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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. Bar Bill for the win, seriously, whatever they do, they do it right.
  2. I'm not the biggest guy, so I fear when I kick this Ironman training up another notch, I'm gonna start looking like a chemo patient lol. Damn you guys and your bigger builds ??
  3. Haha thanks, I am enjoying the fitness levels slowly but surely coming up. I should really be adding strength training to my regimen but damn I'm whooped after working and the endurance training. Take it easy on that shoulder man!
  4. https://themodelhealthshow.com/maskfacts/ It's 56 min long, but I recommend, sheds a little light, take it as you wish
  5. I use my coros watch, each lap around the buoys was about 500 yards, my sight swimming isn't so good so 3 laps ended me right where I needed to be ? And thanks!
  6. I was pumped after this swim, considering in January I could barely swim 400 yards in a pool, it coulda been faster but my achilles is really sore. Hoping that doesn't become anything too much worse!
  7. I'm not 100% sure if the supposed clotting issue is affecting just those with prior airway issues, the complement cascade that is responsible for bleeding and clotting goes much deeper than that, it involves the liver, lungs, etc. Then there's the other issue that Covid affects ACE receptors, which are very prevelant in the lungs and are receptors that are targeted in those with hypertension (high blood pressure). I think having a chronic or reactive airway disease puts you at risk a bit more because of the body's decreased sensitivity to airways irritation compared to someone without them. However I'm my back country opinion, I think that when all the s said and done, high blood pressure and obesity will be the biggest things that put people at risk. Sorry if this seems muddled a bit, it's a very very complex system and im trying to use layperson speak for it lol
  8. Nothing substantial that I've read recently, I think there are a ton of theories out there, but I'm hesitant to take anything long term with much trust at them moment. Just in general in terms of coronaviruses in the past, there have been small percentages that have some lung dysfunction longer term, but this strain is still a fairly big unknown. If and Its a big IF, the virus is causing clotting issues then yes, there will be some long term issues from lack of blood flow to whatever area clotted off, especially is they are subsegmental clots and are missed or mistreated at the beginning. YMMV as well as we can turn massive strokes around with proper treatment in a timely fashion; so in theory we should be able to treat any clotting issues from Covid
  9. Definitley not political on my part, we all know that politics isn't my thing and I mainly TRY to avoid them. I personally know about 15 people that had a positive test for Covid, only 2 of them needed medical attention beyond a hot toddie and some rest. One of those had a short ICU stay, one went to the ER, they were both heavy and the one that needed the ICU was morbidly obese. Not that this is some magic study or huge sample size, but it is telling in terms of my personal experience. We keep charging 5 bucks for lettuce while continuing to expand the dollar menu at most chains, and we're gonna see a lot of things worsen in Healthcare in general.
  10. The one thing I wish we could take away from this whole situation; we need to be baseline healthier in this country. The rates of co-morbidities that are preventable are at an astronomical high here.
  11. Speaking of search engines, I popped AccuWeather up earlier to check the humidity and rain for a run I was going to do, and low and behold there was a Covid tab at the top, next to radar/daily/hourly, etc. I just want to look at something without hearing about it lol
  12. Wait, Bing is still a thing.... I thought it went the way of Ask Jeeves
  13. Hell yeah, we use Google.... And pornhub.... ?
  14. Can I print this one out and use in my home office? Pretty please
  15. I'm trying to find a way to assimilate a bit back into it, but also don't want a repeat of a few months ago. At least I'm glad to see that no one here seems to have gotten the worst of anything.
  16. It's all good, I was saying it in a joking manner... I'm at the point where I just want it all to be done. Sadly the sheer amount of disrespect I've had to endure over the last few months has taken its toll on me.... And that was AFTER I cleaned up my original stance from this thread in the beginning. I'm no epidemiologist, but I have significant involvement with disease, in the first and third world, I still went to school for a decade+ and have a feel for things in a different sense. But Joe Schmoe that uses Google clearly is allowed to be an ass hat. Sorry for the vent. Ah, I am on mobile so I have to add it different, sometimes the link inserts and sometimes I get a hyperlink.
  17. https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OGC.7e8d154eee7c96eef5eee5f0b75dc411&pid=Api&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.giphy.com%2fmedia%2ff8tG4GbqU0NlEp5WWB%2fgiphy.gif&ehk=nU0XZYxeyhk%2f5J13DxUi%2bi5BYuYC0wWfhOK1swt43Zg%3d
  18. I've come around to basically agreeing to some of the measures, granted I'm still not 100% bought in, and I certainly won't be all in, mentally; but I can respect both sides and as a health care professional I have an obligation to health. I just get very off kilter each week something new like this happens and just seems to go without any stir. Meanwhile people are getting much more upset over much more minor things.
  19. I suppose this makes more sense, I only talked with her briefly so maybe there was more to it than was revealed to me.
  20. Just to show how absolutley irrational everyone is in the decision making process in this.... One of my nurses went on a trip last week, her friend has Covid and they shared straws, drinks etc. When she came home the DOH had her quarantine for the 14 days with in home checks, ok, whatever.... The kicker, even though she had it and was asymptomatic, she was allowed to come to work as a nurse during her "quarantine" I think what bothers me the most of all of this is the complete and utter lack of common sense in it all, from the top down to the local hospital policies. We also have the ability to test IGg and IGm antibodies in the blood which in theory should be more slam dunk than the nasal swabs, they come back quicker, but yet other facilities won't accept transfers without the nasal swabs which take 3-5 days still, so now we have patients sitting in a hospital getting worse because of absolutley silly rules. My good teacher friend said when they start school, 2 days a week will be in class but the other 3 online.... Why?! Wtf?? That makes less than zero sense.... Freaking pick a path and take it, keep it online or let them go to school, why are we complicating everything? Misanthropy would be a positive step up for me at this point.
  21. Hey now, you burn calories while drinking and sleeping, so you're fine ?
  22. I rode up Cadillac Mountain, it was intense, if it wasn't for the wind I would've probably gone 50+ but every time I picked up speed it blew me into the other lane, so I had to keep feathering the brakes. I think the fastest I've hit on the road bike is 58mph and that was not something I wanna do again. The open water swim is def helped with a triathlon wetsuit, helps with buyoncy a bunch. I'm still amazed at the people who fly by me like the rookie I am, especially when the 70 year old Grey haired guy on a bike gives me a helmet tip with no effort as I'm dying up a hill ?? Sex life?
  23. @ubkevawesome sprint! I was frolicking around last week as I always do, This is ride was insane, I think the elevation was around 4800ft for the ride. It was absolutley beautiful though. Also I did a 1.3 mile swim in Echo Lake in Acadia In about 55 minutes, certainly not earth shattering, but for open water, ill take it.
  24. https://news.rpi.edu/content/2020/07/15/common-fda-approved-drug-may-effectively-neutralize-virus-causes-covid-19 I'm not sure why I'm adding to this thread, it's been nothing short of a crap show for the most part, I've also taken some months off and just mainly lurked, which has been, refreshing. But this is some info, regarding the virus and treatment that was sent to me by a college, read into it what you may.
  25. Make sure your bike fit is alright, a seat too low will hurt the knees and lower back, and too high, will rotate the pelvis and cause a strain as well. Make sure the seat is forward enough so you're not reaching and I like to keep mine tilted down a hair as I use aero bars when I can ?
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