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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. One does meth and one does meatballs 😂😂
  2. The spirit of the thread is fine. But doesn't anyone ACTUALLY believe that this team is making it? It's fun to joke about the unrealistic ways in, but there is basically 0% (not mathematically) but reality. Last year was the year to take action, we failed and here we are. KA should have been relieved after that stand still.
  3. Just like medical terms are Greek to a lot of people; that IT/network speak is Greek to me. Just learning the stupid EMR gives me migraines. Congrats, sounds like a lot of work you put in!
  4. I can't lie. I've never watched Star Wars and It just doesn't interest me. Blasphemy, I know. So I only sorta understand your posts 😂😂
  5. I wouldn't name anyone of this sorry squad a captain.
  6. I don't drink often, that's a maybe a couple times a year thing, so the liver has time to recoup. I'm just excited to get back into travel more. It's been far. Too long. I like going to new places, renting a car and exploring.
  7. Face offs 40 to 10 That just can't happen. How do we consistently get thrashed on face offs. Don't these guys practice it? Being weak and unable to come close to a 50/50 split on face offs translates to the doo doo we see in Offense.
  8. They have a whole catalog of wings and frozen stuff, it's a large catalog..
  9. I just booked a trip for April. Going to hit Mt St Michele and the Normandy beaches, then fly to Latvia and get a car and drive around Latvia and Lithuania. Maybe I'll stop and see Zemgus' family while I'm around.
  10. Misanthropes unite!!
  11. Not gonna score on Saros from there with no screen, sigh
  12. Cozens just dropped in the O zone... Like a feather in the wind. This team has Zero, I mean zero heart. Pure trash
  13. Oh Comrie.... Oh defense. Member when we had threads about maybe making the playoffs 😂😂😂 Have we won 3 in a row all year, that's crazy
  14. Who thinks we come out in the 3rd and tie this up? I have my doubts.
  15. I just turned it on... We look like little kids out there, getting manhandled something fierce.
  16. And will continue.
  17. Work. Every passing year, society gets less stout. I'd hate to see what would happen if we ever had to engage in a war again. Soft as pudding
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