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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. As happy as I am the leafs lost again. This is the first year that I'm having a hard time "really" enjoying it. Yet another Sabre miss and subsequent new coach, I am just beat down. We are an embarrassment to all of professional sports; so I would take a game 7 OT loss at this point gladly.
  2. I will take Toronto and NYC over Paris... And that's saying something. It's a disgusting city full of $hit and urine everywhere, the food is nowhere near as quality as people make it. The parisian attitudes are toxic. However, the rest of France is sublime and being in Paris is a necessary evil as the gateway to a lot of places.
  3. Sadly Leaving the Baltics, one last day in Paris before flying to Toronto. Hate Paris, but it was the only way the flights made sense.
  4. There's also a Slavic grocery store on William st in Buffalo, so there's a little bit of a population there as well. Currently in the south towns there are 2 families from Ukraine that have 2 years here as they have fled the country. I see the husband and his wife at the Y sometimes, we talk in the steamroom, his English is poor but I've learned a little ukraine so I can speak with him.
  5. That makes more sense, yeah I'm sure the older generations may have that. I have spoken to mostly young-ish people here; a lot of the elderly here are very fluent in English and I know next to zero of the Baltic languages. I get a small feeling that Lithuania does have a bit more money here just based on what I saw while driving.
  6. The Chinese tour groups are everywhere, and their culture is just..... Um... Rude (putting it lightly) A local family was walking my way with a crying 4 year old and this old Asian man (part of tour group) starts mocking the kid, crying and kneeling down, maybe he honestly thought he was funny, but it was one of the most akward things I've seen In a while. This is a recurring theme, in about 85 of the 92 countries I've been, I've run into a tour group of them and they are always just a mess.
  7. This isn't the feeling I am getting, Latvians and Lithuanians are more like brothers, linguistically similar, they consider each other a Baltic nation and Estonia a Finnish nation more or less. They consider themselves as 2 of the only Baltic states. I have asked probably 15 people over the last week or so and have received the same answer from both counties as I was genuinely curious before I got here. Not like in Finland where they def don't want to be mixed up with "ruskies" or in Australia where a lot of Aussies don't want to be "kiwis" from New Zealand. They Def have a distinct disdain of Russian that goes back decades but has obvious been increased. Side note, Today I was on the Curonian Spit and was at the border of Lithuania and Kaliningrad. Saw a bunch of NATO soldiers ripping people out of the car with guns pointed , snipers up in the trees, crazy times. I was a few hundred feet from the border having a lunch beer on the sand dunes watching it all go down. Crazy times.
  8. Just confirmed with the Latvian waiter here, they declared it a national holiday when Team Latvia beat Canada and took 3rd. The whole country had off. He told me there is no rivalry with Lithuania at all with Hockey. They love Ted Nolan and Zemgus here. I'm still trying to track him down 😂😂
  9. Latvia calls themselves unofficially the "land of ice hockey" They play in Lithuania but it's not even close to the top sport. So I'm sure they don't want to lose to each other (who does) but they're on different tiers. On a slightly separate note, I was asking some locals what the difference in the 2 cultures were, they laughed and all agreed that it's almost the same, they said there are more Russians overall in Latvia compared to Vilnius, the roads are a little better in Lithuania, but a lot of cuisine, traditions are very closely tied together. Obviously this is just a surface thing as I don't live here, but they seem to overall get along in the grand scheme of things lol.
  10. 😂😂😂 Yes, this is true. I also had one man here tell me that one day, they're going to take the championship away from Finland.
  11. Yeahhh, I'm an oddball lol. The food in Lithuania is so good. I think basketball is more important here and hockey in Latvia. The counties are very similar, different language. Otherwise, driving between them it's hard to tell that I crossed a border. But when it comes to sports, they have a Buffalo/Toronto kind of rivalry and it's awesome.
  12. Damn, I'm sitting here in Lithuania, I should go find this.
  13. He woulda got a complimentary pelvic... 😘😜
  14. Nice! It's always nice when things break your way. Great to hear. When I quit, I have to give 90 days, so be thankful it's only 2 weeks 😝
  15. I'm gonna hunt them down, it's a decent size country, but I have a car
  16. I'm hopping a flight now to Latvia, it's crazy it's 6am here and there's still an active game going on, sadly my fubo/hulu/etc doesn't work well here so I can't stream hockey like I do at home. VPN isn't working well. Oh well, I'll just follow the forums and highlights.
  17. He's too slow and a waste of a pick and comments of the same ilk
  18. I have no idea if I like this or not. TBD seems to be melting
  19. I am looking at an Altoz mower, I have a steeeeep hill and 6 acres to mow, my John deere likes to slide when it's even a little slippery. I'd have to finance it, but it has tracks instead of tires and as a bonus, it can be equipped with a plow and salt spreader.
  20. I am just landing, overnight flight to Paris, paid for the wifi, so I had the draft streaming... What a disappointment. I hope Worthy tanks, could possibly be the worst move Beane has made. Time will tell. Not only that, but to sit through that dribble for 3+ hours to not have a pick, fans shouldn't be subjected to that.
  21. Ugh, stupid leaves.
  22. Because they're from NYC, and NYC is trash. Greatest city in the world my @ss😝 But for real, it's because NY in all sports has the ability to get any player, because money, the city life,etc. They're always a destination and the fans are insufferable
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