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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. She def twirls a terrible towel.
  2. And Pitt goes down to the Browns in a snow game!!!
  3. Just got mine, Juri Kulich.
  4. Hospital Administrators... Just the worst type of people along with certain Lawyers. All just live a facade and are terrible human beings. Healthcare is in trouble.
  5. Fell asleep after the first, checked the score. 1-0 cool... I think A win is a win, but I imagine it was a pretty boring affair in general. I feel like even if we got better, I'm not sure how it would feel overall. I mean the bills missed for almost 2 decades and that hasn't seemed to have killed this current vibe. But the NFL is a different animal.
  6. Man, after watching what Josh Allen did on Sunday, and watching that team play with so much heart and moxy. It's kinda hard to watch this pathetic team go through the motions. Good luck sabres, you've officially become an afterthought
  7. That was one ugly, lopsided, trash bag game. I think the bigger issue creeping in, is that this team is missing IT. Every year they fall apart in key moments. Losing to NYI or FLA the year that we could have made the playoffs, or about to creep to NHL. 500 and boom, a real stinker. Whatever make up/mix of guys we have here, simply aren't good enough to win with. If we get really lucky we may squeak into the dance, but we'd be swept straight away. We don't have the toughness or the Moxy to do anything once we're there, hell Thompson is always broken, and we see what this team looks like Sans Tage. I'm very much past any real optimism for this team for this season. Please hire a real GM and get Terry another hobby that keeps him busy and his fingerprints off this team.
  8. Jesus, throw a F'N check guys, maybe get to a rebound.. Basic hockey principals
  9. Call him out all you want, but I want to see a team that cares. That was a display of caring. We don't have enough of it.
  10. Why is it that our 19 year old, undersized player is the only one with Moxy. God I hate this team.
  11. There's 30 minutes left, so still half a game. For a lot of teams, I would feel like there's a chance to get back into this. Hell, the sabres team of a few years ago was capable of scoring in bunches. But this iteration of the Sabres... No way, not a chance.. I'd rather just see a run and gun style game at this point, if we're going to play poor D anyways.
  12. Maybe his boss changed the password
  13. But but but, we have wings and high taxes, along with 70 days of sun a year!!
  14. Just you wait, we're gonna acquire sooooo many draft picks!!!
  15. Benson gave someone Hep C or something, because he is hated by the stripes..
  16. Where is our new house Optimist? Did he leave already?
  17. So, you've been to prison? 😜
  18. What are "things that should have happened 10 days ago" Alex
  19. Wow, we are literally awful. Levi isn't good. D has no clue
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