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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. even Boston??? blasphemy That is what the cup is all about!!! Best trophy in all of sports and amazing picture
  2. It works in the NFL, but the flow of the game is completely different, there are stoppages in between each down and 3 time outs per half..... I don't even know what would constitute a review by a coach right now, but I can't pass complete judgement until I hear what the grounds are and etc... As for that game.... F Brett hull!!!! Still a Heartbreakers to this day, we were indeed robbed of a chance that night
  3. Regehr and gaborik great hand offs to start!!!
  4. Helllllllllll yeah, that was a great game
  5. I have though that In this series the rags have gotten away with more penalties, but that call on Moore was just terrible. Kings need to wake up, if they lose this one the momentum will have definitley swung away from them, at 3 games to 2,that doubt starts sinking in
  6. For being a possession team, the Kings PP sure looks awful... Another SH goal And quick needs to stop that
  7. while that series still burns fresh in my mind, the sabres would have had to have won game 6 in OT and then won game 7 in a series where I recall them being outplayed, from memory. I'm still not a huge fan of replay by coaches
  8. I'm watching and enjoying and hoping the lead holds We're you playing with Mike Milbury? His hands must have been behind it
  9. Ouija is the ultimate predictor!!!!
  10. That was a terribly weak hooking call No way kings are coming back tonight, plus these refs are in the back pocket of the rags for this game
  11. Who thinks it's a sweep? I think Rangers win big tonight, hope not, but I just can't see the rags losing, for at least pride sake
  12. No, just no they review every goal already, leave the rest of the game alone for in game stuff
  13. when I hear sabres and cup in the same sentence, all I can think about is...... Folignos jock Let's go kings!!
  14. That was pure domination by the kings, numbers show the rags had "better" chances.... But they had what, 6 power plays?!? NY cannot figure LA out, probably because they aren't anywhere as good.
  15. It's been like that through both games, and the kings can't keep doing that, eventually they will dig a hole too deep to come out of, in OT the rags had the better of the chances I thought too, but who cares, go Kings!!! On a side note, the kings are the first team in history to be down by 2, 3 playoff game in a row and come back to win, just keep building that resiliency resume
  16. I guess the whole superstition with pia singing held true, what a game, kings just can't stay down
  17. This has been some good hockey, I wasn't expecting it after the Chicago LA series, 2 OT games to start is wonderful!!!! Let's see if the kings can pull it out again.... Will they run out of magic?
  18. The kings dominated the 3rd period, but let's be honest for a minute,.... The Rangers owned the kings for the first 40,their speed was evident and the kings were pressured into a lot of atypical mistakes defensively. Granted the shots were close until the 3rd, the rags had the better of the scoring chances through 40. Henrick looks solid and it has only been one game, I do expect LA to play better than last night but to call a sweep after an overtime game 1 is a lil premature..... I don't think the rags win, but I also don't expect the kings to roll thru as easy as expected either. Hopefully brown isn't too banged up, sometimes those injuries don't hit until 24-48 hours later. And i fully expect the kings to pick their spots and make a Ranger pay for that cheap shot.
  19. Lol, is that what he literally says... "crap, I give up" then slowly makes his way back to the bench ;)
  20. Uh oh, another vanek debate in 3....2.....1..........GRIMACE!!!!!
  21. Well king henrick is def playing a big role in this one, I'm exhausted, but I will try and make it through as much as I can before passing out
  22. The kings PP is abysmal tonight... Makes the sabres look like all stars
  23. Gotta say I'm Surprised at how the Rangers made the kings look that period, they gotta get it together or they'll be outskated outta the rink
  24. I think, just reading this thread gave me a hernia..... I think back to my few years in the service and how good of shape I was in, healthy, ate better, etc...... Now even though I have a small build/Frame I'm weighing it near 200 lbs. Granted I still look skinny (that will catch up to me) I don't have anywhere near the energy or stamina I used to.... I don't watch what I eat and play tennis as much as possible, but with a schedule that is never ever the same, I just have given up trying these days
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