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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. It's 230am, and I'm awake... And working.
  2. But... The players like Granato. They like him so much that they are terrible for him.
  3. I turned it on about 5 minutes ago... Wow, that was ugly. We had no push at all.
  4. I guess I just don't get all the excitement over it. I mean it was close to me yesterday, but the thought of flying to see it, just doesn't do it for me. Different strokes.
  5. got all them Monopoly Billions
  6. Insult to injury... For a split second, I was going to turn this last game on, but because I switched to Fubo, I don't get TNT, etc. So thankfully, I couldn't see this mess of a team, but picking games to broadcast on other networks just feels like a kick in the balls and yet another money grab. I seriously despise this team. They are so weak and unenergetic. Whether it's Granato or the players, I don't care, it needs figuring out STAT, someone has to be able to see that we don't match up with the rest of the league.
  7. the closet buffalo is getting to the playoffs.. Is Toronto
  8. Driving home, just turned on 550...sounds... UM. F'N GREAT
  9. Hit up Zoeys double hex just on the other side of the border in Vermont. My friend lives in Salem and that place never disappointed.
  10. They haven't won more than 3 in a row all year *I think*. I don't expect them to magically start now. ... It continues
  11. In other news, I just zoomed in on the map and realized that I'm about a 1/2 mile outside the zone of totality. I was planning on having a porch cigar and watching, but now. If I want the "real deal" I'll have to hop in the truck and drive a little ways down the street. It's on the edge and thus, much quicker eclipse time, and I live in the sticks so it shouldn't be a big deal to drive down the road. But thus makes me sad
  12. You've never said anything bad about Terry... 😛 I also wish I was a tool, because then I wouldn't have to search around the house for where I misplace myself... Amirite
  13. 11 month old came in with overdose on a "dab".. respiratory arrest... Got the kiddo back... But how in the world is that even accessible .....birth control for everyone.
  14. I'm not gonna lie... It was the least funny one yet. A couple of OK moments, but not as good as last season's
  15. I was working up in Watertown this weekend and they are also expecting the frenzy as it's in the path of totality. They are planning on bussing thousands of people to the fairgrounds and having a festival for it. The county will basically be on shut down for this. Kids have no school as they fear the buses won't be able to go anywhere. Goona be wild.
  16. A few outliers. Sure, he can maybe make it. I do like his game a lot; and he is 18. He's getting rag dolled a lot. Again he's got time to bulk up. Wish the rest of the team played like him.
  17. I think his size is going to be a detriment in today's NHL. Nothing he can do about it.
  18. Better than Jost at the post
  19. That was a bad game for all intents and purposes. We made the leafs look like defensive stalwarts. The PP WENT 0 FOR FREAKING 6 How?!? Matt Ellis is how
  20. Well let's get on it. I'm not up to date with anything horse racing.
  21. Terry Pegulas pride
  22. We can't close the deal. Like a ramped up kid at a high school party.
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