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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. Ugh politics, just something I can never wrap my head around, and unfortunately, nothing I can do to change current greed and policy. On a side not Darius was arrested last night for the possession of a synthetic Marijuana, was released an hour later in Alabama..... Now idk what's dumber, getting arrested for having that, or bring stupid enough to get caught as a professional with banned substances, seriously these guys make a LOT of money and there should be zero tolerance with stupid S##t like this..... If I get arrested for half the crap some of these guys do, I can say bye bye to my medical license and probably my career...... Ok I think I vented enough
  2. Wasn't able to watch, but glad Montreal won, from everything I've read it sounded like the bruins outplayed the habs, is this true?? Also shocked that Minnesota laid a snack down on Chicago, I honestly thought that would be a sweep. Last but not least, please end this Pittsburgh series, the Rangers are terribly boring, their PP makes buffalo look like an all star team and ever since Crosby scored his 1 goal that's all you hear about, regardless of what else is happening on ice!!!
  3. You missed bi-polar Eleven... We gave him lithium over the Web and he's calmer and gentler Eleven now ;) Not sure if I was here or new, but hello to you
  4. I'm still mad at Montreal for choking yesterday and essentially giving the bruins the series (yes I know I'm being presumptive)..... So I took a break from hockey today, I saw the Chicago score and kinda laughed because the wild are all but done, let's go rags tonight (yes I feel dirty now)
  5. Montreal is not the better team, plain and simple..... They needed this game and had it in their hands on just gave it away.... Bruins in 6
  6. I'm not liking this momentum swing I'm seeing ################ talk about choking
  7. Is it just me, or did NBC lose all of its sound
  8. Well the little rat somehow was able to injure Subban already, back to the dressing room again for the 2nd time..... Now a 5-3 for Boston
  9. Partially true.... He had some slickness getting around the defenders, and it's hard to roof a backhanded shot like that, granted a bad angle, but not many players are hitting the top short side corner there
  10. This just in, Patrick Kane is pretty sick!!!
  11. Is that Mr pommerz with the goal
  12. I just can't see the wild winning this series....
  13. Rangers won that one twice lol
  14. Looks like the Rangers went into Alamo mode too early, plus their PP sucks
  15. We're they "real cops" or the kind that show up at a Bachelorette party...... And F Boston!!!! I still think they're out playing Montreal tho, the habs need a lucky break
  16. What the f###### Is vanek even on Montreal?
  17. I'm amazed Montreal is winning this game, they're playing decent, but it just appears Boston is getting the better chances.... Not that I'm complaining
  18. Just lead with the handcuffs and you're in ;) Keep it up habs!!
  19. I do know a good plastic surgeon....... Hmmmmm
  20. Why couldn't you be a young, cute female...... You tease!!!
  21. Thanks for asking, I'm ok now, got some nice scars and I'll have a bit of pain for the next week or two, but should be alright from here, just gotta make sure I don't toss and turn in my sleep for the next few nights.
  22. Wow Montreal doesn't look too good right now
  23. I had to have an emergency appendectomy last night, about 20 minutes into the rags game I had to go to the ER and was in surgery, so I missed all the great action last night, I was just getting cozy and Bam!! Just got outta the hospital in time to watch the habs hopefully take the bruins tonight, got my electrolytes and my pain meds ready and hopefully can enjoy a good game.... I was glad to see the Kings, Wild, and rags win tho
  24. And pommerz with the empty net to seal the deal!!!! Game 7 here we come
  25. There will be seasoning and garnish, for each win over 8,ill remove a "side dish" lol
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