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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. Why is Leino out???? If we win again, we have to put him back in, itd be irresponsible not to
  2. Damn you nitpicker lol, i have some friends out that way, always have a yearly bash at the Knights of Columbus as well. Not the typical college town, but still good times
  3. Gotcha, my sis got her PhD in MC.... She's doing pretty well these days. So I'm guessing you hit up burtons and the hopping strip of main St Alleghany Lol, I'm not exempt from this new rule? ;)
  4. Well that stinks that Syracuse lost to Dayton, but I hate Ohio state more than I like the orange so I'm still happy they knocked them out. Good game between badgers and ducks on now, prolly catch it while I'm crashing out So ur currently a bonnies boy? What is your major
  5. I caught VCU losing to SF Austin last night in a wild finish, otherwise I don't typically watch basketball.... I really would like to see a huge underdog win it all, and when all else fails..... Go orange
  6. With my schedule, it's almost impossible to tell when I'll watch a game in full, he'll I've been on call and had to leave the arena halfway through the 1st period, I did catch the game against Calgary, it was pretty bad
  7. Huge 4 pt game ;) Can Hackett..... Hack it?
  8. Haha, u are the optimist, that's assumes we'll have the lead at some point late in a game.... It's shocking when we have the lead at all ever ;)
  9. Season low 14 shots for buffalo tonight....... Tank on my friends
  10. Well there goes the shutout, he's terrible.... Trade him
  11. Well at least we can take solace and humor in something this season lol, I never actually noticed anything odd.... Is it like that on mobile too
  12. Being 6'5" is def a plus when playing goaltender, it's showing tonight
  13. We don't look terrible.... Then again, it is Calgary And the duo of staff and Ennis strike again
  14. Bite your tongue, I need a new hot water heater lol
  15. So if Nathan gets a shutout tonight, does this crown him as the new face of the franchise and the master of ultra focusing?
  16. What the hell, I entered and I think there's a high chance he doesn't score.... With the way this season is going maybe the team won't score another goal collectively
  17. Our lineup looks bad, real bad..... But then I look at the flames, and it doesn't look so great either... Plus idk who their goalies even are, this game has the potential to be quite craptastic. Let's go new goalie guy!
  18. Haha very nice, when did angry 11 change back lol
  19. So I'm not watching, what is the score and is it really as bad as it sounds..... How does enroth look?
  20. It's a great diner goo with good portions and good prices..... Everything from the jalapeƱo cheddar burger to the ribeye steak and cheese on sourdough, huge fries and onion rings on the side.... Just a place that is comfort food at its finest. Brian's USA Diner, what do you want to know My HPI will include copious amounts of cheese steak and fried foods.... I'll see you soon
  21. Montreal - 175 Buffalo +155 Not at all surprising.......
  22. Nice CB!!! Always appreciated Yet another game I doubt I will watch.... Today seems like a nice day to hit up Letchworth and the awesome dive diner in Mount Morris, serving up food that is guaranteed to give a coronary :) I caught some of last night's game until the signal went out, then the masses put on college hoops.... I always read through the GDT during or after and man have we Really collectively gone downhill in those. Good news is the sabres only have 5 more home games including tonight's, so either tickets will become ludicrously cheap, or the feeling of leaving the arena disgusted after a game is near finish. All that said, 4-1 from the northern counterparts
  23. This is Buffalo, if somehow we managed to land JT, he'd prolly end up with a season ending injury in game 3 at the hands of ville Leino. We absolutely need to keep our 1st this year as we're nearly guaranteed a good pick, as mentioned before I'd trade 2 firsts, plus either a prospect or a player like staff/Ennis to get him.
  24. I didn't even begin to predict what was going to happen this season... I wish I did, but this is fun looking back at what we saw pre tank
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