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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. As awesome as that sounds, I have never gone skiing except cross country once in middle school... And i have attempted snowboarding 3 times.... All inevitably ending in instant failure and me eating snow. I heard skiing is easier than boarding, maybe one of these winters I'll try and take some lessons
  2. They have tubing (sledding) with lifts now and it's pretty extreme... Although I have know a few people to get some bad injuries lol
  3. I caught the end of the US vs Swiss curling and even tho I don't fully understand the Scoring and ins and outs, I get the basic jist of it... Like shuffleboard on ice... With brooms...But our strategy was just terrible... Idk if they just poorly executed what they were going for or if they just can't think moves ahead because they got ripped
  4. Just so the Tank isnt forgotten about during this nice 3 week layoff.......
  5. I re-separated a shoulder with pads on, with a misstep on a backwards crossover, just landed all funky and BAM, back in a sling.... So just be careful. A side note, I played division 1 tennis for 3 1/2 years and I can honestly say I have no ankle ligaments left, the number of strains is unfathomable, it's to the point that my ligaments are so lax that as soon as the ankle starts to move, it's basically perpendicular. However I recover much quicker from the typical sprain.... And wearing hockey skates is so nice for my poor joints
  6. No prob, It is pretty ridiculous when a lot of primary care centers even have Staff on hand to take care of a simple echo.... My folks used to dabble in breeding dogs, St Bernard and pomeranians... And the process and the examination the dogs were put through, we're honestly more involved that what a lot of asymptomatic players receive. Now I do feel that if there are trouble signs then the staff does a pretty good job of getting on top of it, especially with sports related injuries (minus the case of gerbe), but then again we all make mistakes, I certainly know that I do every month, but these guys really shouldnt miss anything huge. Unfortunately in the case of letang, his condition may have very well been asymptomatic, however I'm guessing that a physician should have heard at the very least a murmur of some sorts that could of warranted further imaging, but thats information that I wish I knew. To keep it on track, I'm neither here nor there on the hiring of TM, I will allow time to assess and honestly I don't know much about other candidates as well so who am I to actually judge lol
  7. From my limited connections, in speaking with one team doctor for the Sabres, he was unaware of an echo being done on Mr. Myers, and is not routinely done on the players. I should have gone into ortho, thats where the gossip is all at
  8. I do remember that mess, Fraser sure liked to call a lot of plays dives back in the day... And he clearly hated buffalo (conspiracy theory or not)
  9. Good ol hair model Fraser.... I've hated him ever since I was younger, he refereed a hockey tourney I was in and he gave me the most bogus high stick call ever, I mean I was young, but it was absolute absurd considering I wasn't near another player, I was shooting the puck down the ice to clear on a PK.... Since that day,,, ultimate hatred of him And there was that game in Vancouver I think where Gaustad scored to tie the game, he disallowed it and called GT interference, anyone remember that crap?
  10. I was pumped to see this cause its been a while, but was really unimpressed with the slow start to the second half of the season.. Hopefully it picks up soon
  11. I was gonna post this but you guys beat me to it. It's pretty astonishing for a young athlete to get a stroke.... Luckily it'll be treated medically and not interventionally, hopefully he won't succumb to too much weakness or loss of function
  12. Enroth played well, but I still think that first goal was a soft one on his part.... Not as soft as this teams collective cervix
  13. McBain And weber.... Lt. Commander pusscake and captain Tampon
  14. Hahahahahahahahahah who didn't see this coming
  15. So what's up with this de-tanking.... Ville and drew..... Benedict arnolds
  16. I'm still getting technical difficulties on direct TV.... Although I'm not sure if this is the sabres doing fans a favor
  17. Lol I'm not sure this guy has a hole anywhere
  18. Where's that pic of the goalie in the net from the other thread, the one kids use to shoot on with the hole in the glove area..... Because that's enroth.... That's was a good shot but you DO NOT let that goal go in from that angle and that far out.... Enroth went down for no reason and is too small to make up the space... Just pitiful
  19. Just got home... Looks like I haven't missed much, except a play where McBain elbowed Stafford in the head keeping drew from scoring on an open net
  20. Thanks weave, Scott really got the best of him there
  21. Can't watch this one, if anyone can post up that fight at some point I'd appreciate it Seems like the tank is staying strong
  22. Well I would say our chances of winning this game are the equivalent of us drafting last in the draft this year.... How many points/games lost before we are actually eliminated from the playoffs??? I'm almost positive I won't watch tonight, I'm on call anyways so I may just hang around buffalo
  23. It's a replica of enroth ;)
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