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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. You trippin I mean Buzzin I mean... Oh wait... I forgot 😂😜
  2. Not gonna lie, I had to look who this was up. How uncanny!
  3. Saw a man this week, was on a bike ride, about 12 miles in. Called EMS for "heat exhaustion" came in looking like crap... Was evolving into a massive STEMI (heart attack) then went into V fib arrest, got a few shocks and some cpr, etc etc. He lived, had a complete blockage and stented. Moral of the story... Working out is bad for your health 😜😂😂
  4. It was, but you're right in the aspect that it's not the same as the college swimmer issue and other countless ones that have been happening. But still brings to question And I do find it funny that a boxer quit for getting hit too hard. I don't have a problem with a boy/girl thinking they are something else, my issue lies in the spirit of gamesmanship around it all. Idk, it has been semi-civil considering
  5. Y chromosomes are still Y chromosomes. I use science as a backup. So yeah, simple.... XX and XY are different things.
  6. Also, How in the world are we allowing actual Men, with XY chromosomes, that went through full puberty (Also failed gender testing previously) into the actual Olympics. They're beating the crap out of women and it's frankly disgusting to watch. As if I needed more of a reason to dislike the Games in general. If you wanna be liberal or "woke" or whatever the word may be these days, then ok. But this is just absurd and getting worse every year. At this point, just make every sport Co-Ed and call it a day. It will at least being some honor back to some of these medals.
  7. Every time I see TP in these videos, he either looks like he's dreaming of being somehwere else, tripping on Shrooms, or just waking/about to go into a heavy senior nap.
  8. I know it's "the Olympics" but man, there are some really obscure sports out there. I don't mind watching hockey and some cool skiing stuff in the winter Olympics, but the summer games just don't do it for me.
  9. It's so bad. I do a pretty good job of avoiding it all, I was told recently that it's a red flag to others that I don't have social media. Talk about brainwashing
  10. Just put those Calves to it.... You can do it!
  11. The only issue with doing brakes now, some newer cars (my gmc truck) require a reset of some things like a parking brake sensor and etc after the job is done. I have c clamps and etc and the rotors and pads (even calipers) aren't so hard, but the electronic stuff Is over my head.
  12. Negative ghostrider. I've left a place that was paying me more because it was terrible. Money doesn't change a place being terrible. Besides the difference in 2.5mil vs 3 mil, isn't as big of a deal it is to us making much less.
  13. I don't blame any player for not wanting to come here. I won't take shifts at a trash hospital, why would a player take a spot on a trash team willingly? We made our bed..
  14. Hmmmm, well. San Marino is amazing if you can make it to the center of Italy (it's a separate country) Rome is chaos but worth seeing. Don't sleep on Turin up north in the Italian alps. Granted, I drive when I travel so my tips may not be as helpful unless you plan on renting a car.
  15. This is one of the main reasons I'm doing all of my traveling and bucket list things etc etc. My career certainly affords me some things I would otherwise not be able to do. Hell just 2 years ago I was at the Cleveland clinic and unable to really walk due to a spinal cord lesion that came on out of nowhere. It sucks to see Kim completely changed as a human, you can see the struggle to just walk and lift her hand. Breaks my heart really.
  16. They def push them, but at least there's some discount. I will say it's more expensive than other all inclusives, but I found the food to be splendid. I've eaten 2 dinners tonight from 2 different restaurants 😂 It's nice to do one of these on occasion as you really can just unwind unlike a lot of my other "vacations"
  17. First time at a Sandals. Took the day yesterday to drive around Barbados In a rental which was pretty cool. Apparently they give discounts for repeat visits, so booked next year for Grenada and got some ridiculous amount off with a military discount plus the return guest discount. Gonna have a beachfront walkout villa there for 8 days next May. Pretty excited, probbaly get some scuba diving in that trip as well.
  18. Meh it's fine. It's my one time a year getaway to the Equator where I actually drink. Once I'm home, I will go back to bring a "semi" professional 😂
  19. They best learn how to sweep every series then... 16-0 let's do it
  20. I got so drunk that a large poop made my bum bleed from the subsequent dehydration. It's fine, I'm fine.... Also hammered again today. As far as complaints go, this is weak sauce 😂
  21. Nah, sadly it's not hard to believe The good ol boys club is alive and well. One can hope he gets an American History X finale at some point himself.
  22. Will you need bail money? 😜
  23. Gonna throw this out there. Anyone wanna climb Mt. Kiliminjaro? It's on my bucket list, plus I can then cross off Tanzania. Not sure if there would be much interest due to cost, time, etc. But I think this would be fun if a group of like minded $hitheads went together 😘
  24. I think pain is the opposite of gain. I like less pain in general 😂😂
  25. I don't like elevators, it's just a weird me thing... So this week I've been using the stairs in Barbados, but I'm routinely hammered, so the 5flights I climb has become a personal danger
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