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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. I didn't realize the new CBA included clauses that penalized Teams for negotiations from the prior CBA... I mean it makes sense (and thank you for explaining), I guess it can potentially be a risky move for the Sabres.... However, with his hit and his top 4 D skill, I can't see him going anywhere anytime soon
  2. Lol pretty much option 1, I was never a huge vanek fan even when he was a streaky scorer.... And with him being one of the hottest free agents (not in looks) lol, he'll command some decent money, money I want spent on New blood
  3. I was at the Washington game and I saw zero from Leino except he drew a penalty that led to the 2nd Hodgson goal.... I missed a few of the last games other than that one, when he first got here it appeared he was stronger on the puck, especially in the corners, but something happened to him and he is as easy to take off the puck as a newborn these days.... He's not scoring which is a big deal, but when other aspects of game, forechecking, passing, physicality aren't there it just makes it 100 times worse
  4. What exactly is recapture penalty and how does it work?
  5. No vanek.... Time to move towards the horizon and not back to the shore
  6. Nhl tonight guys were talking get about sabres and compliance buyouts this offseason.... It's just chatter but they said they have heard sabres are thinking about using them on Leino and Ehrhoff...... Leino makes sense but I can't see them with Ehrhoff with the cap friendly hit he has....Plus Edmonton needs D men so there's always that..... They only have this offseason to use them so it'll be interesting to see what they are
  7. And the result of the said play??? Guessing it wasn't a goal lol
  8. 7 is max unless resigning with same team, then it's 8
  9. Wow that's a blockbuster deal..... So now.... Fraser to buffalo for Moulson and a 2nd????
  10. Nah he doesn't play for buffalo, so he's good to go
  11. What the hell liger, isn't this the second time you've been down to nearly nothing.... Ur like a freaking cockroarch man, u just won't die ;)
  12. I was just gonna ask the same thing...... I think we'll know by this afternoon
  13. Most of the rumors stopped and this turned into the Callahan page I see.... I was enjoying ridiculous trade scenarios and eklund talk and all that jazz.... Y ' all had to just go and ruin that didn't ya...... This is why we can't have nice things
  14. I didn't watch tonight, at work, just perused the board.... From what it sounds like with Moulson hitting the boards is probably a shoulder separation.... One of the most common hockey injuries.... I could be way off without seeing it.... If it's grade 3 or less it'll be 2 - 6 weeks out... If grade 4-6 then we're talking a while... If dislocated, pop it in and maybe miss a week or so to let the pain go down.... I was not expecting to see a win tonight when I checked the score. We're tanking the tank, tank you sabres
  15. I don't wanna see beast mode and his gold teeth win anything, except a warrant
  16. As long as I don't get called in for something I should be able to just sit back relax and watch Manning dismantle the sehawks
  17. I hadn't eaten all day, long shift at work so when it came down to it, I was actually in the Chili's parking lot, then realized how close I was to the buffet and said screw it, I really wanna pig out... I was not unhappy with my decision lol That may be true, fortunately for me, I don't have to worry about caching anything...... I'm probably a carrier of most diseases ;) I was in the Navy after all Side note, I was very sad at Ennis making that pass in OT and whoever was back playing the 2-1 did not play the pass across, very bad positioning left enroth alone
  18. Zofran, reglan, roncuronium, whatever you got lol
  19. Hey, I ate at old country buffet for dinner tonight, willingly of my own accord, then drinks at Dave and busters before the game.... I know better, but all you can eat steak is good in my book, regardless if it is the @ss of the cow
  20. I feel like making a nickname..... Weber =cobwebs Enroth=grumpy dwarf Tallinder= father time Leino=well we all know he is THE tank commander Yes i brought a flask in with me
  21. Oh my, we are bad..... No shots on goal yet either
  22. Foligno with a nice hit and its as quiet as a church mouse in here
  23. I was awoken today with a lil "face push up" action, better than any bowl of cereal or coffee to kick start the day.... Being single rocks.... Most days
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