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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. Classic conditioning, he just used dogs, think a clockwork orange
  2. The thing is, I eat that all day, I gotta add a "little" health in at some time ;)
  3. Cottage cheese may be the best night time snack with a can of black olives mmmmmm
  4. Ah coffee, I try and get whole beans from every country I go to and then grind them up at home and enjoy good stuff. I also have a French press coffee mug that works amazing for good coffee on the go. Unfortunately, I spend way too much at timmys and always drink crap, the coffee maker in the lounge at work, is just a button you push, and out comes hot coffee, I learned one day that the concoction is just a box of folgers concentrate syrup being mixed with hot water. It was already bad stuff and after seeing that, now it's untouchable.
  5. Maybe the field will be ground zero of WWIII
  6. In other news, this super bowl will suck and I don't feel the need to watch, therfore I'll try not to. The most insufferable franchise vs the worst fan base... Maybe they'll all just kill each other.
  7. I only saw 2 drives, but man did it look like Brady could just fling it and it was an instant penalty
  8. I hope gronk doesn't come back..... Ever
  9. Now you may be onto something there
  10. It's obviously the fans, we can't even handle a terrible losing streak. Cmon guys, our leadership is coming under question. It's all on Swamp, PA, Brawndo, Flagg, eleven, Doohickie, and the rest of the followers, hell Dark can't save a post if it's the size of a beach ball, Lts couldn't coach the Olympic team. It's our fault
  11. The Seattle coffee beans..... Ok, I have nothing
  12. I've always though pappy was a bit overrated too, especially compared to some others I've had. I think considering my locale, it was worth it, much much better than the 10 year for sure, but I'm still partial to my Green Spot Bordeaux cask
  13. Down in the Maldives, they had 15 year pappy on the shelves, I sucked it up and paid the 16$ for the 3 oz and found it to be quite delicious.
  14. I didn't think this thread would get back to hockey, I'm happy to see it has :)
  15. Wegmans aren't subs nor are they sandwiches, there are the Charas of meat pressed between bread
  16. I ordered 100 wings and 30$ worth of timmys for the staff.... Yeah I'm gonna have a coronary
  17. I'm sad Rodrigues is not panning out, I was very high on him and he's got wheels, but he gets blown over by a calm breeze. I think he can still help down the road, but he's not helping Jack or the top lines in any fashion :(
  18. So should we just crown the pats.... When will they end?!?!
  19. Now...these are words that I rarely hear ;)
  20. I recommend Cholera hehehe
  21. Soo another day at JFK, after sitting there for hours, they canceled flights back home, I absolutley have to be at work tomorrow, so here I Sit on the GW bridge on a rainy Friday rush hour eve, after sitting on a plane for 26 hours... I don't know, this may be hell.... At least I Rented a Tiguan (which I like)
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