since then they've won 12 straight at home
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