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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. Anyone see reed from GB yesterday, he looked like worthy out there.... Only better. Let's see what Coleman has, we have been dying for a tall, big bodied receiver for a decade
  2. Bishop I believe
  3. Just wished that they called that illegal formation evenly, the KC guy was getting away with it all game AGAIN
  4. Pegula getting Boated early comes back in strong form... That was more exciting than this Game
  5. Yeah, we F'd up
  6. Worthy.... First touch. Buffalo is gonna implode. Coleman better have a good day or I fear this season to be insufferable.
  7. Cue the 300 clips of swift, 3 times already and the game hasn't started yet
  8. I got a B- I don't realize I have 3 byes in week 5, oof, that's a guaranteed loss lol
  9. Damn.. 11th 😑 We shall see, I don't like my team 😂😂
  10. It's saying draft at 830, is that correct? Eastern time
  11. Can't tell if this is a good thing or a bad thing 😂
  12. It's probably only 4k 6k is chuckling in the locker room.
  13. Is there a link or password etc for tonight?
  14. I'll just wait for the collapse around November and get 8 dollar tickets near my birthday.
  15. Also, I hate lawyers (most) ... Sorry Eleven. And even though this guy appears as guilty as day, there's no guarantee what will happen. There's a reason lawyers are paid so much. Still *****
  16. The ol superflea was the place for collectors, we had a shop in Springville back in the day as well; always met my friends and hung out there, played magic, opened new packs, etc etc.... I miss those days. I have a massive collection somehwere, it may have wandered down to NC with my parents, but sadly after the move, I don't know where they all went, a lot of $$ gone.
  17. Jesus 😑 I always worry when I'm cycling, even with lights on my bike and all, even sober people get too close to cyclists. Awful awful news. Don't drink and drive, it's not that hard (apparently it is) I wish the punishment for this would be even worse, it's just totally unexcuasabe. Sucks to hear it about anybody, even if it wasn't an NHL star.
  18. What are these "long weekends you speak of" 😂
  19. Damn, hearing it was him and his brother and they were cycling.... Obviously nothing is confirmed and that's just rumor. That would be tragic
  20. This is as far as I've gotten 😂😂 I got the bikes on the wall lol. Up next... Clean the garage Won't even think about a cycle or a run until November.
  21. I'll be working that evening, so it would be tricky, but I should be able to make it so
  22. EEE, the drug for me Seriously, as soon as Pegula sells the team, we may then make the playoffs. Adams is a Trash GM with minimal experience, it's being proven every passing week when we do next to nothing to actually, tangibly improve the team. But hey, he has an Aw shucks smile and demeanor, so yay for that. Being up in the Cold Northeast was already a rough sell for players, now any good player has us on the list on par with North Korea "no go zone" But, we will watch, as we always do, and cross all fingers and toes and hope.... I fear another lost season on the horizon
  23. I am now incapable of hockey stopping on my off side, no clue why, but I'm at the age where I don't care to fix it lol.
  24. I'm sure it's cool to do a river cruise. I think my main issue is that you only have a limited amount of time at each place and that lends to not getting out of the "touristy areas" and exploring more of the local culture. On the other hand, you get all the food and drink on the boat, so much nicer than trudging through traffic.
  25. I was actually going to post this exact thing the other day lol, great minds think alike 😉 But maybe his theme song is Fat Bottomed Girls?! 😜😂
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