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Everything posted by mudberry

  1. I'd like to get rid of the rule, but if they won't do that, maybe they can adjust it to make teams think twice about using it. Take away the goal if they get it right, and give a delay of game penalty if they get it wrong.
  2. I recently switched from directv to comcast and my center ice package is of a much lesser quality than it was with dtv. I made the switch not because i was dissatisfied with directv, but with the internet provider they bundled with which is century link which was awful. While my internet is better, I'm now getting less Buffalo feeds, and less HD feeds. I had every possible option under dtv-home and away broadcasts both hd and sd. Is this an NHL Center Ice problem, or a Comcast one? I assumed Center Ice would be the same no matter what company I dealt with
  3. The announcers in certain arenas have gotten very annoying with Boston's being my least favorite. Is this a carry over from the NBA where they are paid to be a part of the entertainment?
  4. I don't know if Babcock can put this team over the edge, but it seems that if an elite coach can put the pieces together and make a good team great he will be worth the money in a couple of years. Coaches may be undervalued by teams in the NHL and they may be worth more in the coming years. I think coaches should be paid like players as so many teams may be a coach away from a playoff spot, or a victory. I don't know if there's a Wayne Gretzky of coaches, but there are certainly ones who make good teams really good and should be paid as such. I think a good coach can make a huge difference and I'm surprised there aren't more bidding wars for them especially when it doesn't impact the salary cap (to my knowledge).
  5. Was he shirtless?
  6. Top of the Lake was a pretty good mini series. If you haven't seen Carnivale, I personally believe it is a must see. One of the best miniseries I've seen Hell on Wheels is good Haven't seen netflix House of Cards, but the original BBC one is great
  7. I agree. Edmonton has a lot of talent they can use, or trade. I think there will be plenty of players who take Edmonton off of their no trade list and quite a few free agents who will be willing to go to Edmonton now
  8. good luck with the recovery mike. love what you bring every night
  9. Love the show and great to see Odenkirk doing good. He was one of my favorite characters in Breaking Bad, and thought he was great back in the Ben Stiller Show days. His Charles Manson sketches were hysterical.
  10. The Kane Myers trade is a risk, but I can see how it could work. This Enroth trade just doesn't make any sense
  11. I know that the world juniors is a great way for scouts to compare talent across the world, but how do they evaluate kids from so many different leagues outside of international competitions? Eichel, McDavid- 2 great talents, 1 from college and the other from juniors. Does Eichel get more scrutiny because he plays college which may be seen as a less competitive league or has the gap closed enough to where it's easy enough for a scout to tell where a player stands no matter where he plays? What about the Europe leagues? Love to see thoughts/opinions
  12. Las Vegas sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Are they counting on Northerners who moved there to be fans, or tourists? Either way it doesn't seem like enough of a fan base to be successful. I can't imagine Las Vegas doing better than Florida or Phoenix. Then again the NHL probably has lots of smart people analyzing all of the scenarios for the best location and came up with Vegas for reasons that will never be fully explained. I hope this is all bs.
  13. Arizona's are nice though I really liked their original logo
  14. I liked Scott too. Problem was that he couldn't even look at an opposing player wrong without the refs coming down on him. Not sure if this was the case with other enforcers in the league, but it certainly made him less relevant.
  15. Maybe he's thinking a defenseman could go first but what the Sabres need is a forward.
  16. It seems that in order to be a model franchise like the Islanders, or the Penguins, you need to suck for a while and suck at the right time. You can't hover around being an OK franchise, but you need to come close to folding like these two models. Not sure if anyone in Buffalo is ready to be a model franchise
  17. Any ideas as to why he wasn't drafted? Was he sought after by other teams, or did the Sabres grab him before anyone could make a move? Curious as to what other teams thought of him, or if they were even interested.
  18. Recorded the game and had the Directv logo for 2 full periods. For some reason it made another recording of the beginning of the game for 3 minutes with full picture. Got home at start of third period which I watched live but apparently didn't miss much.
  19. Anyone know when the trade deadline will be?
  20. Anyone know if they'll be carrying games on directv for out of market fans?
  21. Not sure if I dreamed this or if it actually happened, but I vaguely remember the Zamboni driver wearing a gorilla mask every Halloween. I think I was led to believe it was Korab driving it.
  22. Not sure if it's true, but my dad told me that Chicken wings started out as Buffalo soul food and was picked up by a couple of restaurants in Buffalo. I'm really curious if anyone knows if this is true or not.
  23. My wife read the Lonely Polygamist and loved it. I'll have to check that one out myself Right now I'm reading Jeff Shaara's The Steel Wave-a book about D-Day and the events leading up to it. So far it is an excellent read as it tells the story from the perspective of both the Axis, and Allies. I've read a couple of his books and none of them disappoint. If you're a fan of historical fiction, any of his or his father's books are worth picking up. This guy is very thorough in his research and gives both accurate, entertaining portrayals of historical events.
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